人类表演学理论,theory of human performance
1)theory of human performance人类表演学理论

1.The Application of Human Performances in Tourism Research论人类表演学理论在旅游研究中的运用
2.A Genre Analysis of Chinese Mainland Performance-Oriented Reality TV;类型理论视野中的中国大陆表演选秀真人秀节目
3.Developmental Learning;表演式学习──表演理论对“最近发展区”的发展
4.Apply the Academic Theory of Performance to the Art of Vocal Music;声乐艺术演绎中的表演学理论应用研究
5.From Ceremony to Performance--Anthropology Investigation on the Ceremony for Promise Fulfillment in Sancha of Enshi;从仪式到表演——恩施三岔“还愿”仪式的人类学考察
6.The Mask of Visual Anthropology: The Performance of the Media Violence影视人类学的伪装:一场媒介暴力的表演
7.Dramatic Ritual/Ritual Drama:Performative and Reflexive Anthropology戏剧仪式/仪式戏剧:表演的与自反性的人类学
8.Impressions on Jiang Zhu s Papers;理论探讨与教学、表演实践并进——读姜筑先生论文
9.Practice on Strengthening the Theoretical Teaching of Electrical Courses with Demonstration Experiment;利用演示实验强化电类理论课教学的实践
10.On the Philosophical Idea of“Taking the Human Factor as the Basics” in China’s Ancient Traditional and Local Operas;论古代戏曲导演理论“以人为本”的哲学理念
11.On Features of Musical Instruments and Performer s Determination, Temperament and Mentality;乐器的特性与演奏者的意志、性格及心理——音乐表演心理学系列论文
12.Liang Shuming s"Human Psychology "and its Theoretical Significance;梁漱溟的“人类心理学”及其理论意义
13.The Construction and Study of the Theory System of the Course Contents of Shaping on Sports Artistic Performance in Sports Institute;体育艺术表演类项目形体训练课程理论内容体系构建研究
14.The Theory of "Defamiliarization" from the Perspective of Literary Anthropology;文学人类学视野中的“陌生化”理论
15.Contemporary Theory in Medical Anthropology:Continuity,Transformation and Growth;当代医学人类学理论:持续、变革与发展
16.The Theoretical Front of Anthropology;基本文化分类概念:人类学的理论前沿——人类学学者访谈录之十七
17.A report about the Construction of Teaching System on "Performing Category" Concerning Physical Education in Colleges论普通高校体育“表演类”项目教学内容体系的构建
18.The Pattern of Religious Culture:Toward a New Theory for China s Ethnological and Anthropological Studies;宗教文化类型——中国民族学·人类学理论新探

the anthropology of performance表演人类学
3)human performing study人类表演学
1.Social expression study is closely related to human performing study,social performing study,media eventstudy,etc.社会表述研究与人类表演学、社会表演学、媒介事件研究等相近学科及研究之间存在着思路相近、视角不同、青出于蓝、更合情理、时有分合、长期共存的关系。
4)anthropology theory人类学理论
5)theory of performance表演理论
6)theory of cultural anthropology文化人类学理论

人类1.泛指人。 2.人的总称,指人的全体。