旅游政治,tourism politics
1)tourism politics旅游政治
1.Study on tourism politics in still at initial stage.旅游政治研究还处于起步阶段,但是,它以旅游学与政治学为母学科,同时吸纳二者的理论与方法作为自己的理论基础与研究方法,并将政治学的宏阔视野纳入旅游研究,大大拓宽了旅游研究的范围,丰富了旅游研究的内容,为旅游研究提供了众多崭新的视角。
2)tourism politicalization旅游政治化
3)tourism policy旅游政策
1.This paper explained the main research fields such as tourism industrial policy,specific tourism policy and experience from the tourism policy,summed up the results of research on tourism policy,and put forward the existing problems and the direction for further research.旅游政策是旅游发展的目标和一套实现目标的规范准则,对促进旅游业健康快速发展具有十分重要的意义。
2.Since World War Ⅱ,Japan has carried out five Land Plannings,which include the tourism planning and the tourism policy plan.第二次世界大战后至今,日本先后进行了五次国土规划,每次规划都有旅游规划和旅游政策的相关内容。
3.This passage try to quantitative research the relationship between the tourism policy and the village tourism, in the research I use the YanqingCounty to do the case study, in order to make a more convincing.旅游政策的出台为乡村旅游的发展提供了良好的外界环境,但这些政策到底起到了怎样的作用,它们推动了乡村旅游取得了怎样程度的发展呢,这就是本文要重点研究的内容。

1.China and Korea international tourism policy comparison analysis and inspiration中、韩国际旅游政策比较分析与启示
2.The policy of opening to the world gingers up the tourist trade开放政策活跃了旅游事业。
3.Development Of ASEAN International Trade & Tourism And Its Policies And Measures东盟国际旅游贸易发展及其政策措施
4.Polices,Measures and Results of Japan s Development of Entry Tourism;日本发展入境旅游的政策措施与成效
5.On the Developmental Strategy of Tourism Public Policy;旅游公共政策学科专业发展战略探讨
6.Analysis on the Policy to Promote the Traveling of the People in Kunming City;推动昆明市人口外出旅游的政策分析
7.The Dual Structure of Tourism Industry and Public Policy Studies;旅游业中的二元结构及公共政策研究
8.On the Policy Experience and Reference from the Development of International Rural Travel;国际乡村旅游发展的政策经验与借鉴
9.Problems of Tourism Administrative Law Enforcement and Solutions in Guiyang City贵阳市旅游行政执法问题与对策研究
10.Analysis of inland city personal traveling HK policy s influence on UK tourism industry;内地赴港“个人游”政策对香港旅游业的影响分析
11.A Research on Visit-limit Policy of Hot Scenic Spots in China: An Economic Perspective;从经济学视角剖析旅游热点景区限游政策
12.Study on Management System and Policy of Forest Tourist Resources in China我国森林旅游资源管理体制与政策研究
13.Research on Tourism Resource Protection Policies and Laws of the Region Three Parallel Rivers;“三江并流”区旅游资源保护的政策法规研究
14.Function of Village Tourism during the Process of Speeding the Agriculture Development;乡村旅游在配合“三农政策”实施中的作用
15.A Study on the Current Situation and Trend of Chinese Outbound Tourism Market and Administration Policy of the Market;我国出境旅游市场的发展趋势及管理政策研究
16.Government Destination Marketing: Post-earthquake Recovery Strategy for the Tourism Industry in Sichuan;政府目的地营销:震后四川旅游业的恢复策略
17.A Research of Fujian Provincial Governmental Tourism Marketing Strategic Planning and Strategy;福建省政府旅游营销战略规划和策略研究
18.Mode and policy for rural tourism accelerating building a new socialist countryside;乡村旅游推动新农村建设的模式与政策取向

tourism politicalization旅游政治化
3)tourism policy旅游政策
1.This paper explained the main research fields such as tourism industrial policy,specific tourism policy and experience from the tourism policy,summed up the results of research on tourism policy,and put forward the existing problems and the direction for further research.旅游政策是旅游发展的目标和一套实现目标的规范准则,对促进旅游业健康快速发展具有十分重要的意义。
2.Since World War Ⅱ,Japan has carried out five Land Plannings,which include the tourism planning and the tourism policy plan.第二次世界大战后至今,日本先后进行了五次国土规划,每次规划都有旅游规划和旅游政策的相关内容。
3.This passage try to quantitative research the relationship between the tourism policy and the village tourism, in the research I use the YanqingCounty to do the case study, in order to make a more convincing.旅游政策的出台为乡村旅游的发展提供了良好的外界环境,但这些政策到底起到了怎样的作用,它们推动了乡村旅游取得了怎样程度的发展呢,这就是本文要重点研究的内容。
4)government tourist政府旅游
5)political affair tourism政务旅游
1.It had a long history that political affair tourism existed in China.政务旅游(旅行)在我国已有漫长的历史。
6)Political trip政治旅行

政治处(见政治部)政治处(见政治部)political division zhengzhiehu政治处(politieal division)中国人民解放军在团和相当于团的单位设立的政治工作领导机关。主要任务和职责与政治部基本相同。见政治部。