1.Physiocracy and Market Tendency of French Agriculture from 18 to 19 Centuries;重农主义与18~19世纪法国农业市场化
2.The thought of Chinese traditional physiocracy consists of two parts,one is the economical physiocracy,the other is the spiritual physiocracy which can be seen in Shang yang s works,whose author pays close attention to the peasantry instead of the agriculture.在中国传统的重农思想中,除了有"经济重农主义",还有"精神重农主义",后者在《商君书》中有突出的表现。
3.The article introduces and comments on the chief economic ideas of western society since 15 th century and its effect on the stipulation of economic law such as Merkantilisms,physiocracy,free economic theory of Adam Smift,and the like.本文以时间为顺序 ,介绍评论了西方社会从 15世纪以来的主要经济学思想及其对于经济立法的指导 ,如重商主义、重农主义和亚当·斯密的自由放任经济学说 ,从经济学发展的角度观察经济法的发展 ,旨在提供从另一个方位思考经济法的内质的办

1.Physiocracy and Market Tendency of French Agriculture from 18 to 19 Centuries;重农主义与18~19世纪法国农业市场化
2.How Should We Give First Priority to Agriculture in the New Era?新时期我们需要怎样的“重农主义”?
3.The Enlightenment of China's Agricultural Modernization Based on the Physiocrats Ideology浅论重农主义思想对我国农业现代化的启示
4.Reflection on the Paradigm of Industrialization Research and Its Reconstruction:From Industrialism to Physiocratism;工业化问题研究范式的反思和重构:从工业主义到重农主义
5.On the Spiritual Physiocracy in Shang Yang s Works and in the History of Chinese Buddhism;论《商君书》中的“精神重农主义”——兼谈中国佛教“农禅并重”的“普请制”
6.The Research on the Reconstruction of Peasant Association under the Construction of Socialism New Rural Area;社会主义新农村建设中农会重建研究
7.There are serious tendencies towards capitalism among the well-to-do peasants.富裕农民中的资本主义倾向是严重的。
8.Vocational and Technical College of Agriculture Has A Long Way to Go in Building Socialist New Rural Area;建设社会主义新农村 农业高职教育任重道远
9.Building the Socialist New Country Lies in to Advance Farmer Diathesis;建设社会主义新农村重在提高农民素质
10.Mechanization of Agriculture--Symbol of Solialist New Villages;农业机械化:社会主义新农村建设的重要标志
11.Scientific Connotation and Significance of Construction of New Socialist Countryside;建设社会主义新农村的科学内涵及其重大意义
12.On the scientific connotation and momentous meaning of constructing socialistic new countryside;论建设社会主义新农村的科学内涵和重大意义
13.Importance Guarantee of Socialism New Village Construction--Country Basic Level Democracy Construction社会主义新农村建设的重要保障——论农村基层民主建设
14.The "principle of going up into the hills" was a dogmatist gibe against Comrade Mao Tse-tung for his emphasis on rural revolutionary bases.曾经有些教条主义者讥笑毛泽东注重农村革命根据地为“上山主义”。
15.Discussion on the Important Functions of Sci-tech in the Construction of New Socialist Countryside;论科技在社会主义新农村建设中的重要作用
16.Ideas on socialism new countryside construction in remote mountainous areas of Chongqing;重庆边远山区社会主义新农村建设思考
17.Importance,hardship and countermeasures of building a new socialist countryside;建设社会主义新农村的重要性、艰巨性及对策
18.On the Connotation,Keystone and Policy of New Socialism Village;社会主义新农村建设的内涵、重点和政策取向

3)spiritual physiocracy精神重农主义
1.The thought of Chinese traditional physiocracy consists of two parts,one is the economical physiocracy,the other is the spiritual physiocracy which can be seen in Shang yang s works,whose author pays close attention to the peasantry instead of the agriculture.在中国传统的重农思想中,除了有"经济重农主义",还有"精神重农主义",后者在《商君书》中有突出的表现。
5)inpensive farming精农主义
1.Criticism on the View of "China Pursues Mercantilism";“中国追求重商主义”谬论批判
2.A comparative study of mercantilism between Sanghong Yang and the western ideas;桑弘羊与西方重商主义思想之比较研究
3.The Primary Content of State Intervention of Mercantilism in England;试析英国重商主义国家干预经济的主要内容
