越冬蛹,overwintering pupae
1)overwintering pupae越冬蛹
1.Study on fitness of overwintering pupae of Helicoverpa armigera with different fenvalerate resistance level;对氰戊菊酯抗性水平不同的棉铃虫越冬蛹的适合度
2.The paper studies the date of diapause termination and relationship between postdiapause development and temperatures in overwintering pupae of cotton bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner), under both natural and controlled conditions in Nanjing.南京地区棉铃虫Helicoverpaarmigera(Hbner)越冬蛹滞育的解除时间及解除后发育与温度的关系等问题。
3.Comparing with non-overwintering pupae,the overwintering pupae had significantly lower SCP and FP,but significantly higher body\'s water and total fat contents.对美国白蛾(Hyphantrian cunea)越冬蛹在越冬过程中过冷却能力、体内水分及脂肪含量的变化进行了研究。

1.Effect of temperature on post-diapause development in hibernating pupae of the cabbage butterfly,Pieris melete Ménétriés(Lepidoptera:Pieridae)温度对黑纹粉蝶越冬蛹滞育后发育的影响
2.Super-cooling ability and its relations to body's water and fat contents of overwintering Hyphantrian cunea(Lepidoptera:Arcidae) pupae美国白蛾越冬蛹的过冷却能力、体内水分及脂肪含量
4.It over-wintered with the pupa in fallen leaves or the weeds of ground.以蛹在向阳地的残株落叶或杂草中越冬。
5.Studies on the Physiological and Biochemical Mechanism of Diapause Pupae of Oriental Tobacco Budworm, Helicoverpa Assulta;烟夜蛾(Helicoverpa assulta)越冬滞育蛹的生理生化特性研究
6.It has 2 generations a year in Huize County, Yunnan Province,and overwinters as prepupae under duff and litter or in loose soil.在云南会泽县一年发生2代,以预蛹期在地被物和表土内越冬。
7.Comparison of the Amino Acids in Cordyceps kyushuensis and Cordyceps Sinensis and Cordyceps Militaris;九州虫草与冬虫夏草、蛹虫草氨基酸成分比较
8.Comparison of Selected Chemical Component Levels in Cordyceps guangdongensis,C. sinensis and C. militaris广东虫草与冬虫夏草及蛹虫草的成分比较
9.as you go farther north, so the winter becomes longer and more severe.你越往北走,冬天越长也越寒冷。
10.The weather is favourable to the winter crops.天气有利于越冬作物。
11.winter-annual cover crops一年生越冬覆盖作物
12.She winters, and keeps warm her note.她越冬,温暖着她的音符。
13.Studies on Liquid Culture and Zinc and Selenium Accumulation Effect of Cordyceps Sinensis Sacc., Cordyceps Militaris Link and Agaricus Blazei;冬虫夏草、蛹虫草、姬松茸的液体培养条件及其富锌、硒的研究
14.A Comparison of Primary Active Components Between Cultured Cordyceps militaris and Cordyceps sinensis人工培养蛹虫草与冬虫夏草的主要活性成分比较
15.The Comparison of Nucleosides in Cultured Cordyceps Militaris Mycelia from Different Habitats and Natural Cordyceps Sinensis不同产地人工蛹虫草子实体及冬虫夏草中核苷类成分的比较
16.Comparative study on antioxidant activities of mycelium from submerged fermentation of cordyceps sinensis (berk.) sacc and fruit body from cultured Cordyceps militaris (L.) Link冬虫夏草深层发酵菌丝体和蛹虫草子实体抗氧化活性的对比研究
17.Study on Italian Bee Wintering Between Indoor and Outdoor浙农大1号意蜂室内越冬与室外越冬比较试验
18.The days get shorter as winterapproaches.冬天来临, 白天越来越短了.

dead ratio of overwintering chrysalis越冬蛹死亡率
3)Larvae and pupae越冬幼虫和蛹
4)aestivating pupae越夏蛹
1.(1)No differences of CAT activity were found between the aestivating pupae held at summer high temperatures and those held at a constant temperature of 15℃.较系统研究了甘蓝夜蛾越夏蛹和越冬蛹体内过氧化氢酶(CAT) 活力的变化。
1.In situ study on the photochemical vitality of overwintering phytoplankton;越冬浮游植物光合作用活性的原位研究
2.Study on the Approximate Absolute Density of Apodemus agrarius and Its Overwintering Activities;黑线姬鼠近似绝对密度及越冬情况研究
3.Effect of overwintering aggregation on energy metabolism in the firebug,Pyrrhocoris apterus (Heteroptera:Pyrrhocoridae);始红蝽越冬聚集行为对其能量代谢的影响
1.Since the only propagation place in Xingrentuozi on Shicheng Islands along seashores of Huanghai Sea in China were found in 1999,observation and studies on propagation,hibernation and migration of Platalea minor were conducted,and meanwhile investigation was carried out on some isles along seashores of Huanghai Sea in Liaoning each year.自1999年在辽宁省黄海沿岸的石城岛形人坨子上发现了中国的唯一繁殖地以来,作者对黑脸琵鹭的繁殖、越冬和迁徙进行了观察和研究,同时每年都对辽宁黄海沿岸的一些岛坨进行调查,在2007年6月又在距第1处繁殖地东南3n mile(海里)的元宝坨子上发现了第2处黑脸琵鹭繁殖地。
2.In hibernation period,the death rate for those of excellent quality would be as high as 31%.中国林蛙(Rana chensinensis)越冬是林蛙人工养殖中的重要环节。
