瑶林仙境,Yaolin Scene
1)Yaolin Scene瑶林仙境
1.An infrared microscope investigation of fluid inclusions in coexisting quartz and wolframite:A case study of Yaogangxian quartz-vein wolframite deposit共生黑钨矿与石英中流体包裹体红外显微对比研究——以瑶岗仙石英脉型钨矿床为例
2.Geochemistry,Petrogenesis and Tectonic Setting of Early Yanshanian Yaogangxian Granite Pluton,Southeastern Hunan province湘东南瑶岗仙岩体岩石化学特征、成因与构造环境

1.Rock-forming and Ore-forming Ages of the Yaogangxian Tungsten Deposit of Hunan Province湖南瑶岗仙钨矿成岩成矿作用年代学研究
2.The Experiment Reseach of Flotation Mo,Bi Minerals from Yaogangxian Mo,Bi Complex Mine从瑶岗仙钼铋金属矿体中回收钼铋的浮选试验研究
3.Geochemistry,Petrogenesis and Tectonic Setting of Early Yanshanian Yaogangxian Granite Pluton,Southeastern Hunan province湘东南瑶岗仙岩体岩石化学特征、成因与构造环境
4.An infrared microscope investigation of fluid inclusions in coexisting quartz and wolframite:A case study of Yaogangxian quartz-vein wolframite deposit共生黑钨矿与石英中流体包裹体红外显微对比研究——以瑶岗仙石英脉型钨矿床为例
5.Evolution of Yaoji in Taoism literature;巫儿—神女—上仙——道教女仙瑶姬形象的生成与演变
6.He spoke a magic spell which immobilized fairies, then he went straight to the Jade Pool where he saw rare fruits and fine delicacies and smelt the fragrance of jade liquor.用定身法定住仙女,直奔瑶池。来到瑶池后,只见这里奇果佳肴,无比鲜美;琼浆玉液,香气扑鼻。
7.It is1,900 meters above sea level and the depth of waters in some part reaches90 meters.据说,瑶池是王母娘娘欢宴群仙举办蟠桃盛会之地。
8.Zhu Wuneng is punished to descend to the world of man because he had taken liberties with the Goddess of the Moon in Yaochi palace and he was reincarnated a pig wrongly.猪悟能在瑶池会上调戏嫦娥仙子被贬下凡,错投猪胎
9.In ancient mythical stories she once entertains all the immortals at a sumptuous feast in her mansion on Lake of Immortals which is referred to as Pan'Tao'Sheng'Hui in Chinese or the Grand Feast of Peaches.传说,西王母在其住地瑶池,曾举行过“蟠桃盛会”,宴请群仙。
10.The Miao-Yao language of the Yao.苗瑶语瑶族人所说的苗瑶语
11.The Leader of Yao System and Village Governance of Yao--The Example of Pingdi-Yao;瑶长制与瑶族乡村治理——以平地瑶为例
12.Yao nationality in Jinxiu Autonomous County-a Microcosm of China Yao Ethnic Group;金秀大瑶山瑶族——中国瑶族的缩影
13.Investigation on Relationship between Species Diversity of Land Snails and Environment in Pogang Nature Reserve and Xianheping National Forest Park in Guizhou, China;贵州坡岗自然保护区与仙鹤坪国家森林公园陆生贝类多样性与环境关系研究
14.The Yao culture is the important force to cohere the Yao people.瑶族文化是凝聚瑶族人民的重要力量。
15.On the Special Function of the Folk Song of Huayao Minority on Their Wedding Custom;论花瑶山歌在花瑶婚俗中的特殊功用
16.A Brief Analysis of the Yao s Daoism Factors of the Full Name of the Yao Nationality in Yunnan;试论云南瑶族姓名中的瑶传道教因素
17.Reflection upon Vision of Love Embedded in Novels Written by "Qiong Yao"“琼瑶热”后对琼瑶小说爱情观的反思
18.Some people say that what is known as Lake of Immortals is actually today's Tian'Chi or Lake of Heaven in Xinjiang or officially the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.瑶池,就是现在的天池。

1.An infrared microscope investigation of fluid inclusions in coexisting quartz and wolframite:A case study of Yaogangxian quartz-vein wolframite deposit共生黑钨矿与石英中流体包裹体红外显微对比研究——以瑶岗仙石英脉型钨矿床为例
2.Geochemistry,Petrogenesis and Tectonic Setting of Early Yanshanian Yaogangxian Granite Pluton,Southeastern Hunan province湘东南瑶岗仙岩体岩石化学特征、成因与构造环境
3)"Valinor" & "Faerie"维林诺与仙境
4)the Yaogangxian tungsten deposit瑶岗仙钨矿
1.The results indicate the formation of the Yaogangxian tungsten deposit undergoing at least two mineralization periods,corresponding to J1/J2 and J2/J3 transition periods respectively.湖南瑶岗仙钨矿床位于南岭东西构造带中部,加里东隆起带与印支-燕山凹陷带的交汇部位。
1.Wonderful Fairyland in Royal Garclen——Study on the Scenes Imitating the Fairylands in Yuanmingyuan Park;庙堂待起烟霞侣,昆峤方壶缩地来——试论圆明三园中的神仙境界塑造
2.Illusion fairyland state——Try to discuss the beauty of Border Town;梦幻的仙境国度——论《边城》之美
3.This paper elaborates the mysterious dreamland in Li Bai’s Poem "Saying Goodbye in the Dream of Visiting Mount Tianmu" from the aspects of the relationship between dream and literature, the combination of dreamland with fairyland, the regression of dream and spiritual homeland, etc.通过梦与文学的关系、梦境与仙境的结合、梦与精神家园的回归等几方面的剖析来阐释李白《梦游天姥吟留别》一诗中神秘的梦境,可以看出李白在《梦游天姥吟留别》中,正是以梦的方式在矛盾中寻求精神的解脱,寻求愿望的达成。
1.The essential feature of wonderland belief is the ideology of longevity in life,which originates from immortality of soul in ancient time.长生不死思想是仙境信仰的本质特征,这种思想导源于远古时期的灵魂不朽观念。
2.The atmosphere around brothel makes it a wonderland,which is relevant to women\'s appearance,speech,behavior and manners.古代青楼环境呈现出园林化、雅洁化、神秘化的特点,青楼园林的文人化倾向主要是为了迎合文人士子的需要,青楼建筑内部的淡雅布置主要是青楼女子试图改变自身命运的心理在环境上的投射,青楼氛围的宛若仙境,则和青楼女子的容貌、言语、行为举止有关。

瑶林1.玉林。泛指仙境。 2.披雪的林木。 3.石笋﹑石林的美称。 4.比喻资质优异﹑品格高洁的人。