顾客沟通,customer communication
1)customer communication顾客沟通

1.The organization shall determine and implement effective arrangements for communicating with customers in relation to customer feedback, including customer complaints.组织应确定顾客反馈包括顾客投诉并实施与顾客沟通的有效安排.
2.Communicate with customers to determine the final product requirements.与顾客沟通,确认最后产品要求。
3.Conducting market investigation, forecasting and communicating with customers to understand and confirm the customers' demand and expectation.市场调研、预测或与顾客沟通来实现理解确认顾客的需求和期望。
4.The organization shall determine and implement effective arrangements for communicating with customers in relation to product information.组织应确定产品信息并实施与顾客沟通的有效安排.
5.The organization shall determine and implement effective arrangements for communicating with customers in relation to enquiries, contracts or order handling, including amendments.组织应确定问询合同或订单处理包括对其的修改并实施与顾客沟通的有效安排.
6.Research on Communication Strategy Based on Customer Loyalty of Soft Digital Mall;苏富特数码商城基于顾客忠诚的沟通策略研究
7.It enhances customer satisfaction by meeting customer requirements.通过满足顾客要求增强顾客满意.
8.Persist in quality first,Provide trustworthy products, Communicate and innovate all the way, Make contributions to the prosperity of customers and the society.坚持贯彻质量第一,始终提供可信赖的产品,有效沟通、不断创新,为顾客和社会的繁荣作贡献。
9.Management should ensure that the organization has defined mutually acceptable processes for communicating effectively and efficiently with its customers and other interested parties管理者应当确保组织对与其顾客和其他相关方相互认可的有效和高效的沟通过程作出规定。
10.In relations with customers, vendors, and business associates, communicate and demonstrate an affirmation of good character and ethics.在与顾客、方和事业夥伴的关系上,沟通并示範对高尚人格与职业道德的肯定。
11.Employees Communication Behavior and Customers Response in Service Encounter:an Empirical Study based Emotional Contagion Theory;服务接触中的员工沟通行为与顾客响应——情绪感染视角下的实证研究
12.Be excellent communication and coordination skills.优秀的客户沟通技巧,出色的沟通协调能力。
13.Often the first contact a client has with your business is on the telephone.通常,第一次和客户的沟通是透过电话。
14.Any product realization change affecting customer requirements requires notification to, and agreement from, the customer.任何影响顾客要求的产品,实现更改要求,通知顾客并取得顾客同意.
15.Analysis on Customer Loyalty and Customer Satisfaction in the Industry of Mobile Communication;移动通信业顾客忠诚与顾客满意问题探析
16.But I truly believe that my client's intentions are sincere.但我真的认为我的客户有诚意沟通
17.Initiate preliminary communication with engagement client.开展与审计业务客户的初步沟通。
18.When I was at ... Co., I often communicate with my customers.我在……公司时,经常和客户交流沟通。

ordinary customers普通顾客
3)customer communication客户沟通
1.This thesis studies the Customer Communication trouble of CSST Co.本文就针对CSST公司客户沟通问题进行研究,从4C整合营销沟通的角度提出了系统的解决方法。
1.Evaluation model of customer satisfaction degree (CSD) for garment enterprises;基于服装企业的顾客满意度测评模型
2.Carrying out process management of focus on customer;以顾客为关注焦点的过程管理
3.Secondhand Smoke Exposure among Customers in Restaurants in Shanghai;上海市餐厅顾客被动吸烟状况及对设立无烟餐厅态度
1.Characteristics and Influencing Factors of Customers' Demands in Drugstore;药店顾客需求特征及影响因素分析
2.Limit distribution of the length for a kind of GI/G/1 retrial queue with negative customers and repair;一类有负顾客的GI/G/1重试可修排队系统的极限分布
3.Environment of a market place plays an important role in attracting customers, while at present many market places have much room for improvement.商场环境的优劣对于顾客的吸引力有着十分重要的作用,但是目前许多商场的室内环境还有许多不尽人意的地方。
1.Starting from the concept of service marketing and client satisfac-tion rate, the paper illustrates the factors affected to client satisfaction rate andanalyzes the client satisfaction rate so as to provide new operational thoughtsfor implementing service marketing by railway transport enterprises.从服务营销及顾客满意度的概念入手,对顾客满意度的影响因素进行阐述,对顾客满意度作出分析,从而为铁路运输企业开展营销提供运作思路。
2.This paper analyzed the data of quality of the surveying production and the client’s contentment statistically.本文通过测绘成果质量与顾客满意度两组数据的统计分析,阐述了测绘成果质量直接影响顾客的满意度。
3.Persisting in this principle is to meet the needs of clients and to provide them with satisfactory education service."以顾客为关注焦点"是ISO9000质量管理标准中的核心管理原则。

顾客顾客customers  guke顾客(custolr犯r)接受供方提供产品的个人或团体。这里的“供方”是广义的,它既可以指一个组织,也可以指组织内部的一个环节。这使得顾客的概念也同样被拓宽了,前一场合的顾客是组织外部的顾客,而后一场合的顾客则表现为组织内部的顾客。 外部顾客是在组织的外部接受服务和使用产品的个人或团体。外部顾客又有现实顾客和潜在顾客之分。现实顾客是指具有消费能力、对产品或服务有购买孺求、了解产品和服务的信息以及购买渠道、能立即为组织带来收人的个人或团体。潜在顾客是指消费能力不足或没有购买产品和服务的播求,以及缺乏信息和劝买菜道的个人和团体。潜在顾客可以随环境、条件、孺要的变化而转化为现实顾客,因此也是组织在扩大市场份倾时可以争取的部分。顾客是决定组织生存和发展的最重要因素。服务于顾客并满足他们的需要是组织存在的前提。组织必须知道谁是自己的顾客,他们的需要是什么。必须保证组织的每一个成员都树立为顾客服务的理念。 内部顾客指在组织内部接受服务或使用产品的个人或团体。从过程的观点来看,组织的内部是由纵横交错的过程链或过程的网络所构成,过程的上下环节之间便形成了供方和顾客的关系。组织中的每一个部门、每一个环节乃至每一个个人都应当树立“下一过程是顾客”的观念,只有如此,过程之间的衔接才能够协调一致,组织才能成为一个真正的整体,组织的机能才能保持在一种最佳的状态。 顾客满意与否是衡量一个组织、组织的每一个部门、每一个环节以及每一个成员工作质t的一个最基本的依据。(徐京悦)