乡村旅游者,rural tourist
1)rural tourist乡村旅游者
1.The comparison of the rural tourist pre-perceived environment and post-perceived environment;乡村旅游者前后感知环境对比研究
2.Based on the investigation to Guangxi rural tourists,the paper systematicly analyzes different motives of rural tourists.不同的乡村旅游者的旅游动机是有差异的。

1.Study on Tourists Experience Based on the Investigation in Rural Tourists: the Case of Rural Tourism in Changsha;基于乡村旅游者调查的乡村旅游体验研究——以长沙市周边乡村旅游为例
2.Investigation on the Consumer's Cognition and Attitude to Rural Tourism消费者对乡村旅游的认知和态度调查
3.Study of Substantial Evidence on the Impct Factors of Food and Beverage Service Quality in Rural Tourist Destinations Based on the Tourist's Perception基于旅游者感知的乡村旅游餐饮服务质量影响因素实证研究
4.Study on Rural Tourist Marketing Based on Consumer's Behavior基于消费者行为的乡村旅游营销策略研究
5.Rural ecotourism tourism is a new form of rural tourism.乡村生态旅游是一种新型的乡村旅游形式。
6.Research on the Upgrade of Rural Tourist Industry--A Case Study of Rural Tourism in Deqing County;乡村旅游产业升级研究——以德清县乡村旅游为例
7.The research on the utilization of rural tourism resource;乡村旅游发展中的旅游资源利用研究
8.Agritourism: The Initial Exploration of New Tendency Tourism at the 21st Century;乡村旅游:21世纪旅游新趋势初探
9.Development Strategies of Rural Tourism in the Warm Spot Tour Cities温点旅游城市乡村旅游发展策略研究
10.Several Discriminations in Rural Tourism,Agriculture Tourism and Folklore Tourism;关于乡村旅游、农业旅游与民俗旅游的几点辨析
11.Research on Landscape Design in Rural Tourist Area of San Sheng Flower Town;三圣花乡片区乡村旅游景观设计研究
12.Survey and Research on the Rural Ecotourism of Tuanjie Village in Kunming City;昆明市团结乡乡村生态旅游调查研究
13.Soil Complex, Family Complex and Agritourism Development;从“乡土情结”角度谈乡村旅游开发
14.Promoting Construction of New Countryside by Developing Rural Tourism--Thinking about development of rural tourism in Guizhou;发展乡村旅游,促进新农村建设——对贵州乡村旅游发展的思考
15.Exploring on the way escape from poverty in countryside--Development of the village traveling农村脱贫途径探索——发展乡村旅游
16.Research on Old Village Redevelopment for Exploiting Rural Tourism;乡村旅游开发中的村落更新改造研究
17.Study on Development of Rural Tourism and Transferment of Rural Labor;乡村旅游开发与农村劳动力转移研究
18.Study on Rural Tourism Based on New Rural Construction;基于新农村建设的乡村旅游发展研究

rural tourism乡村旅游
1.System analysis on conservation for eco-environment in rural tourism;乡村旅游生态环境保护的系统观分析
2.Promote new rural construction by rural tourism;以乡村旅游促进新农村建设
3.On the Landscape Crisis in Rural Tourism Development;论乡村旅游开发中的景观危机
3)Countryside tourism乡村旅游
1.Evaluation model of countryside tourism s rural feature: A case study of Wuyuan in Jiangxi province;乡村旅游的乡村性测评模型——以江西婺源为例
2.Comparison betwen China and foreign countries on countryside tourism research;中外乡村旅游研究的比较
3.Research ofcommunity resident's attitude towards countryside tourism——take Chendu city Shanshen county Hongsha village as example社区居民对乡村旅游乡村性的认知态度研究——以成都市三圣乡红砂村为例
4)village tourism乡村旅游
1.Interactive effects of ecological cultural tradition and eco-environmental construction of village tourism site: A case study on Azhedi Yi People Village of Shilin County in Yunnan Province.;乡村旅游地生态文化传统与生态环境建设的互动效应——以云南石林县彝族阿着底村为例
2.A study on community participation in village tourism——A case study of Langde Village of Southeast Guizhou Province;乡村旅游社区参与研究——以黔东南苗族侗族自治州雷山县郎德村为例
3.However,we can not ignore the fact that the environmental problem to a degree has formed a threat to the continual developing for The village tourism area.以乡村生活、乡村民俗和田园风光为特色的乡村旅游正逐渐从单一型向融观光、参与、康体、休闲、度假、娱乐等为一体的综合型方向发展,但不容忽视的是,环境问题已对乡村旅游开发地区的持续发展构成了一定程度的威胁。
5)village traveling乡村旅游
1.Alienation of folk culture under village traveling tide ——Case study from Houdun Village of She Nationality;乡村旅游浪潮下民俗文化功能的异化——以畲村猴盾为个案
2.The village traveling is one kind of new traveling type which the ecotourism and the agricultural traveling union deepens.乡村旅游是生态旅游与农业旅游相结合深化出来的一种新型旅游形式,它是以农业和乡村为资源而开发的一种新兴生态旅游产品,是农业生产和旅游活动相结合的产物。
3.The development of village traveling is advantageous to develop the rural economy, to protect the culture and the resources, and to promote the harmonious new country-side construction.而发展乡村旅游,既带动了农村经济的发展,促进贫困地区脱贫致富,又有利于地方文化和资源的保护,促进和谐新农村建设。
6)Country tourism乡村旅游
1.Theoretical reflection on community participation in country tourism development;社区参与乡村旅游发展的理论思考
2.A Study on the Development of Country Tourism to Contribute the Construction of Socialist New Rural District;浅析发展乡村旅游在社会主义新农村建设中的作用
3.Developing country tourism is determined as the important means to solve the three farming problems in national "eleventh five years" plan.近20年来,我国乡村旅游的迅猛发展以及在改变乡村贫困落后面貌中的巨大作用引起国家领导的高度重视。
