生态环境适宜度,eco-environment suitability
1)eco-environment suitability生态环境适宜度

1.Agricultural Ecological Suitability Partition of JiLin Province Based on Fuzzy Mathematics;基于模糊数学的吉林省农业生态环境适宜度评价
2.Ecological Suitability Analysis of Ecological Environmental Planning in Small Cities and Towns;小城镇生态环境规划中的生态适宜度分析
3.being or growing in or adapted to a moderately moist environment.生长在或适宜生长在适度潮湿的环境。
4.Niche Fitness Model for the Quantitative Evaluation of the Environmental Quality of the Urban Human Settlement;城市人居环境质量定量评价的生态位适宜度模型研究
5.The Application of Ecological Suitability to Regional Environmental Assessment;生态适宜度分析在区域环评中的应用
6.Suitability of Ecology and Environment for Tourism Resources Development in Ecologically Sensitive Area:A Case Study in Dongsheng District of Erdos City,Inner-Mongolia;生态敏感区旅游资源开发的生态与环境适宜度研究——以内蒙古鄂尔多斯市东胜区为例
7.Ecological Suitability Assessment of the Industrial Park in the Plan Environmental Impact Assessment生态适宜度评价在工业园区规划环评中的应用
8.Land eco-economical suitability evaluation based on niche fitness;基于生态位适宜度的土地生态经济适宜性评价
9.Evaluation on ecotourism suitability in frangile environment of loess plateau based on RS and GIS-exampled on Zhongyang county,Shanxi province基于RS、GIS的黄土高原环境脆弱区生态旅游适宜度评价——以山西省中阳县为例
10.Studies on Ecological Benefits Evaluation and Tourism Suitability Assessment of Natural Environment in Fuzhou National Forest Park福州国家森林公园生态效益与自然环境旅游适宜性评价研究
11.Study on the Suitable Model of Human Settlement--The Concept of "Basic Human Ecological Unit适宜性人居环境研究——“基本人居生态单元”的概念与方法
12.Weibei Suitable Ecological Environment of Traditional Houses and the Construction of New Rural Research Inspiration适宜生态环境的渭北传统民居对新农村建设的启示
13.Application of Niche-fitness Theory into Multi-suitability Evaluation of Garden Land;生态位适宜度法在园地多宜性评价中的应用
14.Constructing Harmonious & Ecological Residence Environment by Taking Actions Suiting Local Circumstances;因地制宜、构建和谐的生态人居环境
15.Appropriate Centralization of Population is a Way for West Area to Improve Ecological Environment;人口适度集中是改善西部生态环境的一条出路
16.an ideal setting for camping适宜野营的理想环境
17.Analysis on the Natural Amenities of Beijing s Urban Layout;北京城市布局的宜居性之自然环境舒适度分析
18.A Study on Envorinmental Suitability Evaluation of Enterprises in Chemical Industrial Park化工园区企业环境适宜度评价研究初探

urbon ecological suitability城市生态环境适宜度
3)Suitability of ecology and environment生态与环境适宜度
4)envorinmental suitability环境适宜度
1.On the basis of explaining the purpose and principles,the research has built a envorinmental suitability evaluation index system for enterprises which in the chemical industrial park.本研究在阐明化工园区企业环境适宜度评价研究目的的基础上,根据化工园区的特点,采用层次分析法,构建了由经济、物质消耗、污染物排放、管理、社会、辅助6个领域、24个分项、96个单项评价因子组成的评价指标体系,并在具体的规划环评工作实践中确定了各级评价指标、评价指标计算数学模式以及评价结果综合评级方法,为化工园区企业环境综合整治提供了技术依据。
5)the optimum ecological environment最适宜生态环境条件
6)ecological suitability生态适宜度
1.Ecological Suitability Analysis of Ecological Environmental Planning in Small Cities and Towns;小城镇生态环境规划中的生态适宜度分析
2.According to master plan and functional zonation scheme of Xiamen area and based on urban ecologic theory,the ecological suitability of various piece of land in Xiamen area(excluding Tong, an ) is evaluated by Fuzzy Cluster and the method of synthetic assessment.本文以城市生态理论为指导,以厦门地区城市总体规划和环境功能区划为依据,采用模糊聚类法和生态综合评价法对厦门地区(不含同安县)的用地进行生态适宜度评价,其结果可为厦门地区的社会、经济和环境的协调发展提供科学依据。
3.This article introduced the grey system theory into urban ecological suitability evaluation.将灰色系统理论引入到城市生态适宜度分析中,基于灰色系统理论和矢量投影原理,建立了生态适宜度分析的灰色关联投影模型。

生态1.显露美好的姿态。 2.生动的意态。 3.生物的生理特性和生活习性。