工业共生系统,industrial symbiosis system
1)industrial symbiosis system工业共生系统
1.Eco-Industrial Parks (EIPs) is an important research field of industrial Ecology(IE), it is a kind of Industrial Symbiosis System(ISS).生态工业园是工业生态学的重要应用领域,是区域性的工业共生系统

1.The Research on Construction and Stability of Industrial Symbiosis System in Eco-industry Parks;生态工业园工业共生系统的构建与稳定性研究
2.On the Evolution Mechanism and the Model of Eco-industrial Symbiosis System in Mining Area;矿区生态工业共生系统演化机理与模式研究
3.Industrial Symbiosis System in Eco-Industrial Park Based on Recycled Economy;基于循环经济的生态工业园区工业共生系统构建
4.The research about the industry intergrowth systems of sustainable development for mine;煤矿可持续发展工业生态共生系统研究
5.Code for design of community television system in industrial enterprises工业企业共用天线电视系统设计规范
6.The Remote Control System of Resource-sharing for Industry Training Centre;工业中心实训资源共享远程控制系统
7.The Primary Research of Large-scale Public Works Ecosystem;大型公共工程项目生态系统框架研究
8.A Systematic Study on Eco-engineering in Enterprise Group;对工业企业集团生态工程的系统研究
9.A New Complexity Model on Evolution of Eco-industrial System生态工业系统演化的复杂系统新模型
10.The wholesale business should survive, develop, with retailing and concurrently selling in batches dancing together, it is compatible to provide and deliver the system with the logistics; Divide the work with the professional market of the scale thinningly.批发业要生存、发展,必须与零售兼批发业共舞,与物流配送系统兼容,与规模专业市场分工细化。
11.On Industrial Ecosystem and the Devise of Enterprise Ecology;对工业生态系统及工业企业生态规划的研究
12.Objective Evolution and Eco-industry Process of the Business System;企业系统目的性演进与工业生态过程
13.Study on The Production Management System of Forest Industry Enterprise;生产加工型森工企业精益生产管理系统的研建
14.Industrial Ecosystem and Ecological Engineering;对工业生态系统及生态工程的几点思考
15.Industrial Ecological Trend: Man-made Industrial System Returns to Its Ecotype;产业生态化:人工产业系统的生态性回归
16.A Research on Construction of Eco-industrial Chain (EIC) System in Eco-industrial Parks (EIPs)生态工业园中的生态产业链系统构建研究
17.Manufacturing Management and Control System [Correctional Services Industries]生产管理及控制系统〔惩教工业〕
18.A Study on Ecologcal Operational Systems of Harvesting and Transportation of Artificial Forest in Northwest Fujian Province;闽西北人工林生态采运作业系统研究

Eco-industrial Symbiosis System产业共生系统
3)symbiotic system agriculture共生系统农业
4)industrial symbiosis工业共生
1.Study on Network Complexity of Industrial Symbiosis System;工业共生系统的网络复杂性研究
2.Industrial Symbiosis Network Organization Stability Study of Ecological Industrial Park;生态工业园工业共生网络稳定性研究
3.Optimization of industrial symbiosis networks in arid areas:a case study on Shihezi City,Xingjiang干旱区工业共生网络优化研究——以新疆石河子市为例
5)Industry Intergrowth工业共生
1.On the Development of Cyclic Economy in Mineral Areas Promoted by Industry Intergrowth;以工业共生方式促进矿区循环经济的发展
2.Based on the analysis that industry intergrowth is the effective way of the development of circulation economy in mine area,this paper systemically identifies and divides the main chain-net models of mine area industry intergrowth into four kinds:main leading,parallel,attaching and mixture form;summarizes their features,and takes cases' study.在分析工业共生是矿区发展循环经济有效途径的基础上,系统地识别和划分了主导型工业共生、平等型工业共生、依附型工业共生和混合型工业共生4种矿区工业共生主要链网模式,总结了各自结构特点,并对煤炭矿区进行了实证研究。
3.based on the analysis that industry intergrowth is the effective ways of development circulation economy for mine area,this paper systemically identifies and divides the main chain-net models of mine area industry intergrowth into four kinds,① main leading、②parallel、③attaching、④mixture form;summarizes their features,and takes case study.本文在分析工业共生是矿区发展循环经济有效途径的基础上,系统地识别和划分了主导型工业共生、平等型工业共生、依附型工业共生和混合型工业共生4种矿区工业共生主要链网模式,总结了各自结构特点,并对煤炭矿区进行了实证研究。
6)industrial ecosystem生态工业系统
1.It is important to study flexibility analysis method of large scale systems with material flow links between subsystems , for example, in the study on industrial ecosystem.本文的方法在该类大系统,例如生态工业系统的建设中具有重要的作用。
2.After reviewing relative returns,the authors present 5 hypotheses about structural influential factors in the stability of industrial ecosystem(IES) in China: keystone species enterprise,member distance,member reliability,industry diversity and conductor factor.在查阅国内外大量文献的基础上,提出了5个可能影响我国生态工业系统稳定性的结构型因素假设:关键种企业、成员距离、成员相互依赖程度、成员多样性、领导因素。

工业炉:工业炉排烟系统  利用烟囱或机械装置将工业炉炉膛内的烟气排出炉外的系统。保证排烟通畅是工业炉正常使用的重要条件﹐排烟不通畅时﹐炉膛压力昇高﹐从炉膛四周的缝隙会逸出大量烟气而增加炉子的热损失﹐影响炉内气流的均匀分布﹐降低炉温均匀性﹐恶化操作环境。 排烟系统是由產生抽力的排烟装置和排送烟气的烟道所组成。常用的排烟装置有烟囱(图1 烟囱排烟装置 )﹑引风机或喷射管(图2 机械排烟装置 )等。 烟囱排烟是靠流入烟囱内热烟气密度小於烟囱外空气密度所產生的浮力﹐以克服烟道的阻力。利用引风机也可将烟气排出﹐或在排烟系统中某一部位装设一个喷射管﹐用高速喷射气体所產生的负压排出烟气。烟囱排烟不消耗动力﹐排烟温度不受限制。当排烟阻力很大而工业炉又间断运行时﹐可用引风机或喷射管排烟。喷射管适用於排除高温烟气﹔引风机适用於排除低温烟气。 烟囱分为砖砌烟囱﹑混凝土烟囱和钢板烟囱。烟道有地下烟道和架空烟道两种。地下烟道多用砖砌﹐架空烟道宜採用衬有耐火材料的钢板製成。 为了减少烟气对环境的污染﹐或因节能需要而在烟道内设置预热器时﹐都需要儘量提高烟囱高度并增加烟囱出口处的烟气流速﹐使之大於当地最大风速或至少不低於3米/秒﹐以避免烟气中的有害气体和烟尘向地面扩散。当烟囱高度达50米以上时﹐烟囱顶部的风速为地面处风速的数倍。烟气到达地面时已在离烟囱很远的地方﹐这时烟气已在逐步扩散中稀释到无害的程度。对燃烧固体燃料的工业炉﹐在排烟系统中还要设置各种形式的除尘器﹐使烟气排出时的含尘浓度降低到200微克/米3以下。