非物质文化资源,Immaterial Cultural Resources
1)Immaterial Cultural Resources非物质文化资源
1.Exploitation and Protection of the Immaterial Cultural Resources of National Minority Based on Property Theory;基于产权理论的少数民族非物质文化资源的开发与保护
2.Based on the benefit of the immaerial cultural resources owner,the paper discusses the immaterial cultural resources benefit game equilibrium and institution arrangement in Guangzhou.以非物质文化资源拥有者的利益出发,讨论了广州市非物质文化资源开发的利益博弈均衡及制度安排。

1.Reflections on Preservation of Intangible Cultural Heritage;非物质文化遗产保护的若干反思——从贵州的非物质文化资源探讨
2.Exploitation and Protection of the Immaterial Cultural Resources of National Minority Based on Property Theory;基于产权理论的少数民族非物质文化资源的开发与保护
3.The Immaterial Cultural Resources Benefit Game Equilibrium and Institution Arrangement in Guangzhou;广州市非物质文化资源开发的利益博弈均衡及制度安排
4.On the Resources of Farming Culture and the Heritages of Intangible Culture;关于农耕文化资源与非物质文化遗产
5.Management, Exploitation and Utilization of the Intangible Cultural Heritage Archives;非物质文化遗产档案资源的管理、开发与利用
6.Research on Evaluation System of Exploitation Value of Intangible Culture Heritage Resource;非物质文化遗产旅游资源价值评价体系初探
7.Resarch on Value Compensation Operating Mechanism for Non-material Cultural Tourism Resources;非物质文化旅游资源价值补偿运行机制初探
8.Discussion on the Development of Non-material Cultural Tourism Resources;关于非物质文化旅游资源开发的初步探讨
9.The Research of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity Tourism Development in Qimen County;祁门县非物质文化遗产旅游资源开发研究
10.Nonmaterial Cultural Heritage Is an Important Regional Tourism Resource;非物质文化遗产是重要的区域旅游资源
11.A Research on Intangible Cultural Tourism Resources Development Model of Xinjiang新疆非物质文化旅游资源开发模式研究
12.Preliminary study on intangible cultural heritage resources utilization in grassland tourism草原旅游业中非物质文化遗产资源利用初探
13.Dongba culture,Naxi ancient music and folk dance should be developed as intangible cultural resources.非物质文化旅游资源,应重点开发东巴文化、纳西古乐和民间歌舞。
14.Development of national minority folk sports resources from perspective of non-material cultural heritage protection非物质文化遗产保护视角下我国少数民族民俗体育文化资源开发
15.Legal Protection of the Human Resources of West China Area --Represented by the Legal Protection of Intangible Cultural Heritage;西部人文资源的法律保护——以非物质文化遗产法律保护为典型
16.Analysis of Ways to Utilize Intangible Cultural Heritage as Tourism Resources--Case Study of Drum Dance of Xiangxi Miao Nationality浅析非物质文化遗产的旅游资源化途径——以湘西苗族鼓舞为例
17.Study on Protection and Development of Intangible Cultural Heritage Tourism Resources in Digital Era数字化时代非物质文化遗产旅游资源的保护与发展研究
18.On the Intangible Cultural Heritage and the Problem of Curriculum Resources of Yili Situation非物质文化传承与伊犁区域化课程资源问题刍议

non-material cultural tourism resources非物质文化旅游资源
1.Constructing value Compensation operating mechanism for non-material cultural tourism resources,reflecting the value of non-material cultural tourism resources,implementing compensation for the use of resources,forming resources,self-support pattern is not only conducive to constructing symbosis mechanism for non-material cultural protection and tourism development and coordinate the relationship.构建非物质文化旅游资源价值补偿运行机制,还原非物质文化旅游资源以价值,实现资源的有偿使用,形成以资源养资源,有利于非物质文化保护和开发共生机制的构建,协调好保护与开发之间的关系;有利于延长旅游地生命周期;有利于资源利用负外部性内部化。
3)material culture resources物质文化资源
4)non-matter cultural legacies in Sichuan四川非物质文化遗产资源
5)Intangible culture非物质文化
1.Intangible Culture s Sustainable Development and Local Design Innovation;非物质文化的可持续发展与本土设计创新
2.On relationship between Chinese intangible culture and classic gardens浅析中国非物质文化与古典园林的关系
6)nonmaterial culture非物质文化
1.Urban culture includes physical culture and nonmaterial culture.城市文化包括物质文化和非物质文化,在对城市雕塑创作的影响上,物质文化表现为城市环境、城市雕塑创作的材料和城市雕塑制作的技术;非物质文化表现为城市环境法规、城市居民的传统观念、城市居民的审美心理、城市的精神和城市居民文明素质等。
2.Nowadays our traditional culture is on the verge of extinction, like all other nonmaterial culture legacy, and need protecting.今天我们的传统文化,已经和其他所有非物质文化遗产一样,濒临灭绝,是需要保护的弱者。
