游客体验,Tourist Experience
1)Tourist Experience游客体验
1.By innovating the wireless tour guide machine, this article aims to promote the tourist experience to strengthen the customer value.本文通过对无线导游机技术的创新,来充分实现游客体验的核心:个性化、人性化和价值化。
2.Through a comprehensive literature review of the researches on tourist experience, taking the methods of research as a main thread, this paper outlines four research routes, and also explores their basic theories respectively,aiming to introduce the directions and fruits of the researches on tourists experience abroad, and broaden the horizon of the researches on tourist experience at home.从众多的游客体验研究文献中,以研究方法为主线,框架性地提取出4种研究路径,对于各种研究方法的理论基础也进行了相应的探讨,旨在介绍国外学者对于游客体验的研究方向和成果,以便拓宽国内游客体验研究的视野。
3.However,under the background of experience economy nowadays,if the ethnic minority areas want to survive and develop in fierce market competition, they should focus on tourist experience requirements,do a good job in experience management,and then provide unforgettable folklore tourism experience.以体验经济为时代背景,从游客体验角度出发,在梳理旅游体验质量影响要素的基础上,提出少数民族地区民俗旅游产品游客体验质量要素体系的理论模型假设;通过随机抽样的调查方式,采用因子分析和方差分析方法,构建了少数民族地区民俗旅游产品游客体验质量要素体系,包括产品体验、环境体验、管理体验和个人能力4个主要素;并在此基础上,提出了凤凰民俗旅游产品游客体验管理对策,即打造核心体验产品、构筑完美体验环境、加强全面体验管理和高度挑战个人能力。

1.An Appraisal Study on Inbound Tourists Experience Quality in Beijing;旅游目的地游客体验质量评价性研究——以北京入境游客为例
2.A Research of ATCS in Theory and Real Diagnosis Based on Tourist Experience;基于游客体验的ATCS理论与实证研究
3.The Study of Whitewater Drifting Tourism Product Development Based on Tourists Experience at Hongkou Scenic Spots of DuJiangyan City;基于游客体验的虹口漂流旅游产品开发研究
4.The Technological Innovation Research of Wireless Tour Guide Machine Based on the Tourist Experience;基于游客体验的无线导游机技术创新研究
5.Viewing Tourism Development of World Heritage of Xidi Hongcun from Tourist Experience;从游客体验看世界遗产地西递-宏村的旅游发展
6.Design of Tourist Products in Tourist and Scenic Areas Based on Tourist Experience:A Case Study of Shen s Garden in Shaoxing;基于游客体验的绍兴沈园产品设计研究
7.Research on Management strategies of Home Hotels Based on Tourist Experiences;基于游客体验的家庭旅馆经营策略研究
8.Research on Theme Park Brand-building Based on Tourist Experience基于游客体验的主题公园品牌塑造研究
9.A Study on the Influencing Factors of the Tourist Attractions Crowding and the Tourist Experience in the Tour "Golden Week";旅游黄金周景区拥挤度与游客体验影响因素研究
10.A Study on the Exploitation of Folklore Tourism Products in Ethnic Minority Areas Based on Tourist Experience基于游客体验的少数民族地区民俗旅游产品开发研究
11.Adaptability of Tourist Coach Service-A Theory Frame with Visual Angle of Tourist Experience旅游车辆服务适配性:基于游客体验视角下的理论分析框架
12.Development models of folklore tourism resources based on the experience of tourists--A case study of Guanzhong area基于游客体验的民俗旅游资源开发模式研究*——以陕西关中地区为例
13.A Study on Tourist Landscape Display of Ancient Village Based on Visitor Experience--A Case Study on Dangjia Village Shanxi province基于游客体验的古村落旅游景观展示研究——以陕西党家村为例
14.Probing to Visitor Experience Management in Nature Tourist Attractions;自然旅游景区游客旅游体验管理初探
15.Customer-based Tourists Experience Design From Experience Marketing;论体验营销下的顾客化旅游体验设计
16.Analysis of the Inbound Tourists Experience in Huangshan City;入境游客对黄山旅游的体验效果分析
17.A Demonstration Research on the Experience Quality of the Foreigners Traveling in China;旅华外国游客旅游体验质量评价实证研究
18.A Study on Tourists Traveling Experience in Tourist Destinations and Revisit Intention--A Case Study of Yixing;旅游地游客游憩体验与重游意愿作用机制研究——以宜兴为例

tourists experience游客体验
1.Study on the coordinating mechanism between environmental protection and tourists experience management in the forest park;森林公园环境保护与游客体验管理的协调机制研究
2.The Study of Whitewater Drifting Tourism Product Development Based on Tourists Experience at Hongkou Scenic Spots of DuJiangyan City;基于游客体验的虹口漂流旅游产品开发研究
3.At last,this research introduced Paired-samples T Test and Importance Performance Analysis(IPA) to analysis the differences between importance and performance items,discovered there were Significant differences,and put forward strengths,weaknesses,opportunities and threats in tourists experience items to enterprises and local government.本文在文献综述的基础上,通过预调查和信、效度分析,建构了漂流活动游客体验问卷,在对样本进行正式调查之后,明确了各体验项目在游客心目中的重视与满意程度,将漂流活动的游客体验分成"漂流设施"、"配套服务"、"基础设施"、"漂流服务"和"自然条件"5个构面;最后通过配对样本T检验和IPA法,对游客体验的重视和满意程度进行分析,发现两者具有较大差异,找出了游客体验项目中的优势、劣势、机会与威胁,供有关部门参考。
3)Visitor Experience游客体验
4)tourist online experience游客访问体验
5)visitor experience management游客体验管理
6)visitor experience value游客体验价值
1.However, the scenery and environment are destroyed during the developing and management about visitor attraction, which decrease the visitor experience value.旅游景区内的环境严重破坏、设备设施缺乏维护、游览项目缺乏创新、服务质量差等等,都将降低游客体验价值,降低对游客的吸引力,最终旅游景区衰落。

外国游客来北京颐和园观光旅游外国游客来北京颐和园观光旅游 外国游客来北京颐和园观光旅游 李平供稿