权衡管理,weighing management
1)weighing management权衡管理
1.It\'s worthwhile for both academic circles and the industry to discuss how scenic areas carry out a weighing management toward stardardizing and characteristic service.无论对学界还是业界,景区如何对标准化服务与个性化服务进行权衡管理,都是值得探讨的问题。

1.Weighing Management towards Standardizing and Characteristic Service of Scenic Areas according to ZOT Theories基于ZOT理论景区标准化与个性化服务权衡管理
2.On the Balance between the Administrative Power of Universities and the Constitutional Rights of the Counterpart;高校管理权与相对人宪法公民权论衡
3.A Study on the Financial Management Check and Balance in the Institutions of Higher Learning浅谈高校财务管理中的权力制衡问题
4.Administrative Power and Students’ Right to Education in Colleges and Universities: Conflicts and Compromise;高校管理权与学生受教育权的冲突与平衡
5.The Conflict and Balance between College Management Power and Student Rights高校管理权与大学生权利的冲突及其平衡
6.The Risk-Profit Analysis on Asset Liability Management Research Of a Commercial Bank;商业银行资产负债管理的风险收益权衡分析
7.Analysis and Thinking about the Present Situation of the Management of University Intellectual Properties from the Interest of Balance;高校知识产权管理过程中的利益平衡问题研究
8.Application of the Principle of Power Division and Balance in Class Management in Higher Vocational Colleges;分权制衡的宪政原则在高职班级管理中的运用
9.On the Construction of a Teaching Supervision System and the Balance of the Power of University Teaching Quality Control;教学督导制度与高校教学质量管理权的制衡
10.Analysis of Time-cost-quality Trade-off in Engineering Project Management;工程项目管理中工期-费用-质量的权衡分析
11.Measurement between R and C:the Basic Rule for the Decision-making of Corporation s Management;RC权衡法则:企业经营管理决策的一个基本法则
12.Modern Classroom Management--Construct the Balance Between Authority and Freedom现代课堂管理——构建权威与自由的平衡体
13.Analysis of Trade-off and Control of Engineering Project Management Objective System工程项目管理目标系统的权衡与控制分析
14.Evaluation of Information Security Management System Based on Tradeoff Analysis基于综合权衡分析的信息安全管理系统评估
15.The Changing Balance between Access and Ownership under Digital Rights Management;数字版权管理背景下的公众与权利人利益平衡之问题
16.Administrative Power and Right to Education in College and Universities:Clash and Equilibrium;论高校对学生的管理权与学生受教育权的冲突与平衡
17.The Central Point of Finance Management is a Finance Control System with the Financial Power Divide and Balance;财务治理实质是一种财权划分与制衡的财务管理体制
18.The allocation of right (power) between college &university and government show unbalance state in the education and management.现实的教育管理中,高校与政府的权利(力)配置呈现出不平衡的状态。

Balancing point伦理权衡
3)trade-off theory权衡理论
1.This paper analyzes empirically the factors affecting the capital structure of publicly traded Chinese real estate firms based on the trade-off theory and pecking-order theory, aiming to provide some meaningful references for the establishment of financing policies of Chinese real estate firms in the adjustment period.自从著名的MM定理的提出,许多资本结构理论都致力于放松其关于完善资本市场的假说,其中最经典的理论是权衡理论和优序融资理论。
4)rationl measuring理性权衡
5)balance theory权衡理论
1.The application of the balance theory in enterprise capital structural strategies;权衡理论在企业资本结构战略中的应用
2.Cash holdings is an important aspect of a corporate s financial management policy,cash is the most liquid asset and is the lowest profitable asset, large holdings of cash are explained in many ways including balance theory and agency cost theory by the theorists.现金持有是公司财务管理政策的一个重要方面,作为一种流动性最强,收益性最低的资产,对现金的高额持有理论界给出了包括权衡理论和代理理论在内的多种解释。
6)equilibrium management平衡管理
1.The equilibrium of resources to each section of construction enterprise was studied by model of equilibrium management of chain-pole.应用链杆式平衡管理模型,研究了中国施工企业在施工管理过程中各部门之间的综合资源平衡问题,发现用综合能力数来评价企业各部门的施工水平与管理的综合能力,能最大限度地对资源进行合理分配。
2.The author believes that coordinating biodiversity and tourism productivity and implementing equilibrium management are an inevitable option for promoting sustainable development of ecotourism in China,and that ecotourism studies should attach more importance to scientific methods and Form-Function Relationship analysis.利用文献法对中国生态旅游的研究历程进行回顾与反思,指出存在的概念、方法和功效问题,并对生态旅游系统的核心予以理论梳理,认为统筹生物多样性和旅游生产力、实施平衡管理是中国生态旅游健康发展的必然选择,生态旅游研究需要强调科学性,重视形态—功能关系分析,探索和发展实地观察方法和实验方法。

权衡权衡 权衡   ①秤锤和秤杆。衡器的通称。《素问·至真要大论》:“气之相守司也,如权衡不得相失也。”   ②比喻事物在动态中维持平衡的状态。《素问·气交变大论》:“夫五运之政,犹权衡也。”