战略性环境政策,the strategic environmental policy
1)the strategic environmental policy战略性环境政策

1.Consumption-generated Pollution and Strategic Environmental Policy in International Trade;国际贸易中的产品消费排污与战略性环境政策
2.Analysis on Strategic Environment Policy Based on Consumption-generated Pollution;基于产品消费排污的战略性环境政策分析
3.The Economic Effect of Strategic Environmental Policy in China;中国战略性环境政策实施的经济效应分析
4.The Strategic Environmental Policy on International Trade in Agricultural Products and China Suggestions;农产品国际贸易中的战略性环境政策与中国的对策
5.Mechanism and Revelations of Strategic Environmental Policy on Foreign Trade of Genetically Modified Agricultural Products;战略性环境政策在转基因农产品贸易中的作用机理及启示
6.On the Strategic Trade Policy and the Stability of Institutional Environment;论战略性贸易政策与制度环境的稳定性
7.Environmental Diplomatic Strategy of Developed Countries and Countermeasures of Our Country;发达国家环境外交战略及我国的政策
9.Strategic Environmental Policy:A Comparative Analysis of Environment Tax and Abatement Subsidy策略性环境政策:环境税和减排补贴的比较分析
10.On the Post-Cold War American Environmental Policy and National Security Strategy;后冷战时期美国环境政策与国家安全战略评析
11.Human Capital of Private Enterprises:Training Strategy and Policy Environment;民营企业人力资本的培养战略与政策环境
12.International Environment and Interactive Sino-US Relations:Strategic Thinking and Policy Planning;国际环境和中美关系互动:战略思想和政策规划
13.On Establishing Environmental Policy Adapting to Sustainable Development Strategy in China;建立适应中国可持续发展战略的环境政策
14.Environmental Protection Strategy环境保护战略(环保战略)
15.Political Environment, Strategic Benefit and Corporate Political Action;政治环境、战略利益与公司政治行为
16.Resources and Environmental Policy for Hubei Province as the Strategic Stronghold in the Rising of Central China;湖北在中部崛起战略支点构建中的资源环境政策问题
17.Analysis on Influence of Sustainable Development Strategy on Environmental System in China;实施可持续发展战略对我国环境政策体系的影响分析
18.Strategic Situation and Policy Surroundings Analysis of Hi-tech Industry in China;我国高新技术产业化的战略地位与政策环境分析

strategic environmental policy策略性环境政策
1.The strategic environmental policy thinks the government has the incentive to subsidize export enterprises by lowering environmental standards in order to realize rent-shifting.文章把战略性贸易政策模型扩展到环境领域,策略性环境政策认为政府有动机通过降低环境标准补贴出口企业,以达到利润转移的目的。
3)strategic policies of cultural industry战略性政策
4)the Strategic Trade Policy战略性贸易政策
1.The economic educational circles in international main current puts forward to query continuously to Neo-trade theory, the Strategic Trade Policy initiates the way of the response passing the international trade data continuously.文章利用乌拉圭回合关税减让、进口配额、出口补贴等数据的变化,分别与奶业国际竞争力的变化趋势进行对比分析,显现战略性贸易政策对奶业国际竞争力的实际影响,得出通过实施战略性贸易政策能够提高产业国际竞争力的结论,并提出中国可以适度采取战略性贸易政策的建议。
2.The strategic trade policy is one of the important content of the transmutation of trade protections, especially, with the intensified of the economic globalization, the strategic trade policy , which advocated by the government has become the excitement of new theory, which various countries strive for the maximum interests.战略性贸易政策是贸易保护理论嬗变的重要内容之一,在经济全球化的今天,主张国家干预的战略性贸易政策成为各国争取利益的新的理论兴奋点。
3.This paper first makes an introduction of the strategic trade policy.本文首先对战略性贸易政策作了简单介绍,接着重点论述了新加坡经济发展过程中对战略性贸易政策的成功运用,介绍了这一政策运用的主要内容及其特点,文章最后就我国如何借鉴新加坡的经验提出政策建议。
5)Strategic trade policy战略性贸易政策
1.Study on"Strategic Independent Innovation Policy"Based on the Strategic Trade Policy Theory;基于战略性贸易政策理论的“战略性自主创新政策”研究
2.On Frame Restriction of WTO to Strategic Trade Policy;论WTO对战略性贸易政策的框架约束及对策
3.Economy Globalization,International Trade and the Policy of China——Analysis on the base of strategic trade policy;经济全球化、国际贸易与中国政策选择——基于战略性贸易政策理论的分析
6)strategic industrial policy战略性产业政策
1.The results show whether Government should use strategic industrial policy or follow the instructions of AJ model hinges on three important factors: the degree of technological spillover、Government s ability to avoid manipulation by home firms and the efficiency of home firm s R.研究结果表明,政府应该采用战略性产业政策支持本国企业进行国际市场竞争或者是根据AJ模型鼓励本国企业参与国际创新合作依赖于三个重要因素:技术外溢效应的程度、政府是否具有政策先行能力以避免被企业的投资行为所操纵以及本国企业的研发投资效率。

战略性贸易政策的缺陷 首先,战略性贸易政策以本国利益为最高目标,政策导向常常以牺牲全世界的经济利益为代价,其对自由放任的背离也与市场经济传统相悖; 其次,战略性贸易政策保护的是那些技术含量高、外部效应明显、动态规模效益突出的产业,然而如何准确选择这些战略产业是政策实施者必须面对的问题,甄别不准、保护措施不当,都会使战略性贸易政策的效果大打折扣; 第三,当多数国家都实行以保护为特征的贸易政策时,政策效果会在很大程度上相互抵消,毕竟这是一种以邻为壑,以牺牲别国利益为前提,招致报复是不可避免的。