旅游商品业,tourism shopping
1)tourism shopping旅游商品业
1.Dynamic analysis of tourism shopping development in Xi an City;西安市旅游商品业发展动态分析
2.As everyone knows that tourism shopping industry is the important component of the region tourism industry.依据近20多年旅游外汇总收入与旅游商品外汇收入的统计数据,对1979—2000年旅游商品收入在旅游总收入中所占比重的变化进行分析;对旅游业和旅游商品业创汇收入年增长率的变化进行对比分析;建立了我国旅游商品业创汇收入的趋势方程;分析了我国旅游商品业发展的动态趋势及波动周期;最后运用趋势方程及周期规律,对未来5年我国旅游商品业的发展趋势做出预测。

2.Research on the Development of Tour Commodity Industry Based on Industry Endogenetic Economic Growth --Taking Xi′an City as an Example;基于产业内生型经济增长的旅游商品业发展研究——以西安市旅游产业发展为例
3.Deep Growing of the Tourism Industry and the Development of the Tourist Commodities in Henan Province;河南省旅游产业纵深发展与旅游商品开发
4.To Elongate the Tourism Industry Chain Through Developing Tourism Products;深度开发旅游商品 拉长我国旅游产业链
5.The Analysis About the Present Situation of Tourism Commodity Industry and the Solutions;中国旅游商品行业的现状及对策研究
6.(II) Tourist Products and Commodities(二)旅游产品和商品
7.Tourism benefits not only the service sector, but also manufacture of tourist commodities.旅游业不仅让服务行业受益,而且对旅游商品的制造业有利。
8.Reflection on the branding strategy implemented by tourist product manufacturers;关于旅游商品生产企业实施品牌战略的思考
9.Business Chances Seen from Cultural Tourism Industry in Chengdu--Also on the Unique Quality of Cultural Tourism Brand of Chengdu;成都旅游文化产业的商机——兼论成都旅游文化品牌的唯一性
10.The Connotation of Tourism Industry,Tourism Industrial Products and Tourism Products;旅游业、旅游业产品及旅游产品的概念阐释
11.European Committee of National Federations of the Leather, Travel Goods and Allied Industries欧洲国家皮革、旅游商品和类似工业联合会委员
12.Culture Factors and Business Behavior-Comparison of Chinese and Foreign Souvenirs;文化因素与商业行为——中外旅游纪念品比较
13.A Study on Pattern of Tourism Commodities Industrialization Development in Yunnan Province;旅游商品产业化发展模式选择研究——以云南为例
14.The elementary research on the combination of the commerce and in the cities of tourist;旅游城市商业与旅游互动的初步研究
15.Secretariat of state for Commerce and Tourism商业和旅游国务秘书处
16.Tourism Merchandise and Souvenirs:Discussion on the Conceptual Definitions and Local Features;旅游商品概念性定义与旅游纪念品的地方特色
17.Turist Development, Cultural Quality Improvement and Image Establishment of Shangqiu City商丘旅游业的发展与商丘城市文化品位的提高和形象的塑造
18.The Conformity of Tourism Industry and the Design of Tourism Souvenirs and Tour Resources;旅游纪念品设计、旅游产业和旅游资源整合

tourist commodity旅游商品
1.Promotion of sustainable development of tourist commodity in multi-national area on the Experience-traveling-Take the Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture as the example;以体验式旅游促进民族地区旅游商品可持续发展——以凉山彝族自治州为例
2.Researches on the tactics of tourist commoditys s opening-up and designing in the development of Changzhou as tourist cities;常州市旅游商品的开发设计策略研究
3.This paper adopted the methods of questionnaire and field investigation as well as based on thepurpose of bamboo tourist commodity to sum up five series of bamboo tour commodity, and meanwhile findout several problems in bamboo tour commodity.通过对昆明主要景区竹制旅游商品采用问卷调查与实地考察的方法,并以竹制旅游商品的用途为依据,归纳出五大系列竹制旅游商品,同时发现目前竹制旅游商品存在的若干问题。
3)tourist commodities旅游商品
1.Further Exploitation of Specilized Tourist Commodities of Xinjiang;论新疆特色旅游商品的深度开发
2.The important role that cultural and complimentary orientation plays in tourist commodities packaging design was analyzed beginning with tourists psychological needs of tourist commodities.从分析旅游者对旅游商品的心理需求入手,探讨旅游商品的文化倾向和馈赠倾向时旅游商品包装设计起到的重要作用,同时透过旅游商品包装设计的"文化差异"、"实用美观"、"小巧轻便"等特点,以及包装装璜的表现技巧、色彩、图形、造型、材料等应用,分别讨论如何提高旅游商品包装设计水平。
4)tourism commodity旅游商品
1.An analysis of tourism commodity market exploitation based on visitor shopping inclination:A case from Shaanxi Province基于游客购物倾向分析的旅游商品开发研究——以陕西为例
2.Tourism souvenir is the main part of tourism commodity and it is very important to develop the tourism industry.旅游纪念品是旅游商品的重要组成部分,是发展旅游业的关键。
3.The Ancient City of PingYao is world cultural heritage,it attracts innumerable tourists by its glorious history and the deep cultural connotation,however,the tourism commodity species and quantites in Pingyao,it can t satisfy the tourists increasing demand.世界文化遗产平遥古城,凭借其悠久的历史和深厚的文化内涵吸引了无数游客,旅游业得到快速发展,然而,平遥旅游商品的种类和数量却无法满足游客日益增长的购买需要。
5)tourism commodities旅游商品
1.A study on coupling and developing of Hunan tourism commodities and HU-XIANG culture;论湖南省旅游商品与湖湘文化的融合开发
2.A Study on Pattern of Tourism Commodities Industrialization Development in Yunnan Province;旅游商品产业化发展模式选择研究——以云南为例
3.As an important part of thetourism industry,the tourism commodities now have enormous problems that should be solved soon .作为旅游业的重要组成部分 ,旅游商品存在着许多亟待解决的问题。
6)tourism goods旅游商品
1.Current market situation and exploitation strategy for tourism goods of Chongqing;重庆旅游商品市场现状及开发策略
2.The development of the market for tourism goods should be demand-oriented.旅游商品的市场开发应该以需求为导向。
3.In the conditions of logistics hanging behind and becoming restrict factor of tourism E-commerce development,establishing perfect logistics system of tourism goods is the key step of the chins s tourism E-commerce development.在物流业整体发展滞后,并日益成为旅游电子商务发展制约因素的情况下,建立完善的旅游商品物流体系是我国旅游电子商务发展的关键环节。

国内旅游业与国际旅游业国内旅游业与国际旅游业 国内旅游业与国际旅游业国内旅游业是为国内居民提供旅游服务的行业。它的服务对象是国内旅游者.旅游者支付的是国内货币。国内旅游业的兴起与发展同一国社会经济发展水平紧密相关一方面,随着经济的发展和居民收入的增加.人们的基本生活有了保障之后,产生了更高层次的需求,从而把收入的一部分用于集物质享受与精神享受于一体的旅游活动。另一方面.随着社会生产力的提高和科学技术的进步,社会基础设施和文化环境的改善,为居民进行旅游活动创造了便利条件。国内旅游业的发展不仅可以丰富居民的物质文化生活,增加政府的财政收入,对具有旅游资源的边远落后地区的经济发展和当地居民生活的改善也会起促进作用国际旅游业包括:①组织国内居民赴国外旅游。②接待国外旅游者来国内旅游。前者的服务对象是本国居民,后者的服务对象是国外旅游者。国际旅游业的发展是全球经济和科学技术发展的结果。发展国际旅游业,可以为国家赚取外汇收入,利于平衡国际收支和购买国外先进技术产品.也能促进与国外经济、文化、科学、技术的交流,还可以增进各国人民之间的相互了解和友谊,有利于世界和平