旅游文化变迁,evolution of tourist culture
1)evolution of tourist culture旅游文化变迁
2)social and cultural change of tourist destination旅游地社会文化变迁

1.SMALL TOURISM BUSINESS AND SOCIAL AND CULTURAL CHANGE--A Case Study of Xijie Road of Yangshuo County;旅游小企业与旅游地社会文化变迁:阳朔西街案例
2.A Primary Study on the Vicissitudinous Machanism of the Social-Cultural Environment in the Tourist Destinations;旅游地社会文化环境变迁机制试研究
3.The impact of tourism development on the social cultural changes in northwest China;旅游业的发展对西北地区社会文化变迁的影响
4.The Sociocultural Changes of Beijing Hutong and the Development of Tourism北京胡同的社会文化变迁与旅游开发
5.Reunderstanding of the Tourist Effects of the Social and Cultural Changes in Ethnic Communities;民族社区社会文化变迁的旅游效应再认识
7.The Social and Cultural Change of Xiahe under the Background of Tourism Development;旅游开发背景下夏河藏族的社会文化变迁
8.Interpretation of Contradictions between Traditional Cultural Changes and Social Development in Tourist Destination--Study the Tourism Development in Yao Family of Ruyuan Countryside旅游地传统文化变迁与社会发展的矛盾解读——以广东乳源瑶族旅游发展为例
9.Researches into the Socio-cultural Impacts of Tourism;旅游对旅游目的地社会文化影响研究
10.Tourist Industry: Double-edged Sword of the Cultural Changes of Minority Nationality Areas;旅游业:民族地区文化变迁的双刃剑
11.The Model and Progress of Studying Cultural Variation in Ecotourism Area;生态旅游地文化变迁研究进展与范式
12.Study on the Social-Cultural Change of Ancient Village under Tourist Impact--A Case Study on Shaanxi Hancheng Dangjiacun;旅游影响下的古村落社会文化变迁研究——以陕西韩城党家村为例
13.A cultural geographical perspective on the cultural variation and integration of tourist destination;旅游地文化变迁与整合的文化地理学透视
14.Quantitative Evaluation Methods and an Empirical Study of Tourism Destination Cultural Changes;旅游目的地文化变迁量化评价方法及实证研究
15.The Impact of Tourism on the Local Social Culture;旅游业对旅游目的地社会文化影响研究
16.A Study of the Development of Tianlong Tunpu Tourism and the Transition of Dixi Opera Culture贵州天龙屯堡旅游开发与地戏文化变迁研究
17.On the Influence of Tourism upon the Social Culture in the Receiving Place;旅游业对接待地社会文化的影响分析
18.A Study on Social and Culture Impacts of Happy Farm Towards Community at Tourist Site农家乐对旅游地社区的社会文化影响研究

social and cultural change of tourist destination旅游地社会文化变迁
3)Cultural tourism文化旅游
1.Organization model and organization integration in the development of cultural tourism;文化旅游开发中的组织模型与整合
2.National Songs and Dances:the new force of cultural tourism in Guizhou——Considerations on the development of minority song-dance products of tourism in Guizhou Province;民族歌舞:贵州文化旅游的生力军——对贵州民族歌舞旅游产品开发的思考
3.Developing cultural tourism,building cultural Dalian;发展文化旅游,打造“文化大连”
4)Culture tourism文化旅游
1.The development of the culture tourism and the protection of the nationality culture:the case of Gannan Tibet Autonomous State;论发展民族文化旅游与保护民族文化——以甘南藏族自治州为例
2.Discussion on culture tourism development of Sibao engraving;四堡雕版印刷文化旅游开发探析
3.The design of the culture tourism resource information system of Quanzhou will promote the development of its tourism industry.利用组件进行二次开发是目前最主流的GIS二次开发方式,泉州拥有丰富的文化旅游资源,利用MapObjects+Visual Basic开发泉州文化旅游资源信息系统可以更好地发挥信息系统对于旅游业的推动和促进作用,泉州文化旅游资源信息系统实现了信息查询、旅游线路设计、相关信息查询等功能,但在系统数据更新、与WebGIS结合等还有待进一步研究开发。
5)tourist culture旅游文化
1.Some planning measures for Yinchuan City to be built and become a famous tourist culture city;银川市建成旅游文化名城的几点规划措施
2.Comparison of Types of the Tourist Culture of Ancient China and Western Countries;中西古代旅游文化类型比较
3.On the construction and protection of tourist culture in the development of tourist industry in minority regions;民族地区旅游业发展中的旅游文化建设与保护刍议
6)tour culture旅游文化
1.The development of tour culture has become the new growth point in tourism.旅游文化的发展已成为旅游业新的增长点。
2.Analyzing the present situation and existing problems of Shaanxi tour culture, and probing into the measures and tactics for promoting its competitiveness, we can establish the new image of Shaanxi to.文章通过对陕西旅游文化资源开发、利用的现状及存在问题进行分析,提出了提升陕西旅游文化竞争力的措施和对策,从而达到树立陕西旅游新形象,促进旅游业持续、快速增长的目的。
3.According to the high level vocational school education to the target that talented person develop, the differentiation that is from the meaning, the tour culture and history culture of the tour cultural course teaching, around the occupation ability, item turns the course to carry on three aspects of reform in education tour the cultural course teaching carries on the discussion and analysis.高职高专旅游文化课程是旅游管理专业的基础课,有很强的应用性。
