
1.Conservatism and book worship should be overcome.要克服保守主义和本本主义
2.pre-capitalist commercial capital前资本主义商业资本
3.basic economic law of capitalism资本主义基本经济规律
4.if they serve capitalism they are capitalist.为资本主义服务,就是资本主义的。
5.the inherent antagonism of capitalism and socialism.资本主义和社会主义的根本对立状态
6.Humanistic Psychology and Humanistic Language Teaching;人本主义心理学与人本主义语言教学
7.Historical Trend of Capitalism from the Perspective of its Fundamental Contradiction;从资本主义基本矛盾运动看资本主义历史走向
8.Crony capitalism权贵资本主义(又译裙带资本主义或亲朋好友资本主义)
9.Review on Transition from Private Capitalism to Social Capitalism;论私人资本主义向社会资本主义的转变——对当代资本主义的分析
10.The Capitalism, Social Democracy and Welfare Country;资本主义、社会民主主义和福利国家
11.New Democratic Society and New Mode of Capitalism;新民主主义社会与“新式资本主义”
12.Against imperialism, feudalism and bureaucrat-capitalism, and against capitalism.对付帝国主义、封建主义、官僚资本主义,对付资本主义。
13.Joseph A. Schumpeter, Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy, New York: Haper& Row,1796, p.269.[5]熊比特:《资本主义、会主义和民主主义》,第312页。
14.Private enterprise is basic to capitalism.私营是资本主义的基础.
15.formation of monopoly capitalism垄断资本主义的形成
16.an advocate of capitalism.一类倡导资本主义的人。
17.development stage of capitalist industry资本主义工业发展阶段
18.Capitalism has been developing for several hundred years.资本主义发展几百年了,

1.Analysis on Deng Xiaoping s Application of Capitalism;浅析邓小平利用和借鉴资本主义的思想
2.Idea and understanding for developing capitalism of the 7th National Congress of CPC;中共七大对发展资本主义的思想认识
3.The destiny of contemporary capitalism as viewed from economic globalization;从经济全球化透视当代资本主义的命运
1.adherence to history and culture,harmonization with environment and reflection of humanity.按照城市景观的类别对公共家具进行分类,并从公共领域与公共空间的角度分析了公共家具的属性,对公共家具的三个设计原则,即:“遵循历史与文化”、“与城市景观协调”、“体现人本主义”进行了系统分析。
2.The author think “story” is the general narrative tradition of investigative reports,dramatic narrative nodel,all-sides narrative angle,humanity narrative view are the general means of story.笔者进一步认为 ,戏剧化的叙述模式、多维化叙事视角、人本主义的叙事立场是使新闻“故事化”的基本手段。
3.It is different in nature from humanity in the west.它并不是向西方人本主义的回复,与人本主义有着本质的区别。
1.Considering of the humanism on circumstance of living areas;居住区环境的人本主义思考
2.Humanism in Healthcare and Its Reflection in Architecture;医疗中的人本主义及其建筑折射
3.Plan the impact on modern urban planning of the thought in China and Western humanism;中西方人本主义规划思想对现代城市规划的影响
1.Capitalist and urban social change——Perspective of Neo-Marxist urban theory;资本主义与城市社会变迁——新马克思主义城市理论视角
2.Role of Market in the Development of Capitalist Production Relations;市场在资本主义生产关系产生和发展中的地位与作用
3.A further understanding on the contemporary capitalist business cycle;当代资本主义经济周期再认识
