知识产权教育,education of IPR
1)education of IPR知识产权教育
1.The relevant functional departments, schools and society of our country have done much work toward the education of IPR.面向全民的知识产权教育对建设创新型国家具有重要意义。

1.Reflections on the Strategy and Education of Intellectual Property Rights;关于知识产权战略与知识产权教育的思考
2.Strengthen the Intellectual Property Rights Education Practice the Strategy to Build China into a Powerful Country;加强知识产权教育,践行知识产权强国战略
3.Investigation on Intellectual Property Education of Local College in 21~(st) Century;21世纪我国高校知识产权教育研究
4.Education on Intellectual Property Rights in China:The Present Conditions and Counter-plans;我国知识产权教育的现状及对策思考
5.On the Intellectual Property Education to Students at Universities of Science and Technology;理工科院校大学生知识产权教育探析
6.Research on University Intellectual Property Education Situation and Countermeasures;高校知识产权教育的现状与对策研究
7.An Approach to Strengthen Education of Intellectual Property in Agricultural Colleges and Universities;加强高等农业院校学生知识产权教育
8.On the Building Education System of Intellectual Property Rights in Universities of China论我国高校知识产权教育体系的构建
9.Education on Intellectual Property Rights and Cultivate College Students’ Innovation Ability知识产权教育与大学生创新能力培养
10.Educational Reform of Intellectual Property Rights in Colleges and Universities under the Background of National Intellectual Property Right Strategy;国家知识产权战略背景下的高校知识产权教育改革
11.Studies on Structuring the System of Education on Intellectual Property Rights during Building Innovational Country;构建创新型国家中的知识产权教育体系研究
12.The thinking on intellectual property and talent cultivating in China;对高校知识产权教育和人才培养的思考
13.Consideration on the Intellectual Property Right Education and Its Talents Cultivation;对高校知识产权教育及人才培养的思考
14.The experiences of intellectual property education in America and Japan;美日知识产权教育的经验及对中国的启示
15.It is Urgent to Strengthen the Education of Intellectual Property Rights in Collges and Universities of Science and Technology;理工科高等院校加强知识产权教育刻不容缓
16.On the Principle and Project ofin Tellectual Property Education in China;对我国多层次知识产权教育原则及方案的研究
17.Strengthening the Education of Intellectual Property Improving the Quality of Universities Peple Cultivation;强化知识产权教育 提高高校人才培养质量
18.Diagnosis and Research of the Status Quo of Intellectual Property Education in Universities高校知识产权教育状况调查分析与对策研究

education system of intel-lectual property rights知识产权教育体系
3)Legal education on intellectual property知识产权法制教育
1.Legal education on intellectual property in universities is part of university ideological and political education.高校知识产权法制教育是高校开展思想政治教育的一个组成部分,随着普法教育的开展,我国加入世界贸易组织和十七大提出的要实施知识产权战略,构建创新型国家,知识产权法制教育越来越显示出其重要性来。
4)Intellectual Property In Sports体育知识产权
1.On Legal Definition of Intellectual Property In Sports;体育知识产权法律界定刍议
5)intellectual property知识产权
1.Study on intellectual property of biological medicine industry in Jilin province;吉林省生物医药产业知识产权问题研究
2.Expectation the Tang-Steel of Protection of Intellectual Property Rights in "11th-FY";唐钢知识产权工作“十一五”期间展望
3.Anaslysis of the Affirmation and Reparntion of Infringement of Intellectual Property in Farniture Industry;对家具业知识产权侵权的认定与赔偿的探讨
6)intellectual property right知识产权
1.Analysis of status quo of intellectual property rights protection in universities and the countermeasures;高等院校知识产权保护现状分析和对策
2.Comments on intellectual property rights in the field of water resources and hydropower research;关于水利水电科研领域中知识产权问题的若干思考
3.China s accession to WTO and law of intellectual property right;加入WTO对我国知识产权立法的影响

保护集成电路知识产权的华盛顿公约  《保护集成电路知识产权的华盛顿公约》(TreatyonIntellectualPropertyinRespectofIntegratedCircuits),简称《华盛顿公约》(WashingtonTreaty),1989年5月26日缔结于美国华盛顿。  《华盛顿公约》共20条。其主要内容包括:联盟的建立;定义;条约的客体;保护的法律形式;国民待遇;保护范围;实施、登记、公开;大会;国际局;修改;巴黎公约和伯尔尼公约的保障;保留;争议的解决;参加;生效;退出;文本;保存人;签字。该公约明确规定,“集成电路”是指一种产品,在它的最终形态或中间形态,是将多个元件,其中至少有一个是有源元件,和部分或全部互连集成在一块材料之中和/或之上,以执行某种电子功能。“布图设计(拓扑图)”是指集成电路中多个元件,其中至少有一个是有源元件,和其部分或全部集成电路互连的三维配置,或者是指为集成电路的制造而准备的这样的三维配置。  《华盛顿公约》规定成员国应对集成电路的布图设计实行注册保护,注册申请无须具有新颖性,集成电路布图设计的所有人在其产品投入商业领域后两年之内提交申请即可,保护期至少为10年。受保护的条件除了“独创性”、“非一般性”之外,还有“非仅仅其有关功能的有限表达方式”。公约还规定了国民待遇,即各成员国对于其他成员国的国民或居民,只能要求与本国国民一样地履行手续,并给予同样的保护。这与诸版权公约中的国民待遇不同,而与《保护工业产权的巴黎公约》相似。  1989年中国成为《华盛顿公约》的成员国。