1.Study on the Idea of Taiyi in Jiugong in the Huangdi Neijing;《黄帝内经》中太一行九宫思想研究
2.A New Interpretation of Taiyi in Tai-Yi-Sheng-Shui Carved on Bamboo Slips;《太一生水》中的“太一”试诠

1."Madam would never agree.“太太一定不答应。
2.A Research On Taiyi’s Origin And Development--And Research the Connotation Of Taiyi in “Taiyi Prouduces Water”;“太一”源流考——兼论《太一生水》中“太一”之涵义
3.The old woman seemed to throw out her chest as she spoke.这老太太一边说一边把胸膛一挺。
4.Two rich ladies were sharing a taxi,两位阔太太一起乘坐一辆出租车,
5."Only one yuan? Too little!"“才一元,太少。”
6.an eccentric old lady一位古怪的老太太.
7.I'm a very old lady and a very foolish one,我是一个很蠢的老太太,
8.My wife was wearing a wig.我太太戴着一顶假发。
9.Let me explain, Mrs.Johns.太太,请允许我解释一下。
10.Mrs Turner has an apartment on the ground floor.特纳太太住在一楼。
11.By the way, Mrs. Jackson,顺便说一句,杰克逊太太,
12.An old woman does the house.有一个老太太照管房子。
13.Some pop, please, Mrs. Li!李太太,我要一些汽水。
14.Do tell him, madam, to stop worrying!"太太说一句,叫他放心吧
15.Mrs. Ching was stunned by this news.秦太太给这一炮打懵了。
16.rent a room to Mrs. Smith租一间房给史密斯太太
17.MRS ZHU: It took a very long time to carve a page for a book.朱太太:刻一页书要花费的时间太长。
18.One day, she took him to a language school.一天,唐太太带他去了一所语言学校。

The One太一
1.Plotinus' life experiences, his times, and the religious and thought world he lived in, had decided the core question of his religious thought: how our soul moves towards God so that our soul and the One, the human and God could achieve oneness.普罗提诺的生平和所处的生活世界、宗教世界、思想世界决定了其宗教思想的核心问题是我们的灵魂如何走向上帝以达到灵魂与太一、人与上帝的合一。
2.Phenomenon is on the one hand of the cosmos,while entity is on the other hand.人从太一的无限自由中分化形成了一个个体,而这种分化便是人这一生中所有痛苦的根源。
3)Tai Yi太一
1.This paper states, having made textual research on the subject of "Tai yi" from the branches of historical materials, folk custom and philology,that Tai yi was the carry over of the original maternity worship nad was borrowed to explain the origin of the universe by the philosophers and scholars in the pre Qin period.从史料学、民俗学、文字学等角度对“太一”进行考证 ,确认其出现乃原始母性崇拜的遗留 ,先秦诸子借用之作为解释万物起源的宇宙本原 ,秦汉时期受燕齐方士的鼓吹 ,才由万物之化育者变为万物之统治者 ,汉武帝始立为最高神。
4)Frist Great one太乙(太一)
1.On the origin of memorial ceremony for Taiyi-God in Lantern Festival;元宵节“太一神祭祀起源说”考误
6)Tai Yi Sheng Shui《太一生水》
1.The Thought of "Doing Something in Chaos Name" in the Chu Bamboo Slips Tai Yi Sheng Shui(太一生水) Unearthed at Guodian;郭店楚简《太一生水》“托其名”思想探微
2.The typical examples are the Taoist Lao Zi and Tai Yi Sheng Shui and the Confucian Wu Xing and Cheng Zhi Wen Zhi, of which some are either long lost or not found to be recorded.在道家有《老子》、《太一生水》 ,在儒家有《五行》、《成之闻之》 ,其中一些是久已失传或不见于载籍的古佚书。
