1.An overview of research on the microsporidian biodiversity.;微孢子虫生物多样性研究的述评
2.Advance in Intrusion and Evolution of Microsporidia;微孢子虫入侵和进化的研究进展
3.Reviews of Studying on Microsporidian Functional Protein;微孢子虫(microsporidia)功能蛋白的研究进展

1.Strains of Encephalitozoon cuniculi,Encephalitozoon intestinalis,and Enceph-alitozoon hellem fail to experimentally infect food animals脑炎微孢子虫属3种微孢子虫的虫株未能感染食用动物(英文)
2.Study on Pathogenicity of Two Insect Microsporidians to Silkworms两种昆虫微孢子虫对家蚕致病性研究
3.Characterization of Active LTR Retrotransposons in Nosema Bombycis;家蚕微孢子虫LTR反转座子的活性研究
4.Expression Profiles of SWP25,SWP30 and SWP32 of Nosema bombycis家蚕微孢子虫孢壁蛋白SWP25、SWP30、SWP32的表达谱分析
5.A study of Nosema bombi infections in bumble bees,Bombus spp.熊蜂微孢子虫感染熊蜂(Bombus spp.)试验
6.Primary Study on Nosema bombycis Infecting the Insect of Drosophila家蚕微孢子虫转宿主果蝇的研究初探
7.Advances in ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene of the microsporidia in honey bees and bumble bees蜜蜂及熊蜂微孢子虫rRNA基因研究
8.Extraction of Spore Wall Proteins and the Expression Patterns of Main SWP of Nosema Bombycis;家蚕微孢子虫孢壁蛋白的分离及主要组分的表达谱分析
9.Natural Infection Rate of Nosema in Forager Workers of Chinese Honey Bee and Italian Honey Bee中、意外勤蜂微孢子虫的自然感染率调查
10.Study and Control on Several Population of Pathogenic Microsporidian in the Silkworm, Bombyx Mori (Bombycidae, Lepidoptera);家蚕病原性微孢子虫若干种群的研究与控制
11.Genetic Polymorphism of Nosema Bombycis Isolate CQ1;家蚕微孢子虫CQ1分离株的遗传多态性研究
12.Studies on the Morphology and Biology of Nosema Bombi;熊蜂微孢子虫形态学及有关生物学的研究
13.Studies on Detection of Microsporidia (Nosema Bombycis) by Hybridization in situ;家蚕微孢子虫的原位杂交检测技术研究
14.Studies on the Method of McAb-ELISA Detection of Pebrine of Bombyx Mori Eggs;家蚕成品卵微孢子虫McAb-ELISA检测方法的研究
15.Advances in the Research of Microsporidian Proteins and Their Interactions With Host Cells微孢子虫蛋白质及其与宿主互作的研究进展
16.Construction and Analysis of Bacterial Artificial Chromosome(BAC) Library of Nosema bombycis家蚕微孢子虫细菌人工染色体文库的构建
17.Pathogenicity of microsporidium isolated from Pieris rapae L. on silkworm in Guangxi广西菜粉蝶微孢子虫对家蚕的病原性研究
18.Proliferation of Nosema Bombycis in Insect Cells and Establishment of Nosema Bombycis CQ1 Strain家蚕微孢子虫在昆虫细胞中的增殖及CQ1株系建立的研究

1.Infectivity of microsporidium from Apis cerana cerana to Italian honey bee worker;中蜂来源的微孢子虫对意蜂工蜂的侵染性研究
2.Characterization of a Microsporidium Isolated From Larvae of Beet Armyworm,Laphygma exigua H.;一种从甜菜夜蛾分离的微孢子虫的生物学特性研究
3.A microsporidium (Mic-I) isolated from Mimastra cyanura Hope;自桑兰叶甲分离出的一种微孢子虫(Mic-Ⅰ)的研究
1.ni could be parasited by the microsporidian.从粉纹夜蛾(Trichoplusia ni,Tn)幼虫中分离纯化得到一种微孢子虫,孢子形状为卵圆形,大小为(2。
2.A previously unknown microsporidian pathogen Nosema sp.1997年田间调查时发现一种寄生于棉铃虫Helicoverpaarmigera (H櫣bner)的微孢子虫Nosemasp 。
3.A microsporidian was isolated from Greatonotus gungis L.从广东省曲江县蚕区捕捉的黑条灰灯蛾(Creatonotus gungis L)成虫分离到一种微孢子虫
1.Advance of study on application of insect microsporida;昆虫微孢子虫及其应用的研究进展
2.Microsporida is a kind of unicellular protozoa which parasitizes in the living cell specially and it is a kind of important entomopathogen.微孢子虫是专性细胞内寄生的单细胞原生动物,是一类重要的昆虫病原微生物,它主要寄生在昆虫体内,通过水平传播和垂直传播引起昆虫疾病的发生与流行,是自然界中制约昆虫种群密度的重要因素之一。
5)Nosema bombycis微孢子虫
1.Of the three methods used in the present study, the Percoll method appeared to be the best one for the purification of Nosema bombycis .对微孢子虫表面蛋白的提取法研究表明,在微孢子虫的纯化中采用蔗糖法、甘油法及Percol法,结果Percol法是纯化微孢子虫的理想方法。
2.The relationship between the infective stage and dosage of Nosema bombycis and the specimen for detection on the diagnostic time of pebrine disease of silkworm.研究了显微镜检出蚕微粒子病的时期与微孢子虫感染剂量、感染蚕龄和所取样本的关系⒚结果表明,蚁蚕和2 龄起蚕感染高剂量微孢子虫时,能在当龄镜检出孢子,感染低剂量微孢子虫时,可在次龄或以后镜检出孢子⒚从感染蚕中肠、粪便和蚕整体中镜检出孢子的时期,随微孢子虫感染剂量增大和感染蚕龄降低而提早,并且镜检出的时期从先到后分别为病蚕中肠、病蚕整体与病蚕粪便⒚本试验结果对于当前蚕微粒子病防治工作有积极的指导意义
3.This study determines the protease activity in silkworm midgut and blood;invests the distribution of pebrine spore(Nosema bombycis) in different tissue and its development infected by different density of pebrine spore.本试验测定了不同浓度剂量微孢子虫感染家蚕后,家蚕中肠和血液中蛋白酶的变化。
6)microsporidian spores微孢子虫孢子
1.The degradation of trehalose into smaller molecules such as glucose or fructose under the catalysis of trehalase is the biochemical base of the germination of aquatic microsporidian spores.内部渗透压的升高是微孢子虫孢子发芽的直接驱动力 ,海藻糖酶催化海藻糖水解为葡萄糖或果糖是水生型微孢子虫孢子发芽的生化基础 ,p H值、离子种类及浓度、温度、射线等均能影响孢子发芽 。

微孢子虫亚门  见原生动物门。