1.Though research on happiness and study, this paper holds the view that utilitarian study and cheerful study can promote the overall level of social culture, create cheerful study atmosphere, which is beneficial to the hatchery of study society.本文通过对快乐和学习的研究 ,认为功利型学习和快乐型学习能提升社会文化的总体水平 ,而在图书馆中创立快乐学习的氛围 ,有利于孵化学习型社
2.Does the study of nature contribute to the happiness which is the ultimategoal of Epicurus?The definition of Epicurus happiness is freedom from pain in body and non-disturbance in mind.自然的研究与人的终极幸福到底有没有关系,有什么关系?伊壁鸠鲁的幸福是快乐,快乐的抽象规定性是身体无痛苦和心灵无烦扰。

1.The boy is happy, very happy.男孩很快乐,非常快乐
2.Happy Barry, Happy Barry,快乐的巴瑞,快乐的巴瑞,
3.Congratulations and warmest wishes for your birthday and every day.祝你生日快乐,天天快乐!
4.A merry Christmas and happy New Year to you, Yang Ji.圣诞快乐!新年快乐!杨吉!
5.Happy New Year! Happy New Year!新年快乐!新年快乐
6.Merry Christmas! Happy New Year to you!祝你圣诞快乐!新年快乐
7.Throw the ball have fun today.投球,快快乐乐的一天。
8.Happy birthday, Carl.生日快乐 ,Carl。
9.Of, relating to, or marked by pleasure.快乐的,享乐的快乐的,与其有关的或显示快乐
10.The state of being amused, entertained, or pleased.娱乐被逗乐,得到娱乐和快乐的状态
11.A merry Christmas and a happy new year !祝圣诞愉快,新年快乐
12.a Best Sunday smile[口]非常快乐的笑
13.Happy Halloween, Tom!万圣节快乐,汤姆!
14.5. Happy Halloween! Thank you.万圣节快乐! 谢谢。
15.Ha, ha, April Fools.哈哈,愚人节快乐
16.Happy Women's Day, Mum!妇女节快乐,妈妈!
17.Happy Women's Day, Grandma!妇女节快乐,奶奶!
18.Merry Christmas, Li Ming!圣诞快乐,李明。”

1.From Theory of Pleasure to Principle:Mill s Revision to Betham s Utilitarianism;从快乐理论到幸福学说——密尔对边沁功利主义的修正
2.Happiness and Pleasure-Interpretation and Inspiration of Aristotle s Eudemonism;幸福与快乐——关于亚里士多德德性幸福论的诠释及其启示
3.The relations among pleasure,design,and science were discussed through the relation and significance of pleasure factor in emotion expression and product design.从情感表达中的快乐因素与产品设计的关系和意义着手,论述了快乐情感、产品设计和科学三者之间的关系,并通过实例,阐述了快乐的设计要素在产品设计中的表达要领以及对人们的生活所产生的巨大影响。
1.Strengthening the synchronous education of happy and hard-working consciousness in P.E. teaching;加强体育教学中快乐与勤劳意识的同步教育
2.Its main purpose of the sexual life can be for the marriage (love ), bears (survives ) , happy (physiology ), this is a main function of a sexual behavior too.性生活的目的就其主要方面可以是为着婚姻 (爱情 )、生育 (生存 )、快乐 (生理 ) ,这也是性行为的主要功能。
1.under the society education for all-around development language new class sign promulgation background, proposed the joyful teaching in the middle school language application, conforms to the time development.在当今社会素质教育语文新课标颁布的背景下,提出快乐教学在中学语文当中的应用,是符合时代发展的。
2.Based on Aristotle s analysis of happiness, this paper intends to identify the logical relations among happiness, morals and joy, which may present the construction of Aristotle s view of happiness to our real life.本文试通过对亚里士多德幸福观的分析来关注幸福、德行、快乐的内在逻辑联系,并思索亚里士多德的幸福观对建构当代幸福观的启示意义。
3.All joys are goodness, but not moral goodness.一切快乐都是善 ,却不都是道德善 ;幸福是至善 ,却不是道德之至善 ,道德之至善是无私利他的幸福和快乐以及无私利他的不幸和痛苦。
1.However,there are obvious va- cancies for children s enjoyment and happiness in current education.然而,当前教育中的儿童却明显缺少快乐感与幸福感。
1.However Chi Li through own artistic creation,by positive life manner,also lets the reader realize lives itself joy,“the worry life” center is containing “the joyful life”.然而池莉通过自己的艺术创作,以积极的人生态度,又让读者体会到生活本身的快乐,“烦恼人生”中包含着“快乐人生”。

快乐【快乐】 (杂语)心快身乐也。无量寿经上曰:“彼佛国土,清净安稳,微妙快乐。”