虎灰蝶,Yamamotozephyrus kwangtungensis
1)Yamamotozephyrus kwangtungensis虎灰蝶
1.Early Stages of Yamamotozephyrus kwangtungensis (Forster) (Insecta,Lepidoptera,Lycaenidae) with Notes on Its Systematic Position虎灰蝶幼期及分类地位(英文)

1.A small blue butterfly of the family Lycaenidae.蓝蝶灰蝶科的小蓝蝴蝶
2.any of various small butterflies of the family Lycaenidae having copper colored wings.灰蝶科有铜色翅膀的各种小蝴蝶。
3.any of numerous small chiefly blue butterflies of the family Lycaenidae.灰蝶科许多主要为蓝色的小蝴蝶。
4.Any of numerous butterflies of the subfamily Theclinae, having transverse streaks on the undersurface of the wings and fine, hairlike projections on the hind wings.小灰蝶蝴蝶亚种灰蝶的一种,翼下有横的条纹,后翼有细毛状突起
5.Any of various small butterflies of the subfamily Lycaeninae, having predominantly copper-colored wings.铜色(小)灰蝶一种灰蝶亚科的小蝴蝶,翅膀主要为铜色
6.large and widely distributed genus of hairstreak butterflies.大的且分布很广的一种灰蝶
7.Studies on the Natural Enemy Value of a New Biological Control Agent, Taraka Hamada Druce;新生物防治材料蚜灰蝶天敌价值研究
8.type genus of the Lycaenidae; small slender butterflies with upper surface of wings usually metallic blue or green or copper.灰蝶科的模式属;小的窄体蝴蝶,翅膀上部表面常是金属蓝色或绿色或铜色。
9.The base of the sella is seen here, above which is the tan-colored pituitary gland.蝶鞍底位于中间下部,它的上面是灰褐色垂体。
10.Research on the development of record on butterfly stroke in our country with the method of the same pattern grey number fillvacancies in the proper order and dynamin model in grey system;运用等维灰数递补动态模型对我国蝶泳纪录跟踪预测的研究
11.What you want is the magnificent abandon of life, the great free souls, the blazing butterflies and not the little grey moths.你需要的是放浪形骸的生活,自由自由的精神,是五光十色的大蝴蝶,而不是灰不溜丢的小飞蛾。
12.Methods: A modified butterfly incision for the approach to rhinoplasty was adopted and deformed alar cartilages were repaired.方法:采用改良的鼻根部蝶形切口的入路,修复畸形鼻翼软骨并行羟基磷灰石隆鼻术。
13.Any of various brightly colored butterflies of the genera Limenitis and Vanessa.彩蝶,花蝶,纹白蝶,纹红蝶多种蝶属和胥属的色彩绚丽的蝴蝶
14.transsphenoidal surgery of pituitary fossa tumors经蝶窦蝶鞍内肿瘤手术;经蝶窦蝶鞍内肿瘤手术
15.Relating to or resembling a chrysalis.蝶蛹的蝶蛹的或类似蝶蛹的
16.A brightly colored butterfly(Argynnis aphrodite)of North America.北美豹蝶北美一种色彩明丽的蝴蝶(纹蛱蝶属纹蛱蝶)
17.The order Lepidopteran consists of the butterflies and moths.鳞翅目有蝴蝶,蛾。
18.butterfly effectph.1. 蝴蝶效应

1.Studies on wing coloration and scale ultrastructure of four Luehdorfia species. Journal of Zhejiang Agricultural University;四种虎凤蝶翅面斑纹特征及鳞片的超微结构
2.This paper is a research on the distribution, biology and ecology of Luehdorfia butterflies in Qinling Mountains, Shaanxi province.为有效保护虎凤蝶,本论文对陕西秦岭地区虎凤蝶的分布、生物学和生态学特征及部分分布区的数量进行了调查。
4)Luehdorfia chinensis Leech中华虎凤蝶
1.Study on Habitat Environment and Origin of Luehdorfia chinensis Leech in Zijin Mountain;紫金山中华虎凤蝶生态环境及起源探讨
2.Effects of temperature on the larval survival, growth and development of Luehdorfia chinensis Leech.;温度对中华虎凤蝶幼虫生存与生长发育的影响
3.Study on Bionomics of Luehdorfia chinensis Leech;中华虎凤蝶生物学特性的研究
5)Luehdorfia chinensis中华虎凤蝶
1.Larval feeding behavior of Luehdorfia chinensis Leech, a precious and endangered butterfly.;珍贵濒危蝴蝶——中华虎凤蝶幼虫的取食行为
2.This paper deals with rearing technique of the precious and threatened butterfly: Luehdorfia chinensis Leech,and biology and culture technique of its host, Asarum forbesii Maxim.论述了珍稀濒危昆虫中华虎凤蝶的饲养技术和它的寄主植物杜衡的生物学特性和栽培技术。
3.Aim To study the possibility of substitute of food plant for Luehdorfia chinensis in laboratory.目的研究用中华虎凤蝶非天然寄主植物马蹄香和毛细辛进行替代饲养中华虎凤蝶的可行性。
6)Luehdorfia taibai太白虎凤蝶

灰蝶1.亦作"灰蜨"。 2.指飞舞像蝶的纸灰。