1.Lefebvre advocates a perpetual evolution on everyday life which should inherit philosophic tradition as well as should confirm and interpret a new everyday life,and its aim to construct an urbanism.列斐伏尔提倡对日常生活进行一种永恒的文化革命,这种革命要继承哲学传统,要担负起确认和阐释新的日常生活的责任,其目标是要建立一种都市主义

1.Urban public space quality and New Urbanism design城市公共空间品质与新都市主义设计
2.Goldberger, Paul. "Disconnected Urbanism." Metropolis Magazine, November 2003.不连接的都市主义〉《大都会杂志》,2003年11月.
3.On the Orientation of Embedness:the Construction of Chinese-style Post-urbanism;“嵌入性”城市定位论——中式后都市主义的建构
4.New urbanism and real estate suburbanization of Shanghai;新都市主义与房地产郊区化——以上海市为例
5.The differences of new urban theory in Sino-Western urbanization practice;新都市主义理论在中西方城市化实践中的差异
6.Urbanism for Expanding Cities Designing the Conjugal Interface of Contrasting Systems扩张城市的都市主义 连接对立系统的创新设计
7.An Attempt of Graduation Project Teaching Based on Landscape Urbanism基于景观都市主义的毕业设计教学尝试
8.Restudy Parc de la Villette:The First Project of Landscape Urbanism回眸拉·维莱特公园——景观都市主义的滥觞
9.Mixed Community Based on the Theory of New Urbanism:a New Approach of City Suburbanization;基于“新都市主义”的混合社区:城市郊区化的一个新思路
10.This whole journal edition is devoted to New Urbanism, with a number of case studies.这本期刊全部内容刊载关于新都市主义的文章,并有许多个案研究。
11.Economic Rationalism and New Metropolis Novels of 1990'S;经济理性主义与90年代新都市小说
12.Exploring the “Metropolitan Regionalism” in the USA;美国的“都市区域主义”及其引发的思考
13.Non-conventional Writing about the City Appetency and Anti-essentialism;“另类”写作:反本质主义的都市欲望文本
14.Images of Consumerism in Urban Fiction;消费主义的都市文学想象——中国现当代都市小说研究
15.In fact, planning and regulation by the market are both means of controlling economic activity, and the market can also serve socialism.两者都是手段,市场也可以为社会主义服务。
16.Landaeta, A. R. "Is Socialism Anti-urban? The Case of la Habana." 1994.社会主义是否为反都市生活?哈瓦那案例>,1994.
17.The Metropolis forms of Modernism--Discussing the Culture Spirit of the Neo-perception School;现代主义都市表征——新感觉派文化精神论
18.Modernism Literature under the Metropolitan Background--A Remark on New Sensation School Fictions;都市背景下的现代主义文学——论新感觉派小说

new urbanism新都市主义
1.Urban public space quality and New Urbanism design城市公共空间品质与新都市主义设计
2.Firstly,based on the design concept of new urbanism,the ideas of new urbanism in the residential community design are analyzed,such as stressing ecological balance,designing neighborhood,constructing compound residential communities,protecting cultural resources,and so on.从新都市主义的设计理念作为切入点,阐明了新都市主义在住区规划设计与实践中所倡导的重视生态平衡、邻里设计、构筑复合社区、文化资源保护等思想;分析了上海市房地产郊区化发展的动力作用机制;阐述了新都市主义对上海市房地产郊区化可持续发展的启示。
3.This paper advocates the conceptof new urbanism,which claims the restoration of existing urban centres and towns in the transformation of the old cities,and diversity and humanity of the neighbourhood,protection of natural environment and cultural heritage.倡导新都市主义规划理念,在旧城改造中主张恢复现有的中心城镇和位于城镇连绵区域内的城镇,提倡多样化、人性化的邻里,保护自然环境,保护文化遗产;分析了我国当前旧城大规模改造的现状,结合实例并对具有中国特色新都市主义理念运用到旧城改造中进行探讨。
3)the new urbanism新都市主义
1.Exploration of the Practice of the New Urbanism in China;我国新都市主义实践探索
2.This paper first gives an introduction about the main idea and principle of the new urbanism; Then taking the Beijing Wannian Hua City Community Master Plan for example, The author points out the active significance of the new urbanism f or the community planning development, and presents the difficulties of the implementation and the future of the new urbanism as well.本文阐述了新都市主义的主要规划思想和原则;结合北京万年花城居住区规划实例,指出了新都市主义对居住区规划发展的积极意义,同时也指出了新都市主义在我国实施的困难和发展前景。
5)metropolitan regionalism都市区域主义
1.Debates on metropolitan regionalism have been proliferating in major western countries since early 1990s, the practices in the US have been regarded as the important examples.1990年以来在西方国家掀起了"都市区域主义"复兴的热潮,美国的实践具有代表性。
6)Extreme urbanism极限都市主义
