绿色船厂,green shipyard
1)green shipyard绿色船厂
1.The meaning of green shipyard is firstly explained in this paper.阐述了"绿色船厂"的含义,归纳已取得的建设绿色船厂成绩和经验、主要问题与差距,提出建设绿色船厂的思路、目标、重点领域和对策建议。
2.This paper expounds the meaning of "green shipyard", sums up the achievements , experience , main problems and shortages in construction of green shipyards, proposes the thought, target, key field, countermeasure and suggestion for construction of green shipyards.诠释了"绿色船厂"的含义,总结了建设绿色船厂的成绩和经验、主要问题与差距,提出了建设绿色船厂的思路、目标、重点领域和对策建议。

1.Planning and Designing Green Shipyard to Follow the Way of Resource-saving and Envionment-friendly Development规划设计绿色船厂 走资源节约环境友好发展道路
2.The Research on the Principle of a Green Ship, Assessment System and Calculation Method for Green Degree and Ship Air Pollution;绿色船舶机理、指标体系、绿色度及船舶大气污染算法研究
3.Impelling Energy Saving and Emission Reduction and Building Green Foundry推进节能减排 创建绿色铸造工厂
4.He wants me to go on a Greenpeace boat.他想让我参加他们绿色和平船的行动。
5.Innovating in High-efficiency Welding Technology to Construct a Green Shipbuilding Enterprise;创新高效焊接技术,打造绿色造船企业
6.The Design and Parameters Optimize of Green Powerless Boat绿色无动力渡船设计及参数优化研究
7.a shipbuilding company, yard造船公司、 造船厂.
8.Green Operation to Improve Indestrializes Agribusiness Economic Benefits;实施绿色经营 提高工厂化农业企业经济效益
9.New 'green' tetragenous coproduction technology for nano-sized calcium carbonate in soda plant using Hou′s process联碱厂联产纳米碳酸钙的四联产绿色新工艺
10.Green Industry,Natural Integration:Discussion on Design of Eastern Power Plant in Hainan Province绿色工业 融入自然——海南东方电厂设计中的思考
11.Building environment simulation of green workshops in some cigarette factories卷烟厂绿色工房项目中的建筑环境模拟
12.dusty jade green浅灰绿[色],豆绿[色]
13.The gondoliers wore green and white livery and silver plaques on their chests.船夫们穿着白绿两色的制服,胸前别着银质徽章。
14.Research on Green Degree's Assessment System of Ships Based on EEP-LCA in the Three Gorges Reservoir;基于EEP-LCA的三峡库区船舶绿色度评价体系研究
15.Study on Application of Green Evaluation in Ship Recyclying;绿色指标评价在船舶再循环中的应用研究
16.Discussion on Developing Green Shipbuilding Technology in China;关于推进我国绿色造船技术的探讨与思考
17.Research on Design and Utility Technology of Green Marine Diesel Engine;绿色船用柴油机的开发与应用技术研究
18."ship-building, ship-breaking and ship-repairing yard"造船、拆船及修船厂

green power plant绿色电厂
3)green ship绿色船舶
1.The Research on the Principle of a Green Ship, Assessment System and Calculation Method for Green Degree and Ship Air Pollution;绿色船舶机理、指标体系、绿色度及船舶大气污染算法研究
2.After analyzing current status and problems of shipbuilding factory,this paper puts forwards that the green ship is an efficient way to avoid not only the huge consumption of energy and material,but also the increasing deterioration on environment,and fulfills the requirements nowaday根据目前造船的现状和存在的问题提出绿色船舶是解决船舶工业中能源和原材料巨大消耗、浪费以及对生态环境日益破坏等问题的有效途径,通过介绍船舶的绿色设计和绿色制造工艺,进一步指出绿色制造更多的是创造社会效益,为人类造福,是时代的需要。
3.This paper describes the situation and the development trend of green ship building technology and makes a suggestion on how to solve the main problems during design and building of green ships.本文综述了绿色船舶制造技术的现状和发展趋势,并对绿色船舶在设计和建造中需着重考虑的一些问题提出解决方案。
4)green shipbuilding绿色造船
1.The article emphasize discusses the concept of green shipbuilding today,and introduces the measures for design technics and material choosing in impulse green shipbuilding.本文重点的论述了当今造船业绿色造船的概况和推行绿色造船在设计工艺和材料选用上应采取的措施;同时分析了我国绿色造船的现状和发展前景。
2.This paper discusses the necessity,the urgency and the feasibility of developing green shipbuilding.实施绿色造船是确保船舶工业可持续发展的重要途径。
5)Green Ship Recycling绿色拆船
6)Ship green degree船舶绿色度

龙江船厂  明朝官营船厂之一。洪武初年建于南京龙江关(今南京北郊)。隶工部,都水司郎中总其事,主事驻厂管理。厂区规模宏大,分南北两处,南称前厂,北称后厂,各有溪口通向龙江。为造船需要,厂区另设有风蓬、细木、舱作(修船)、铁作、索作、缆作、油漆等类作坊。船厂周围空闲土地,由官佃户耕种,缴纳桐油、黄麻等实物租,供船厂造船使用。船厂初专为打造战舰而设,后兼造巡逻船以及其他海湖船舶。建厂初期有工匠四百余户,均系洪武、永乐两朝从浙江、江西、湖广、福建、南直隶等滨江府县按户征召而来,匠籍隶属龙江提举司。船厂按城市居民的坊厢编制。将工匠编为四厢,厢分十甲,甲有甲长。厂中还设有四十五名监督工匠服役的"作头"。船匠人身极不自由。船匠普遍兼营农业,有的甚至依靠驾船载运来补贴生计,生活穷困。    龙江船厂经营一百几十年,嘉靖后期,船厂开始衰落。工匠降为二百四十余户,大多不谙祖业,知艺者百无一二。