1.The question to soul and body——Discuss utility solidity and comfort is the architecture s first principle;灵魂与肉体的拷问——论建筑的“实用·坚固·愉悦”第一原理
2.In this age of ours characterized by materialization, secularization and desires, the logic of the body is much stronger than that of the soul.在我们这个不断物质化、世俗化、欲望化的时代,肉体的逻辑往往比灵魂的逻辑要强大得多,盛可以以冷静清晰的叙述,体现出对当代人生活和心理的深刻反省,身体的取暖是容易的,灵魂的取暖却很困难。
3.As an important part of the organism of Leaves of Grass, Children of Adam mainly sings the praises of three forms of life: body, nature and individual perception, and forms Whitman抯 philosophical and esthetic theme of life with unique charm in the 19th century America.《亚当的子孙》是《草叶集》中的重要部分,主要歌颂生命的三种形式,即肉体、自然和个体感性,形成了具有惠特曼独特魅力的十九世纪美国的生命哲性诗学。

1.To mortify or subdue(the flesh.抑制肉体,克制肉体
2.Fleshly sense had been capable of grasping the whole.肉体的感官能包罗全体。
3.Of or relating to the body as distinguished from the mind or spirit.肉体肉体的或身体的,与肉体有关的,相对于心灵和精神的
4.Indifference to all but the physical appetites.兽性,肉欲只对肉体感兴趣
5.a disembodied spirit脱离肉体的灵魂,游魂
6.The pain was almost more than flesh could take.疼痛几乎使肉体受不了。
7.The body and the mind influenceeach other.肉体和精神相互影响。
8.never resorted to corporal punishment;决不诉诸肉体惩罚;
9.an appearance in bodily form (as of a ghost).(灵魂)以肉体形式出现。
10.To convey to heaven without death.肉体不死而升上天堂
11.Physical or sexual attractiveness.肉体或性方面的吸引力
12.To plunge or thrust(a weapon) into flesh.把(武器)插入或刺入肉体
13.the activity of spiritual or physical renewal.精神或肉体恢复的行为。
14.It's against her will that she had to walk the streets.她出卖肉体是迫不得已。
15.atrophied limbs, muscles萎缩的肢体、 肌肉.
16.humeromuscular effector system体液-肌肉效应系统
17.meat wiping cloth擦干肉胴体用的毛巾
18.dropping of shank(分割胴体时)截下胫肉

1.The one is that western philosophy puts the relation between flesh and mind in a basic framework of opposite dualism,making flesh always in a hidden and shielded status.从身体的维度出发,揭示了西方哲学对“身体性”问题两种截然不同的解答:其一,传统西方哲学将肉体和心灵的关系置于一种对立二元论的基本构架中,使肉体在意识哲学中一直处于一种隐匿和遮蔽的状态。
2.Based on the later works of Merleau-Ponty such as The Visible and the Invisible, this article tries to reveal his turn from phenomenology of perception to ontology of flesh by means of explaining his concept of flesh: the intentional life is not only the subject’s existential projection into the world and the world’s existential projection into the subject,but also the auto-realization of being.本文根据梅罗庞蒂的《可见者与不可见者》等晚期作品,通过澄清他的肉体概念,揭示其从知觉现象学到肉体本体论的转向,即意向生活不仅是主体向世界的生存投射和世界向主体的生存投射,而且还是存在的自身实现。
3.There are two lines in this part: soul- mind- consciousness; flesh- body- brain.通过考察,本文勾勒出了人们对心理概念的认识经历了从“灵魂”到“心理(精神)”再到“意识”的变迁,对脑概念的认识经历了从“肉体”到“身体”再到“脑”的变迁。
3)The Body-The Physical Body身体—肉体
4)destrction of flesh肉体毁灭
6)meteoric rot流星肉体
1.During 16 - 17th centuries, there appeared in Western record a meteoric gel which remains to be clarified; while in the early 4th century there appeared in Chinese record an event about a strange star which turned into rot after falling to the ground and was known as meteoric rot.十六七世纪,西方出现一种至今仍不能肯定为何物的流星胶体;四世纪初中国史书记载一则奇异的流星,落地后化成臭肉的事件,按照西方的叫法,我们称之为“流星肉体”。

肉体1.人的身体。 2.谓躯体肥胖。