1.The influence of the end of Zongfan System in late Qing Dynasty on the formation of "foreigner s imperial court";晚清宗藩体制的终结对“洋人的朝廷”形成的影响
2.A Reflection on "Viewpoint of Literary End;对“文学终结论”的再思考——为德里达和米勒辩护
3.On the End of Ancient Science in China;也论中国古代科学的终结

1.the Terminator2: Judgement Day魔鬼终结者2/终结者2
2.And then one day just like that the nightmare is over.噩梦终有终结的一天。
3.Has the end of history come?历史终结了吗——评福山的历史终结
4.Certainty: Driven to an End or Broken──A Review of The End of the Certainty;确定性:终结还是破缺──读《确定性的终结
5.unstarred nonterminal未加星号非终结符-软件
6.The mass result is impressive.最终结果让人印象至深
7.Independence Day (ID4)独立日/天煞/星际终结
8.Death is the necessary end of life.死亡是生命必然的终结
9.All days make their end.每一天都必有个终结
10.termination by an act of destruction.破坏行为带来的终结
11.SSTL Stub Series Terminated Logic残余连续终结逻辑电路
12.Suspending or terminating an action,中止或者终结诉讼,
13.Suspending or terminating execution,中止或者终结执行,
14.Final Structural Appraisal最终结构勘测评估报告
15.human beings are not the end-all of evolution.人类不是进化的终结
16.There are no more endpoints available from the endpoint mapper.终结点映射器中没有更多的终结点可用。
17.Terminator 2 is the well-executed,action-packed sequel to the earlier film of the same name.《终结者》的同名续集《终结者II》制作精良,情节曲折。
18.the ultimate outcome, result,conclusion, etc最终的结局、 结果、 结论等

1.From longer history and broader subjects,this paper demonstrated the termination of Yuasa Phenomenon and brought out a structure of games by great countries.从更广的时间与学科视角出发,论证了"汤浅现象"的终结,并指出了当今大国博弈格局的开始。
2.At the same time, The article has made thorough discussion on the reason of the termination of secondary normal education.本文通过对近年来中等师范教育变化的分析,得出了中等师范教育即将终结的结论,并对中等师范教育的终结的原因作了深入探讨。
3.It also exposes the intrinsic crisis and forebodes the termination of Empire myth through the abnor.作品以反面乌托邦描述阐释帝国真谛,呈现被“解放与进步”的宏大叙事遮蔽的另类历史,以殖民者的精神畸变和信仰解体揭示帝国神话的内在危机并预示它的终结
1.Japan Swallowing up Ryukyu and the Ending of Ryukyu Paying Tribute to China;日本吞并琉球与清代中琉宗藩关系的终结
2.The full industrialization and sufficient urban employment capacity which would absorb all the surplus labor force in rural areas is necessary and adequate for the Village "Ending".乡村“终结”的充分必要条件是工业化和城市具有足够的就业容量,把农村剩余劳动力全部吸纳。
3.So post-modernity is not an ending,but a beginning in the historical context.因此,后现代主义远非"结果",而只是一种"现象",作为一种历史语境,它不是"终结",而恰恰是"开始"。
1.The paper discusses the rootstock about the windup of the Chinese ancient science and technology.中国古代数学在许多方面不同于西方数学 ,与科学思维特征相背离 ,无法成为近代科学的思维和表达工具 ,这是中国古代科学技术没能走出工匠传统而致终结的重要原因之一。
2.The one rootstock about windup of the Chinese ancient science and technology is that Chinese ancient philosophic world outlook; methodology and contradiction between Confucianism and Taoism,which profoundly affects traditional culture in a long time.讨论中国古代科学技术在近代走向终结之哲学方面的原因 ,在于中国古代哲学的天人合一世界观、整体关照方法论以及儒道两家长期相互抗衡对中国古代文化的长期而深刻的影响。
1.Containing the meanings of time,aspect and frequency,"guo1"means that events"happened and finished in the past",which might happen and finish"one time or more than one".动态助词"过1"表示"发生并终结于过去",其频率可为"一次或一次以上",包含"时"、"体"以及"频率"等三个方面的语法意义。
2.Todays Character Classics corresponds to the thought of practice by means of proposing changes, influences the development orientation of new academy,and finishes the Textual Criticism in terms of school sense.今文经学以其倡言变易的特点与经世思潮相契合 ,并影响了新学术的发展方向 ,使学派意义上的考据学终
