环境道德意识,environmental moral consciousness
1)environmental moral consciousness环境道德意识
1.We have to establish civil environmental moral consciousness.环境问题目前已经成为全球问题之一,我国环境污染问题也比较严重,因此要树立全民环境道德意识

1.On Cultivating the Consciousness About Environmental Ethics and Enhancing the Harmonious Development Between Man and Nature培育环境道德意识,促进人与自然和谐发展
2.-- China strives to popularize environmental protection knowledge among the people and raise their consciousness about environmental protection and gradually to cultivate fine environmental ethics and codes of conduct.--普及环保知识,增强环境意识,逐步形成良好的环境道德风尚。
3.China strives to popularize environmental protection knowledge among the people and raise their consciousness about environmental protection and gradually to cultivate fine environmental ethics and codes of conduct.  ——普及环保知识,增强环境意识,逐步形成良好的环境道德风尚。
4.Strengthening the Awareness of Moral Environment and Optimizing the Moral Education Environment in Tertiary Schools;增强高校德育环境意识 优化高校德育环境
5.A Futher Understanding on the Role of Environmental Ethics Education;关于环境伦理道德教育地位的再认识
6.On the Environmental Reporting of Our Mass Media in Constructing Public Environmental Awareness;试论我国环境报道对受众环境意识的构建
7.The relevance between the students different channels of obtaining environmental knowledge after school and their environmental awareness;中小学生课外获得环境知识的不同渠道与其环境意识的关联程度
8.knowing and perceiving; having awareness of surroundings and sensations and thoughts.知道而且有意识;知道周围的环境,有感觉和思想。
9.On Strengthening College Students' Ecological Environment Moral Education加强大学生生态环境道德教育的几个认识问题
10.Stream of consciousness among typical environment and characterComment on Sherwood Anderson and his Mother典型环境与典型人物的"意识流"——舍伍德·安德森和他的《母亲》评介
11.The Conceptions of Fengshui and Environment Reflected by Taoist Buildings in Wudang Mountains;试论武当山道教建筑群的风水观念和环境意识
12.The Unification of Aesthetic Consciousness and Moral Consciousness of the Lament;《离骚》审美意识与道德意识的统一
13.Environmental Morality & Environmental Law;谈谈环境道德与环境法的双向趋同——环境道德的法律化与环境法的道德化
14.A Research on Relationship between University Students Environmental Awareness and Environmental Behavior;大学生环境意识与环境行为关系研究
15.Juvenile Environmental Education and conscious Cultivation;试论青少年环境教育与环境意识培养
16.On the Senses of Ecology and Environment in Industrial Design;论工业设计中的生态意识与环境意识
17.How to Face the Pain of the Social Moral Environment on Moral Education at Schools学校德育如何面对社会道德环境之痛
18.Legal Awareness and Judicial Circumstance of Critical Reports批评性报道的法律意识与司法环境——编辑记者、法官认知状况调查

A Study on Environment Morals Mentality环境道德意识研究
3)Moral Consciousness道德意识
1.Through an investigation of 1072 post graduates from 31 provinces, municipality of mainland China, it is found that their moral consciousness is light and there is a significant difference on education background and gender; they lack scientific spirit; there is a significant correlation between their moral consciousness and scientific spirit.通过对中国大陆31个省、自治区和直辖市的1072名研究生的道德意识和科学精神的调查发现研究生道德意识淡薄,且在学历和性别上存在着显著差异;研究生普遍缺乏科学精神,且在学历和性别上也存在显著差异;研究生的道德意识与其科学精神之间存在显著相关。
2.Category of morality contains three aspects: moral consciousness, ethics, and moral behaviors.道德范畴主要包含三个方面内容:道德意识、道德规范、道德行为。
4)moral awareness道德意识
1.In the construction of Internet ethics,we must attach importance to the cultivation of moral awareness of Internet subjects.在网络道德建设中,我们必须注重培养网络主体的道德意识。
2.As to artistic and literary creation,the writer is requested to breed his free aesthetic sense and moral awareness.在文学艺术创作中,人们往往要求创作者必须贯彻自由的审美意识与道德意识。
3.Operatively,it is usually instead of moral perception,moral awareness,awareness of consequence,identifying ethical issue and so on.对这个概念的性质和内涵理解存在能力观和经验观等不同观点;该概念也常操作化地为道德觉察、道德意识、后果意识、确认道德问题等;它与伦理敏感性、道德直觉等相近概念有着不同程度的区别和联系。
5)environmental awareness环境意识
1.Investigation and assessment of public environmental awareness in heavy chemo-industrial areas of Liaoning Province.;辽宁省重化工业地区公众的环境意识调查与评价
2.A review on the track of Environmental Awareness;现代环境意识的回归之路
3.A survey of environmental awareness of students in Chuxiong Normal University;我院部分大学生环境意识的调查
6)environmental consciousness环境意识
1.A rational consideration of realizing the sublimation of popular environmental consciousness;实现公众环境意识升华的理性思考
2.The environmental consciousness evaluation system of high school and elementary school in Kunming;环境意识评价指标体系研究——以昆明市中小学生为例
3.Several Suggestions to Improve the Chinese People's environmental consciousness;中国公众环境意识提高的若干建议

道德意识  社会意识形式之一。指在一定社会条件下的道德活动所形成的道德认识、道德理想、道德情感、道德信念和道德观点的总称。它的一般特点是:①以应当怎样或不应当怎样、善或恶、好或坏、高尚的或卑下的方式,表达一定社会关系的必然性和社会、民族、阶级的现实利益,反映个人的行为对于社会或他人的价值;②通过调节人们的道德行为干预社会生活;③显示现实社会关系是否具有生命力,而不直接揭示和论证现实社会关系发展的客观规律。    根据意识主体的不同,道德意识可分为社会道德意识和个人道德意识。社会道德意识是各种个人道德意识交互作用的产物,是个人道德意识的某种综合或推广。个人道德意识则是一定社会道德意识在个人意识中的深化,因而它总是体现着和从属于某种社会道德意识。个人道德意识是构成个人道德品质的重要因素。一般地说,人们只有将一定社会或阶级的道德要求,首先变为自己稳定的个人道德意识,才会真正形成相应的道德行为,并由此养成符合这一社会或阶级要求的道德品质。