坚持和发展,adherence and development
1)adherence and development坚持和发展
1.Theory of three representatives:adherence and development to historic materialism;论“三个代表”重要思想对历史唯物主义的坚持和发展

1.This guideline highlights and carries forward the concept of people's war.这一方针坚持和发展人民战争思想。
2.They contain the ideas which we must continue to adhere to and develop today.这都是我们今天要继续坚持和发展的。
3.The Scientific Concept of Development:the Insistence of Scientific Socialism and the Development科学发展观:科学社会主义的坚持和发展
4.Adhere to and Develop Socialist Theory and Practice with Chinese Characteristics;坚持和发展中国特色社会主义理论和实践
5.The Scientific Outlook on Development Is a Continuation and Development of Marxist Theory of Social Development;科学发展观对马克思主义社会发展理论的坚持和发展
6.Coordinating economic development with social development.坚持把经济发展和社会发展结合起来。
7.The persistence can keep on to develop the thought and ecosystem thoughts.坚持可持续发展思想和生态思想。
8.Persisting in taking the road of sustainable development.坚持走可持续发展之路。
9.Development requires that we uphold and deepen the reform.发展必须坚持和深化改革。
10.Adheres to Scientific Approach of Development,Promote the Establishment of Harmonious Campus;坚持科学发展观 推进和谐校园建设
11.Class Management Should Stick to People-Orientation and Harmonious Development;班级管理应坚持“以人为本、和谐发展”
12.On persistence of scientific development and promotion of harmonious social construction;坚持科学发展观 推进和谐社会建设
13.Insisting on Scientific Development Outlook and Making Efforts to Establish a Harmonious TVU;坚持科学发展观 努力创建和谐电大
14.Insisting on "the Idea of Humanity" Promoting the Harmonious Development of the School坚持以人为本 促进学校和谐发展
15.Insisting the Scientific Development Concept is the Premise and Security for the File Utilities Development;坚持科学发展观是档案事业发展的前提和保障
16.Scientific Development Approach:Upholding and Innovating Deng Xiaoping Development Theory;科学发展观是对邓小平发展思想的坚持和创新
17.We must continue to improve the policies and measures for the development of public cultural undertakings.坚持和完善支持文化公益事业发展的政策措施。
18.Insisting on the Scientific Development to Build the Harmonious Campus and Construct the Harmonious Team;坚持科学发展 构建和谐校园 打造和谐团队

stick to and develop坚持和发展
1.And third,to stick to and develop Mao Zedong Thought.陈云关于科学评价毛泽东和毛泽东思想的论述主要包括以下三个方面:一是科学地评价毛泽东和毛泽东思想的极端重要性;二是对毛泽东的评价要实事求是,恰如其分,确立毛泽东的历史地位;三是坚持和发展毛泽东思想。
3)adherence and development坚持与发展
4)uphold scientific development坚持科学发展
5)Blzing the Trail For Development坚持创新求发展
6)Highlights and carries forward the concept of people's war.坚持和发展人民战争思想

金属材料发展史(见材料发展史)金属材料发展史(见材料发展史)history of metallic material 金属材料发展史historyor metalli。material见材料发展史。