所有制理论,ownership theory
1)ownership theory所有制理论
1.On Ownership Theory in Market Socialism from the Evolutional Perspective;市场社会主义所有制理论演进与评析
2.The arguments about adjusting and bettering the economic system structure presented on the Fifteenth Party Congress develops the new ownership theory of “making various economic components develop on the basis of the public ownership as the mainstay.“十五大”报告关于调整和完善所有制结构的观点,发展了“以公有制为主体、多种经济成分共同发展”的新所有制理论,成为推进所有制改革的理论先导。
3.The Chinesization of Marx’s ownership theory has exerted impact in the transformation of ownership in socialist period in China.马克思所有制理论中国化,在中国社会主义时期所有制变革中产生了十分重大的影响作用。

1.The Review of the Research of Ownership after CPC s Fifteenth National Congress;“十五大”以来所有制理论研究述论
2.The Innovation System of Marxist Theory of Ownership论马克思主义所有制理论的创新体系
3.Reflections on the Ownership Theory in Book "German Ideology《德意志意识形态》的所有制理论梳理
4.Achieving an Integrated and Concise Understanding on Marx’s Ownership Theory;完整准确地理解马克思的所有制理论
5.On Ownership Theory in Market Socialism from the Evolutional Perspective;市场社会主义所有制理论演进与评析
6.Research on Marxist Theory of Ownership with Chinese Characteristics;中国化马克思主义的所有制理论研究
7.Several Issues on the Chinesization of Marx’s Ownership Theory;马克思所有制理论中国化的几个问题
8.Marxist Ownership Theoretical Innovation and Development马克思主义所有制理论的创新与发展
9.The Ownership Theory of Marx s and Reunderstanding Public Ownership;马克思的所有制理论与对公有制的重新认识
10.A Trial Analysis of Stalin s Erroneous Understanding of the Marxist Theory of Ownership;试析斯大林对马克思所有制理论的错误理解
11.Difficult Exploring and Bold Breakthrough on System of Ownership;所有制理论的艰难探索与大胆突破——江泽民对社会主义所有制理论的重大创新
12.A New Interpretation on the Theory of Ownership of Means of Production at the Socialism Initial Stage;社会主义初级阶段的生产资料所有制理论新释
13.Ownership is an important theory and practical problem.所有制是一个重要的理论与实践问题。
14.Comment on owner s Financial Control under the Model of Entrusted agency;论委托代理模式下的所有者财务控制
15.Theoretical and Empirical Study on the Relationship between Ownership and Performance;所有制与企业绩效的理论与实证研究
16.Research on the Double System of Ownership of Rural Land;关于农村土地双重所有制的理论探讨
17."Ownership Preference":the Theoretical Obstacles to Deepen the Reform of State-owned Enterprises;“所有制偏好论”:国企改革深化的理论障碍
18.The Innovation and Surpassing of the Communist Party of China on the Theory of the Ownership s Form;试论我党对所有制结构理论的探索与创新

theory of ownership所有制理论
1.Marx and Engels′ theory of ownership: its innovation and development in China;论马克思、恩格斯所有制理论在中国的创新和发展
2.In the course of socialist construction in the Soviet Union, the development of socialism suffered serious consequence because of Stalin s erroneous understanding of the Marxist theory of ownership and his undue pursuit of pure public ownership.苏联社会主义建设的过程中 ,由于斯大林对马克思所有制理论的错误理解 ,片面追求纯而又纯的公有制 ,给社会主义的发展带来了严重的后果。
3.For the issue of ownership in the preliminary phase of socialism, the 3rd generation has innovated and developed Deng s theory of ownership largel y in five ways, namely, a new theory in economic system, a novel thought in public ownership as the main body, an innovative thinking in .在社会主义初级阶段所有制理论问题上,党的第三代领导集体从五个方面对邓小平所有制理论进行了创新和发展:一是基本经济制度的新理论,二是公有制主体地位的新思想,三是国有经济进退的新思维,四是混合经济的新创见,五是公有制多种实现形式的新论断。
3)the ownership theory所有制理论
1.The important thought of the “Three Represents”has fulfilled the great innovation of the ownership theory by adhering to the criterion of productivity and the views of quality, development and unity.“三个代表”重要思想坚持生产力标准、质量观、发展观和统一观,实现了所有制理论的重大创新。
4)system of ownership所有制理论
1.Founded on the analysis of Marx s theory of the system of ownership,this paper brings forth the criterion to evaluate the innovation of the ownership,and considers the new understanding of socialism and socialism with chinese charateristics as the prerequisite to the evaluation.本文在对马克思所有制理论进行剖析的基础上 ,提出衡量所有制理论创新的原则标准 ,分析了改革开放以后我国对马克思所有制理论创新的主要表现。
5)Traditional theories of ownership传统所有制理论
6)Research of Ownership所有制理论研究
1.The Review of the Research of Ownership after CPC s Fifteenth National Congress;“十五大”以来所有制理论研究述论

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