价格差,price difference
1)price difference价格差
1.Taking this as the foundation,the paper has promoted price difference hypothesis of factor about circular economy so that the realization of circular economy can be revealed.回顾了循环经济理论的研究状况,以此为基础,文章提出了循环经济要素价格差假说,以解释循环经济的实现问题。
2.Cross-regional price difference is regarded as a good substitute index of domestic inter-regional trade.跨区域商品价格差被认为是研究国内区际贸易的有效替代指标,文章首先以我国12个样本城市六大类商品价格为考察对象,经回归分析认为:除了距离等控制因素外,"樊纲指数"和"政府支出占GDP的比率"较好地解释了我国六大类商品价格偏差的边界效应,说明市场化进程落后的地区更可能筑起商品贸易的政策壁垒,而具有"父爱"意识的政府在高财政支出比率情形下更有能力实施保护战略,从而验证了文章的边界效应假说。

1.material usage price variance原材料消费价格差
2.variable overhead price variance变动制造费用价格差
3.Television sets vary widely in price.电视机的价格差别很大。
4.The material price variance measures the difference between the actual cost of material and the standard cost expected to be paid for the material.材料的价格差异是材料的实际价格与预期的标准价格之间的差额,
5.The gap is too wide to be filled. The largest cut we can offer is 5%.价格差距太大,我们最多降价5%。
6.The gap in price is still too wide. I'd suggest another reduction of 10%.价格差距仍然太大,我建议再降价10%。
7.We hope that you will take the initiative and bridge the price gap.希望贵方采取主动来弥合价格差距。
8.Is there any difference in price?价格方面有什么差异吗?
9.How much difference are we talking about?价格上差别有多大呢?
10.A difference in wage rate or in price.工资级差工资或价格上的差异
11.The difference between the cash price and the futures price of a commodity.指某一商品的现货价格与期货价格之间的价差。
12.The Empirical Study of Price and Price Dispersion on e-Commerce Market;电子商务的价格水平与价格离差实证研究
13.The Empirical Study of Price and Price Dispersion on B2C e-Commerce Market;B2C电子商务市场价格及价格离差的实证研究
14.Price Information Advertisement,Diversity of Consumers′ preference and Price Dispersion;价格信息发布、消费者偏好差异与价格离中现象
15.How to Treat the Difference of Drug Prices between Used in Hospital and Retailed in Market;如何看待医院药品价格与市场零售价格的差异
16.The difference between the spot or cash price of a commodity and the futures price of the same or a related commodity.现货或商品的现金价格和相同的期货价格或相关价格的差额。
17.but the price gap shouldn't be as big as 10%.不过价格也不应该相差达10%呀。
18.The quantity difference will be calculated according to the contract price at a later time .差额部分最后按合同价格来结算。

price differential价格级差
1.The value of oil reserves consists of price differential and cost differential from the point of view of the resource owner.从资源所有者的角度看,石油储量价值由该储量的价格级差和成本级差构成。
3)Price difference价格差异
1.Using cross-market data on yield to maturity,this paper constructed an econometric model to find out the price differences between Inter-bank security market and exchange security market by introducing a dummy variable to capture the effect imposed by different market on yield to maturity.引入虚拟变量建构计量模型研究了我国银行间债券市场与交易所债券市场之间的国债价格差异。
4)Discrimination price差别价格
5)price differences价格差异
1.In the time of fast urbanization,this paper builds up an analytic framework about the determinants of intercity residential land price differences.在快速城市化的背景下,本文构建了一个城市间住宅土地价格差异决定因素的理论分析框架,以长江三角洲区域内25个城市的524宗住宅土地出让数据为基础,计算了各城市住宅土地的平均价格。
2.Upon the reviews, this paper concludes that the researches of Price Differences between A-share and B-share of Chinese Stock Market can be improved in some respects.在这种市场分割的情况下,投资者无法通过套利行为来消除市场间的证券价格差异,因此出现供外国投资者交易的“外资股”相对于供国内投资者交易的“普通股票”,其价格通常会出现差异的现象,即国内外学术界所研究的“市场分割下的同股同权不同价问题”。
6)Price Dispersion价格离差
1.An Empirical Study on Price Dispersion in the Hotel Online Booking Market: Based on Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou;酒店网上预订价格离差实证研究——以北京、上海和广州三地为例
2.According to this hypothesis, deduction that can be tested obtained from this hypothesis is that e-commerce will lead to lower market prices and the price dispersion between different vendors will d.普遍认为,电子商务市场能够有效地降低搜索成本,提升信息传递效率和透明度,从而使市场效率得以提升,甚至有论者进而提出了“电子商务市场将导致无摩擦交易”的理论假说以及由此假说可以得到的可检验的一个推论——电子商务将导致市场价格水平的降低和不同销售商之间价格离差的消失。
3.According to this hypothesis, deduction that can be tested obtained from this hypothesis is that e-commerce will lead to lower market prices and the price dispersion between different vendors w.由此假说可以得到的可检验的推论是电子商务将导致市场价格水平的降低和不同销售商之间价格离差的消失。

价格差异(pricevariance)  产品耗用资源的实际价格与标准价格之差与实际数量的乘积。计算价格差异是以为完成实际产量或作业量而消耗的各成本项目的实际数量为基准,以确定由于实际单价超过或低于标准单价而形成的差异,以公式表示为:  价格差异=(实际价格-标准价格)×实际数量  对直接材料而言,单价是指各种材料采购价格,其价格差异反映的是材料采购价格差异,故也有人以实际采用数量为基准进行计算。对直接人工而言,单价是指工资率,故其价格差异可称为工资率差异。对制造费用而言,单价是指制造费用分配率,故其价格差异可称为分配率差异,它是实际发生的制造费用与实际产量或作业量上按标准分配率应分配的制造费用之间的差额。以实际数量而不是以标准数量为基准计算确定的价格差异,严格地讲并不单纯受价格因素影响而形成的,其中包括了一部分由价格和数量两项因素同时形成的混合差异,因此也有人认为价格差异应以标准数量为基准进行计算,而另行计算混合差异,即:由于一般并不将价格差异用作考核生产单位工作效率的依据,为简化计算分析工作,通常采用前一种方法进行价格差异的计算,即将混合差异并入价格差异之中。