检验市场,test market
1)test market检验市场
1.However, China has ignored cultivation, guidance and regulation of test market for a very long time, thus causing low competitiveness and insufficiency of innov.加强对检验机构改革和发展问题的研究,培育检验市场,加快检验服务行业的发展,对完善我国的产业结构和促进国民经济的持续健康发展具有十分重要的意义。
2)market test市场检验
1.The practice shows that the public service reform based on the market test has lowered down the supply cost of the public service,raised the efficiency of the public service,improved the oper.实践证明,与传统的政府"自给自足"和"垄断供应"模式相比,以市场检验为标志的公共服务改革大大降低了公共服务供给成本,提高了公共服务效率,改善了公共部门运行绩效,并为充分运用市场力量推动政府改革提供了新的机遇和动力。

1.The Construction of Public Service Government Should be Promoted by the Test of the Market;以市场检验推动公共服务型政府建设
2.Information Flow between Securities Markets and Test of Market Segmentation;证券市场信息流动及其市场分割检验
3.How Far Is It for Chinese Testing and Inspection Market to Become a Commercial Market(Continued Ⅰ);我国的检验检测市场距离中介检验检测市场还有多远(续一)
4.Efficient Market Hypothesis and the Demonstrational Test in China s Stock Market;有效市场假说及其在我国股票市场的实证检验
5.The Empirical Tests of Levy Distribution on China’s Stock MarketLevy分布在中国股票市场中的实证检验
6.Empirical Test of Winner-loser Effects in China Stock Market;中国股票市场赢者输者效应实证检验
7.Enterprise s Internal Marketing: Design、Operation and Effect Inspection;企业内部市场:构建、运行与效果检验
8.Return Distributions in Chinese Stock Market and Their SPA Test;中国股票市场的收益分布及其SPA检验
9.A Study on the Risks Overflow of Financial Markets Based on Wishart Test;基于Wishart检验的金融市场风险溢出研究
10.The Extreme Risk Spillover Effect between International and Domestic Oil Markets;国内外石油市场的极端风险溢出检验
11.Empirical Study Fisher Model on the Stock Market in China;Fisher模型在中国股票市场上的实证检验
12.Empirical Test of the Positive Feedback Trading in the Stock Market of Our Country;我国证券市场正反馈交易的实证检验
13.Empirical tests of CAPM on China s Stock Market;CAPM在中国股票市场的实证检验
14.Sample Analysis of CAPM Model in Chinese Capital Market;CAPM模型对中国资本市场的检验分析
15.Simulation of Adverse - selection Model in Insurance Markets;保险市场中逆向选择模型的仿真检验
16.The Case Inspection of Behavior Finance and Our Country s Stock Market;行为金融与我国股票市场的实证检验
17.Testing of the GARCH Effect and Model Selecting in Shanghai Security Market;上海证券市场GARCH效应检验和模型选择
18.Empirical Test of CAPM in Shenzhen Stock Market of China;CAPM在中国深圳证券市场的实证检验

market test市场检验
1.The practice shows that the public service reform based on the market test has lowered down the supply cost of the public service,raised the efficiency of the public service,improved the oper.实践证明,与传统的政府"自给自足"和"垄断供应"模式相比,以市场检验为标志的公共服务改革大大降低了公共服务供给成本,提高了公共服务效率,改善了公共部门运行绩效,并为充分运用市场力量推动政府改革提供了新的机遇和动力。
3)Test of Efficiency有效市场检验
4)Examination of Fractal Market Efficiency分形市场效率检验
5)market sampling市场抽检
1.Analysis on the results of the insecticides market sampling in Hunan province from 2002 to 2006;湖南省2002~2006年卫生杀虫剂市场抽检结果及分析
6)inspection market检测市场
1.Industrialized,market-oriented and commercialized inspection organizations have become a rapidly growing force in the inspection market.随着2006年建设部《建设工程质量检测管理办法》的下发,全国以及北京市工程检测机构的改制全面展开,产业化、市场化、企业化的检测机构成为检测市场快速发展的新生力量,但改制后检测机构也暴露了不公平竞争、恶性竞争、弄虚作假等问题。

证券发行市场(一级市场、初级市场) 证券发行市场(一级市场、初级市场)——  证券发行市场又称一级市场或初级市场,是发行人以筹集资金为目的,按照一定的法律规定和发行程序,向投资者出售新证券所形成的市场。证券发行市场作为一个抽象的市场,其买卖成交活动并不局限于一个固定的场所。