家庭旅游,family tourism
1)family tourism家庭旅游
1.However,family tourism has been developing since 1950s in developed countries,where there are plenty of researching resources about family tourism.在中国,家庭旅游作为一种新兴的旅游形式,已经开始受到业界和学界的关注,然而国内关于家庭旅游的研究并不多,各种文献也很少,但是涉及的方面较广,主要是从家庭旅游者消费行为影响因素、家庭旅游决策行为影响因素、家庭旅游产品设计等方面开展研究。
2.Finally,on the results of this study so me of the recommendations for development of different age groups\' children\' family tourism market were proposed.最后,就本研究结果提出了针对不同孩子年龄的家庭旅游市场开发的一些建议。

1.A Study of Overseas Traveler s Family Tour Decision-making;国外有关旅游者家庭旅游决策问题的研究
2.Analysis of Family Tourists Behavior and the Research of Marketing Strategy;家庭旅游者行为特征分析与市场营销对策研究
3.An Investigation on Spousal Involvement and the Impact Factors In Family Tourism Decision Making;夫妻参与家庭旅游决策及其影响因素研究
4.Research on the Effect of Children's Ages on Family Tourism Decision"孩子年龄对家庭旅游决策的影响研究——以西安市为例
5.He was fettered by his family and could not travel any longer.他被家庭束缚,不能再到处去旅游了。
6.The Status and Countermeasure of Physical Tourism Consumption of Family in Foshan City;佛山市家庭体育旅游消费现状与对策
7.The "Entering Beijing Citizens' Home" tourist program shall be introduced and efforts will be exerted to make it a quality brand in the international tourism industry.推出“走进北京市民家庭”旅游活动,力争形成国际旅游精品品牌。
8.Research on Management strategies of Home Hotels Based on Tourist Experiences;基于游客体验的家庭旅馆经营策略研究
9.Home inn is the result of mass-tourism in China.家庭旅馆是我国大众旅游发展到一定阶段的产物。
10.Families could travel cross-country and stay at one of my hotels every night.一个个家庭可以在不同国家范围旅游,而每天晚上都可以住在我麾下的一家旅馆。
11.The local authorities protect the family from inquisitive tourists.地方当局保证这个家庭不受爱好寻根究底的旅游者的纠缠。
12.The Relationship among Tourist Motivation, Service Quality, Satisfaction and Loyalty at Home Inn;家庭旅馆游客动机、服务质量、满意度与忠诚度关系研究
13.Study on Family Structure in Terms of Travel Behavior for Urban Residents;城市居民旅游行为的家庭结构分异研究——以长沙市为例
14.A Study on Tourism Expenditure Based on the Family Structure Cycle Model:a Local Survey in Northern Jiangsu;基于家庭结构周期模型的旅游支出预期研究——苏北地区局部调查
15.The Inherit and Change of the Development of the Tourist Economy and Marriage Family in Lugu Lake in Sichuan;四川泸沽湖摩梭旅游经济发展与婚姻家庭的承继与变迁
16.It was a family adventure trip.那是一次家庭探险之旅。
17.The New Development of Play Therapy and Family Therapy:Family Play Therapy;游戏治疗和家庭治疗的新发展:家庭游戏治疗
18.Study on Parent s Play Conception & Children s Family Play Actuality;幼儿家长游戏观及家庭游戏现状研究

Family travel家庭旅游
1.As one of the most important segment markets,family travel market has invited widespread concerns of overseas researchers in the past 40 years.家庭旅游市场作为重要的细分市场之一,在近40年来引起了国外学者的广泛关注。
3)Family Tourists家庭旅游者
1.Analysis of Family Tourists Behavior and the Research of Marketing Strategy;家庭旅游者行为特征分析与市场营销对策研究
4)Family inn家庭旅馆
1.The advantages and disadvantages of growing family inns in natural scenic spot are analyzed and suggestions through the example of family inns of Nankunshan, Guangdong are presented, in order to attract attention from society for this new tendency.以广东南昆山省级自然风景区家庭旅馆的发展为例,着重分析了在自然风景区内发展家庭旅馆的优势和劣势,并提出建议,以期引起社会对这一新生事物的关注。
2.The family inn has become an important part of Chinese lodging industry,but a majority of family inns lie in the countryside,so the benign development will promote the transformation of rural industry and farmers enrichment.家庭旅馆目前已经成为中国住宿业重要的一部分,由于大多数家庭旅馆位于农村,因此,它的良性发展对于带动农村产业转型、农民脱贫致富至关重要。
3.With the emerging of popular tourism, family inn has been becoming a more and more important role in tourism economy of some parts of our country, especially in the poverty areas.随着大众旅游的兴起,家庭旅馆在我国部分地区尤其是边远贫困地区的旅游经济中发挥着越来越重要的作用。
5)home hotel家庭旅馆
1.And home hotel,which has wide market prospect,is getting to be the new light of sustainable tourism development with its advantages.家庭旅馆作为旅游供求矛盾的产物,缓解了旅游景区的住宿接待压力,增加了当地居民收入,并且凭借自身的优势特点成为旅游业持续发展的新亮点,有着广阔的市场前景。
1.For homestays,opportunities and challenges exist side by side in this situation.这对于国内刚刚兴起的家庭旅馆而言,既是机遇,又是挑战。
2.s:Based on the discussion of the necessity of the construction of homestay in China,this paper probes into the positioning,style,and management strategy of homestay.在对我国建设家庭旅馆必要性认识的基础上 ,探讨了我国家庭旅馆的定位、风格以及建立家庭旅馆调配中心的管理策

家庭旅游活动一般规律家庭旅游活动一般规律general law of family-tourism  家庭旅游活动一般规律(general law。f family一t。urism)家庭旅游活动具有的共同特点。可分为五个阶段(见图):(l)一般决策阶段,涉及对旅游需要的认识,决定是否出游的问题,是全体家庭成员群体决策的过程。(2)寻找信息阶段,信息的主要来源是社会环境和商业环境,在对信息综合分析的基础上,回答去哪里,怎么去,去多久等问题。(3)最后决策阶段,家庭成员共同商定,但每个家庭成员在决策过程中所起的作用各不相同。(4)旅游活动阶段,是消费各种旅游商品和接受旅游服务的过程,它受家庭每个成员的个性特点和生活方式制约。(5)满足或抱怨阶段,是旅游效果的情绪体验过程,是旅游业的一种信息反馈,也可作为修订以后旅游决策的依据。 (蒋兆灿撰张舟纬市)