1.On the environment in the phase of the Great Leap Forward in Hebei;“大跃进”时期生态环境问题论析——以河北省为例
2.South-to-North Water Diversion's Impacts on the Ecological Environment of Water-received Area in Hebei;浅析南水北调工程对河北省受水区生态环境的影响
3.DDTs residues in sediments from Hebei lakes and reservoirs and their risk evaluation;河北水库及湖泊沉积物中DDT农药的残留特征与风险评估

1.North and south of the river are two different worlds.河南河北两个世界。
2.Pingju Opera is popular in Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei and Northeast China.平剧在北京、天津、河北和东北都很流行。
3.To the north of the river be an Immense wooded tract河北面是一大片林地
4.Hunan is to the south of HeBei.湖南在河北的南边。
5.The Pagoda in Kaiyuan Temple河北定州:开元寺塔
6.To the north of the river is an immense wooded tract.河北面是一大片林地。
7.A Summary of the Seminar on Dong Zhongshu of Hebei and the History and Culture of Hebei Province;河北省董仲舒与河北历史文化研讨会综述
8.Yellow River's Flooding and the Deteriorating Hebei Agriculture Production北宋黄河水患与河北农业生产条件的恶化
9.The Grand Canal flows southwards through the four provinces of Hebei, Shandong, Jiangsu and Zhejiang.大运河纵贯河北、山东、江苏、浙江四
10.South of the river is Lochuan County and north of it, Fuhsien County.介子河南是洛川,河北是富县。
11.The river Lea flows into the Thames which flows into the North Sea.利河流入泰晤士河,泰晤士河流入北海。
12.make an abrupt turn north(河,路)突然向北拐去
13.I am grateful to you, rivers of the north.我感激你,北方的河。
14.The Huanghe River runs into the sea in North Shandong.黄河在山东北部入海。
15.At this point the fiver hooks around to the north.河流在此处转弯北去。
16.There will be a strong wind to the north of Huai River.淮河以北将有强风。
17.The river Themes flows into the North Sea.泰吾士河流入北海。
18.The River Thames empties into the North Sea.泰唔士河流入北海。

Hebei Province河北
1.Study on the RS-based Dynamic Monitoring of Land Use/cover Change in the Bashang Region, Hebei Province;河北坝上地区土地利用/覆盖遥感动态监测
2.A preliminary study of the trait composition of the natural populations of wild soybean between Hebei Province, China and northeastern Japan;中国河北省和日本东北部天然野生大豆群体性状调查比较
3.An investigation and research on the current situation of the editor’s planning of philosophy and social sciences edition journals of institutions of higher learning in Hebei Province;河北省高校文科学报编辑策划现状调查与研究
3)Bac Ha北河
1.The Ethnic Chinese Policy under the Nguyen Regime of Nam Ha,Vietnam:With a Comparative Reference to the Le Trinh Regime of Bac Ha;论越南南河阮氏政权的华侨华人政策——兼论北河黎郑政权的华侨华人政策
4)northern Hebei河北北部
5)Zhangbei County in Hebei Province河北张北县
6)Shahe City of Hebei Province河北省沙河

《开展河北的游击战争》《开展河北的游击战争》Spread Guerrilla War in Hebei  Kaizhan Hebei de Youii Zhanzheng《开展河北的游击战争》(SPrea山rillawa;in Hebei)徐向前关于开展敌后游击战争问题的军事著作。首次在1938年5月21日出版的中共中央长机关刊物《群众》周刊第23期上。全4500字,收入1993年7月出版的《徐军事文选》。 1938年4月,中共中央和毛泽东了发展河北、山东平原游击战争的指徐向前遂率八路军第129师、八路军;师各一部向冀南挺进,坚持和发展平击战争。针对当时有些人只习惯山地战,而不习惯平原游击战的情况,他捏这篇文章。文中分析了河北在持久战重要战略地位及发展平原游击战争献性和可能性,提出了“创造平原地傲山”,的口号。指出,游击队活动的有一方面是地形上的有利条件,如山地、等;另一方面是与广大人民的结合。的力量是最伟大的力量,只要把平原大人民群众发动和组织到抗日战线上形成抗日武装力量依托的“人山”,就能够战胜日本侵略者。“不管什么样白也没有这样的山好。”该文还提出了进原游击战的一些战术原则。 《开展河北的游击战争》对于指写平原游击战争,建立和发展冀南抗日地,以及开展其他平原地区的游击战字了重要作用。(朱︸随嵘喝哟喻出,巧游击了的要人:”林民广,定卜目民l翔奋﹃一刁目夕‘比知叼包拟一山南据起篱畏劝