1.Urban Design as Social Criticism: 1960s and the Crisis of Modernist Cities;作为社会批评的城市设计——60年代与现代主义城市的危机
2.Analysis of American Conservatism in 1960s;析20世纪60年代美国保守主义
3.ZHOU En-lai and China s National Economy Adjustment in the Early 1960s;周恩来与60年代初期的国民经济调整

1.The Historical Role of Western Count ries Student Movement in the 1960s;“60年代”解读——60年代西方学生运动的历史定位
2.Primary Exploration on the Confronting Culture of American Youth in 1960s;20世纪60年代美国青年对抗文化初探
3.In some ways, the 1980s were the opposite of the 1960s.在某些方面,20世纪80年代和60年代刚好相反。
4.it is even more remarkable that as long ago as the 1960s,在60年代有着非凡的能力的,
5.Vietnam became a hot spot.在20世纪60年代,越南成了热点地区。
6.Integration was a major issue in the U. S. in the1960’ s.种族融合是美国60年代的一大难题。
7.From the mid-1960s, the creation of art songs ceased completely,60年代中后期,艺术歌曲完全绝迹。
8.Most of these efforts had evaporated by the end of the 1960s.这些努力到60年代末大部分看不到了。
9.The water woodcut was initiated in Jiangsu Province in the 1960s,60年代江苏兴起水印版画。
10.Campus politics fermented during the late 1960's.60年代后期校园政治运动形成了。
11.On the Chicano movement in the US during the 1960s美国20世纪60年代“奇卡诺运动”探微
12.Westerly winds have strengthened since the 1960s.20世纪60年代以来,西风变得更强。
13.There are fewer longhairs around here than there were in the sixties.这附近的嬉皮士现在60年代少多了。
14.The Education Reform of the United States in the Twelfth Century 50, 60 s;论美国20世纪50、60年代的教育改革
15.German Poster Design Since 1960 s;20世纪60年代以来的德国海报设计
16.Chinese 60 s Oil Paintings Artist s Drawing Characteristic;中国60年代油画艺术家的绘画特点
17.An Analysis of the Campus Revolt Movement in America in the 1960s;20世纪60年代美国校园反叛运动探析
18.The Comparative Study of Student Movement of China and France during the 1960s;20世纪60年代中、法学生运动比较研究

the 1960s60年代
1.The Historical Role of Western Count ries Student Movement in the 1960s;“60年代”解读——60年代西方学生运动的历史定位
2.In the 1960s, because the international situation changed and Britain adjusted its foreign strategy, the United States policy toward Britain varied grea.20世纪60年代,由于国际局势的变化和英国外交战略的调整,美国对英国政策发生了重大变化。
3)early 1960s60年代初
1.The researches of Liu Qing s work The Builder in early 1960s underwent three stages.20世纪60年代初期学界对柳青名作《创业史》的研究经历了三个阶段,一是第三次文代会前的反映平淡;二是第三次文代会后的好评如潮;三是1963—1965年的激烈争论。
4)movement in the 1960s60年代运动
5)spirit of 1960s60年代精神
6)the 1960s20世纪60年代
1.Rebellion and Sublimation——The Influence of Western Culture on Architecture in the 1960s;叛逆与升华——试论20世纪60年代西方文化对建筑思潮的影响
2.Commentary on the War Preparations in the 1960s;20世纪60年代战备问题研究述评
3.Campus Rebellion—The Student Movement in the 1960s and American Higher Education;校园反叛——美国20世纪60年代的学生运动与高等教育

孙鸿烈院士60年代在西南资源考察队进行野外考察孙鸿烈院士60年代在西南资源考察队进行野外考察  箫 孙鸿烈院士60年代在西南资源考察队进行野外考察 中国科学院综考会供稿