旅游高等教育,tourism higher education
1)tourism higher education旅游高等教育
1.On introduce-innovate-develop as an effective way to improve tourism higher education;旅游高等教育整合型国际合作模式的探索
2.Chinese tourism higher education has already got comparatively notable accomplishment after developing for more than 20 years,but it does not attach more importance to ethics problems which appears in the tourism development.中国旅游高等教育经过20多年的发展已经取得了显著成就,但面对旅游业发展中出现的众多伦理问题,旅游高等教育并没有给予高度重视,无论在旅游管理专业的培养目标、课程设置上,还是在旅游管理专业的教材内容上,反映出旅游伦理在旅游高等教育中的缺失。
3.Aim at the inconsistency and issues of supply and requirement between tourism higher education and enterprises of our country, this article investigated the instances of cooperation of college and tourism enterprises home and abroad,and then some of new consideration about the mode of run a school by college and enterprise is put forward, which is general concerned in the new position.针对我国旅游高等教育与旅游业界在旅游人才的供需方面的矛盾和存在的问题,通过对国内外旅游教育中校企合作状况的了解,对在新形势下旅游院校普遍关心的“校企联合办学”方式提出了一些新思考,认为现阶段我国旅游高等院校与旅游企业进行校企联合办学仍存在许多障碍,并提出促进校企联合办学思路的对策。

1.Great Tourism Education--the New Train of Thoughts in Higher Tourism Education;大旅游教育——旅游高等教育的新思路
2.A Discussion on the Construction of Tourism Discipline from the View of Tourism Higher Education;从旅游高等教育角度谈旅游学科建设
3.Tourism Ethics: Significant Hiatus in the Tourism Higher Education;旅游伦理:旅游高等教育中重大缺失
4.On Higher Tourism Education from the Perspectives of Tourism Science;从旅游学的研究角度看旅游高等教育
5.Higher education on tourism and cultivating high quality personnel of tourism management;旅游高等教育与培养高素质旅游管理人才
6.Sustainable Development of Tourism Industry and the Reform of Tourist Higher Learning;旅游业的可持续发展与旅游高等教育改革
7.An Analysis of Tourism Talents Supply and the State of Tourism Higher Education in Shanghai;上海旅游人才供给与旅游高等教育现状分析
8.Tour Higher Education and the Training of Cross - century Tour Talents;旅游高等教育与跨世纪旅游人才的培养
9.A Reform Research on the Development of Tourism High Education in Guizhou Province;贵州省旅游高等教育发展的改革探究
10.Reflections on the Rise of Central China and Higher Education of Tourism;中部崛起与湖南旅游高等教育的沉思
11.An Economic Analysis of the Opportunistic Behavior in Tourist Higher Education;旅游高等教育中投机行为的经济分析
12.New Thoughts in Higher Education Reform of Tourism;试论新世纪旅游高等教育改革新思路
13.On Establishing and Practising Innovative Teaching System in Tourism Higher Education;旅游高等教育创新教育教学体系的构建与实践
14.On the Basic Characters of Vocational Education and Its Enlightenment to Tourism Higher Education;职业教育的基本特征对旅游高等教育的启示
15.On Higher Education of Tourism and Cultivating Elite in Tourism;论旅游高等教育与旅游高级人才的培养——兼议旅游高等院校的产业化改革
16.On the Cultivation of Tourism Talents and Vocational Development of Tourism Education;旅游人才培养与高等旅游教育的职业化发展
17.A Brief Talk about the Professional Skill Operation Course in Higher Tourism Education浅议高等旅游教育的专业技能操作课
18.The Research of the Development and Modal of China s Tourism Higher Education;我国高等旅游教育的发展和模式研究

higher education of tourism旅游高等教育
1.Bilingual Teaching Practice and Exploration in Higher Education of Tourism;旅游高等教育的双语教学探析
2.On the basis of all-round analysis to Chinese higher education of tourism after 2000, this paper point out the existing situation and problems, which are far-reaching to the further study on sustainable development of Chinese tourism industry at the turning-point period.该文是在对2000年以来我国旅游高等教育全面分析的基础上,提出了我国旅游教育目前发展的现状和存在的问题,这对进一步研究我国旅游业在转型时期的可持续发展具有重要而深远的意义。
3.Since 2000,higher education of tourism in China has developed much with increased size and scope,reasonable structure,as well as enhanced teaching and research quality.2000年以来我国旅游高等教育有了很大发展,规模扩大,层次合理,分布广泛,专业建设与教学科研水平不断提高,但其中的问题也是不容忽视的,如缺乏品牌学校,人才培养方向模糊,师资力量薄弱,产学研结合不够等等,正视并解决这些问题是中国旅游业在转型时期可持续发展的重要保证。
3)higher tourism education旅游高等教育
1.It seeks to reform the model of international cooperative school-running, create an integrated model so as to reform higher tourism education and upgrade its level.如何改变这一现象 ,广州大学中法旅游学院进行了有益的探索 ,以改革国际合作办学模式 ,创立整合型的国际合作办学模式为切入点 ,对旅游高等教育进行改革 ,提升旅游高等教育水平。
2.Bilingual teaching practice in higher tourism education is becoming more and more important today.旅游高等教育中导入双语教学 ,其现实意义毋庸置疑。
3.The characteristics of tourism industry itself calls for more demand to higher tourism education.在高等教育改革的背景下 ,职业教育和专业教育的关系被进一步关注 ,而旅游行业本身的特点 ,对旅游高等教育提出了更多要求。
4)higher education on tourism旅游高等教育
1.Analysis on the higher education on tourism thoroughly,this paper points out a few of measurements to it.当前山西旅游高等教育难以适应旅游经济的快速发展。
2.How to cultivate high quality personnel is a problem faced us in higher education on tourism.如何培养高素质人才,是摆在旅游高等教育面前的一个课题,本文从21世纪旅游管理人才培养目标入手,着重探讨了旅游管理人才应具备的素质,以及旅游高等教育如何培养高素质旅游管理人才。
5)higher tourism education高等旅游教育
1.This paper gives a brief summary of the domestic research on the development of Chinese tourism education,establishment of tourist disciplines,structural system of tourism education and the nature of higher tourism education, setting up of courses.本文从中国旅游教育的发展、旅游学科建设、旅游教育结构体系以及高等旅游教育的性质、课程设置等方面对中国旅游教育的研究进行了简略综述。
2.Based on the present condition of China s higher tourism education,the paper introduces the PBL pattern into higher tourism education.从我国高等旅游教育的现状出发,将PBL教学模式引入到高等旅游教育中来,重点分析了如何在教学中应用PBL,以及在运用中应注意的问题,以期我国高等旅游教育从理论到方法都得到更新,推动我国高等旅游教育的发展,为我国旅游业的发展培养更多的有用人才。
6)tourism higher education高等旅游教育
1.A study on the problems and counter-measures in the development of China s tourism higher education;我国高等旅游教育存在的问题与对策
2.In recent years,with rapid development of tourism in our country,there has been great progress in tourism higher education in Guangxi.近年来,随着我国旅游业的迅速发展,广西的高等旅游教育也有了长足的进步。
