群体事件,group accident
1)group accident群体事件

1.Arises Suddenly the Communitive Event Emergency Prevention Management the Ponder;突发性群体事件应急预防管理的思考
2.Study on Innovation of Government Administrating of the Emergent Group Incident;应对突发性群体事件的政府治理创新
3.Ponder over the Measures of Precaution on Chinese Groups Events Based on the Protection of Social Vulnerable Groups Rights;弱势群体权利保护与群体性事件预防
4.Group affairs in the eye of law--hree heated spots now are as the group affairs′ example;法治视角下的群体性事件——以当前群体性事件的三个热点为例
5.Discussion on the Legal Concept of Interest Groups in Group Events略论群体性事件中利益群体的法律观念
6.Study on the Preventive System of the Opinion-monitoring of the Emergency or Mass Events重大突发性事件舆情监报与群体性事件预防
7.Analysis on Evolvement Mechanism and Resolution Strategies of Group Events:Based on the Cases of Weng'an Event and Dejiang Event群体性事件的演进机制与处置对策——以瓮安事件和德江事件为例
8.On the mass work of how to deal with the colony events by public security department;浅论公安机关应对群体性事件的群众工作
9.Abroad and Outside-Boundary s Studies on Grouping Behaviors and Collective Incidents;国外境外关于集群行为和群体性事件之研究
10.Relationship between Cadres and Masses and the Mass Incidents in the Village Committee Elections干群关系与村委会选举中的群体性事件
11.On Prevention of Unexpected Mass Incident and Management;论当前群体性突发事件的预防与管理
12.Research on the Flexible Control of Mass Unexpected Incident in University;高校群体性突发事件柔性化控制研究
13.Four Interest Mediation Mechanisms about Governance of the Group Incidents;群体性事件治理的四大利益调处机制
14.On Flexible Handling of Mass Events by Public Security Organs;论公安机关对群体性事件的柔性处置
15.On the Prevention and Processing of Group Events Happening in Higher Educational Areas;论高教园区群体性事件的预防和处置
16.An Analysis of Police Psychological State in Handling Group Events;群体性事件处置中警察心理状态分析
17.Characteristics reasons and counter-measures of the community abrupt affairs;群体性突发事件的特征 原因及对策
18.An Analysis of Participants and Their Psychological Characteristics in Mass Events;群体性事件人员构成与心理特征分析

Group event群体性事件
1.The group events caused by land expropriation,a kind of deviance resulting from the damaged benefit in the process of land expropriation where farmers concerned cannot protect their own interests in a normal way,severely affect harmony and stability of the rural areas,even that of the whole society.征地引发的群体性事件是在土地征用过程中利益受损的农民采取常规手段难以维护自身利益的情况下发生的集体越轨行为,严重影响了广大农村乃至整个社会的和谐与稳定。
2.The necessary way to solve the problem of group events is to seek dialogues between the two or more disputants.在目前利益多元、矛盾激烈、诉求途径有限的情况下,在矛盾双方或多方之间展开对话是寻求根本解决群体性事件办法的必经之路。
3)mass incidents群体性事件
1.Research on mass incidents-the status and role of the public security organs;群体性事件研究——兼论公安机关的地位与作用
2.on the devdopment discipline of mass incidents and Countermeasures;关于对群体性事件发展规律及对策分析
3.The impact of public security propaganda on the disposal of mass incidents论公安宣传工作对群体性事件的影响
4)Mass Events群体性事件
1.A Discussion on Persuading Art of Handling Mass Events;论群体性事件处置中说服的艺术
2.A Discussion on the Functional Role of Public Security Organs for Handling Mass Events;论充分发挥公安机关在处置群体性事件中的职能作用
3.The nature of the mass events is the contradictions among the people.群体性事件基本上属于人民内部矛盾。
5)Group Events群体性事件
1.On the Prevention and Countermeasures of Group Events;论群体性事件的预防策略
2.Property Rights Analysis and Contractual Governance on the Group Events of Flight Delay;航班延误群体性事件的产权分析及契约治理
3.Domestic Group Events and Its Development Trends;当前国内群体性事件及其发展趋势研究
6)group incidents群体性事件
1.The group incidents of university students have a significant effect on the security and stability of the campus which produces an obviously negative influence on building the harmonious campus.高校学生群体性事件是影响高等学校安全与稳定的重要因素,对建设和谐校园具有明显的负面作用。
2.In the social transforming period,uncommon public crisis frequently occurs,and recently "group incidents" serve as one of the prominent manifestations for the intensification of contradictions.社会转型期间的群体性事件是一系列矛盾冲突激化的突出表现之一,应对思路考验着政府的反应和行政治理能力。
3.It is an important topic for police organs to prevent and handle group incidents effectively.有效预防和处置群体性事件是公安机关面临的一个重要课题,在群体性事件的处置过程中公共关系客观存在,公安机关可以运用公共关系原理,提高群体性事件处置水平。

内群体与外群体  依照人们的归属感对社会群体所作的一种划分。内群体是指一个人经常参与的或在其间生活、或在其间工作、或在其间进行其他活动的群体。内群体又称我们群体,简称我群。外群体是相对于内群体而言的,泛指内群体以外的所有群体。外群体又称他们群体,简称他群。    内群体与外群体这一对概念最早是由美国社会学家W.G.萨姆纳在《民俗论》(1906)一书里提出来的。作者试图用这对概念描述一个人的群体归属、群众意识以及群众对于个人的影响。    内群体和外群体的概念,明确地区分了我们和他们的界限。这种内外有别的观念不仅内化在群体成员的心里,而且有时通过外在的形式加以突出和强调,如一个群体有自己的名称、符号标志,或特殊的服饰、礼仪或习俗等等。社会学文献使用内群体和外群体概念时,主要用来说明个人对于内群体的肯定和忠诚、对于外群体的排斥和疏远的态度。    内群体和外群体的性质和范围是不断变化的。比如,在原始社会里,内群体和外群体的数目极为有限,性质单纯。一个人所在的家庭、氏族或部落属于内群体,其他的氏族或部落则属于外群体。随着社会的发展,人们活动范围不断扩大,一个人参与的内群体的数量随之增多,性质不完全局限于血缘的联系或地域的联系,而是逐步扩展到工作、社交、文化娱乐和体育运动各个领域,从而形成业缘、社交、文体等多种类型的内群体。内群体和外群体的界限不是一成不变的,随着个人的加入或退出,外群体和内群体不时发生相互转换的现象。