1.Relationships between the emergence and oviposition of ectoparasitoid Spathius agrili Yang and its host emerald ash borer, Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire;白蜡吉丁柄腹茧蜂的羽化和产卵与寄主之间的关系
2.Effects of temperature and humidity on the emergence of Liriomyza huidobrensis and L. sativae;温、湿度对南美斑潜蝇和美洲斑潜蝇羽化的影响
3.Studies on the behavioral biology of first and second generation adults of the Asian corn borer(Ostriniafurnacalis (Guenee))II the emergence and mating acthritles and oriposition rhythm;亚洲玉米螟一、二代成虫行为生物学研究——Ⅱ羽化、交尾和产卵节律

1.Preliminary Trial of Preventing Leptocybe invasa Fisher & La Salle of Eucalyptus with Chemical Pesticides化学农药控制桉树枝瘿姬小蜂成虫羽化初试
2.. *frespectively. 7) Behavior: Adult emergence most 7~8h and 15~16h.7)寄生习性:成虫羽化整齐,羽化时间以上午7~8时最多,其次为15~16时。
3.Adults are active in daytime and copulation tookplace from evening to next early morning.成虫白天活动,黄昏时交尾,羽化多集中于凌晨。
4.Analysis of the Proteomic of the Hemolyph in Moth in Silkworm, Bombyx Mori;家蚕羽化变态时期血液蛋白质组学研究
5.Likewise, a plumulaceous tuft of barbs evolved before the pennaceous feather with a rachis because the rachis is formed by the fusion of barb ridges.同样的,绒羽的羽枝簇比拥有羽轴的正羽更早演化出来,因为羽轴是由羽枝脊接合而成。
6.Study on Isolation of a Feather-Degrading Bacterium from Grebes Digestive Tract and Digestive Mechanism of Feather;鸊鷉消化道羽毛角蛋白降解菌的分离及羽毛消化机理研究
7.Korean Longcheng line egg laying quails have been divided into three kinds of feather color. They are Longcheng maroon, Beijing white and Zhoukou Henan yellow feather.朝鲜龙城系蛋用鹌鹑已分化出3种毛色:即龙城栗羽,北京白羽和黄羽。
8.If the feather is too stiff to wrap around the shaft of the arrow, you can soften it by steaming it.如果因为羽毛太硬而无法缠绕在箭轴上,你可以用蒸汽使羽毛软化。
9.On the Deification of Guan Yu--Comments on Li Cun-bao’s Oriental God论关羽的神化——兼评李存葆的《东方之神》
10.An Analysis of "Song of the Colorful Robe and Feather Clothes" for Its Artistic Characteristics and Diversification;《霓裳羽衣》艺术特征及多元化分析
11.A Study of Intensity Optimization in Multi-shuttlecock Training;关于羽毛球多球训练强度优化性研究
12.On the Hero of Loyalty Created by National Culture: the Image of Guan Yu;民族文化孕育的忠义英雄——论关羽形象
13.Characteristic and objective image of Guanyu in the Past Chinese Verse;历代诗歌中的关羽形象及其物化意象
14.A study on chemical properties of wood of bald cypress provenances不同落羽杉种源木材化学性质的变异
15.SWOT Analysis on Guangdong Province Badminton Industrialization对广东省羽毛球产业化的SWOT分析
16.Material Transformation of Coprinus ovatus Cultivated with Chamaecrasta nictitans in Place of Sawdust羽叶决明代木栽培鸡腿菇的物质转化
17.Feather Detergent Synthesis Technology Optimization by Simplex Optimization Experiment;单纯形优化试验对羽绒洗涤剂合成技术的优化
18.FT-IR Analysis of Expanded Feather Meal傅立叶红外光谱仪分析膨化羽毛粉的结构变化

1.Effect of temperature and relative humidity on eclosion of overwintering adults of Cnidocampa flavescens;温湿度对黄刺蛾越冬代成虫羽化的影响
2.Effect of temperature,soil moisture,and soil depths on eclosion of overwintering Setora postornata (Hampson);温度、土壤含水量及土层深度对桑褐刺蛾越冬成虫羽化的影响
3.Influence of Meteorology on the Ostrinia Furnacalis Eclosion;气象条件对玉米螟羽化过程的影响
3)emergence rate羽化率
1.The emergence rates were observed and re corded.目的探讨低温对家蝇蛹羽化率的影响。
2.(4) Egg viability and offspring emergence rate of A.2%,F1代成虫的羽化率从87。
4)hatching rate羽化率
1.Methods The experiments were conducted to study how the oligosaccharide affect the hatching rate and sexual vitality of Drosophila melanogaster.方法通过实验研究巴戟天低聚糖对果蝇性活力及羽化率的影响。
5)Eclosion process羽化过程
6)emergence hole羽化孔
1.Study on the spatial distribution of entering tree hole and emergence hole of Apriona swainsoni Hope on the Sophora japonica;锈色粒肩天牛侵入孔、羽化孔在国槐上分布规律的研究1
