1.It answers why the monarchical system is established, what kind of people could be the monarch and how to be a monarch.它的主要内容是君主论,着重回答设君之道、为君之道和择君替君之道等重大政治理论问题。
2.Ethical politics is the core of the Confucian school; the outlook of the monarch and its subject is an important part in it.春秋战国时期,孔孟提倡君臣对应;汉朝董仲舒提出"三纲五常,君权神授"的思想,以确立君主的权威;到了宋明,程朱理学提出要"存天理,灭人欲",把君主权力进一步上升为不可违逆的天理。
3.Han Fei and Machiavelli have similarity and difference in their political inclination; the nature of man is evil, man tends to pursue interests and avoid harm; the monarch should use the hegemony strategy to consolidate his rule.韩非与马基雅弗利在政治倾向上相似又相异;人性生来是恶的,好利恶害是人所共性;君主应该以霸术巩固统治。

1.having the characteristics of or befitting or worthy of a monarch.具有君主特征的、适合于君主的或君主应得的。
2.an absolute monarch专制君主 [帝尸]
3.Belief in or advocacy of monarchy.君主主义信仰或拥护君主
4.A ruler, especially a hereditary one.君主一国君主,尤指世袭的
5.of or relating to or befitting a monarch or monarchy.属于、关于或适合君主君主政体的。
6.ruled by or having the supreme power resting with a monarch.由君主统治或者最高的权力在于君主
7.The system or principles of monarchy.君主君主的体系或原则
8.a constitutional ruler,ie one controlled or limited by a constitution立宪君主(受宪法控制或限制的君主
9.a belief in and advocacy of monarchy as a political system.相信和主张君主制度的。
10.Democracy and Monarchy in France法国的民主和君主
11.The ruler of a principality.国君,君主,诸候公国的统治者
12.Monarchism of an Enlightened Emperor--A View of Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty s The Emperor s Norms;一代明君的君主论——唐太宗和《帝范》
13.A woman member of a royal family other than the monarch, especially a daughter of a monarch.公主王室的非君主女性成员,尤指君主的女儿
14.An equestrian statue of a famous monarch.一位著名君主的骑马像
15.remove a monarch from the throne.把君主从王位上免职。
16.the monarch's imposing presence.See Synonyms at grand君主威严的仪容参见
17.loyal subjects of our sovereign我们君主的忠诚臣民
18.Wrested power from the monarchy.从君主手里夺取政权

3)monarchical edicts君主制敕
1.Secondly,when the eunuchs carried out court purchasing,they fabricated the monarchical edicts,disobeyed the b.其次,宦官在宫市活动中,假借君主制敕、违反市场管理制度及交易规范、挟势乞索,公然违反法律,却没有受到应有制裁,使相关法律成为空文。
4)constitutional monarchy君主立宪
1.The thought of constitutional monarchy in the late Qing Dynasty is an important component of political thoughts in Modern China.晚清君主立宪思想是中国近代政治思想的重要组成部分,最早可追溯到19世纪七八十年代洋务运动时期早期改良派的"君民共主"主张。
2.Tang Cai Chang s constitutional monarchy thought of putting it into practice by an armed rebellion by organizing the masses are different from that of Kang Youwei and Liang Qichao,who put forward the peaceful reform thought depending on the emperor,it also different from Sun Zhongshan s thought of realizing democracy and republic by means of revolution.唐才常的自下而上通过武装起义实行君主立宪思想既不同于康、梁保皇派自上而下的和平改良思想,也不同于孙中山等民主共和的革命思想,有其鲜明的特色,在中国近代思想史上具有独特性。
3.Through social practice for many years, he had a deep understanding on the abuse of the absolute monarchy and the roots of china s poverty and backward condition Also through the study of western political system and legal culture, he put forward a series of political reform idea, such as setting up congress and carrying out reformative idea of constitutional monarchy.他通过多年的社会实践对中国贫穷、落后的根源和对君主专制的弊端有着比较清楚的认识,又通过对西方政治制度和法律文化的学习,提出了一系列富强救国的诸如设立议院、实行君主立宪的政治改良思想。
5)absolute monarchy君主专制
1.The moon is also the reality dream of country life and rebellion of absolute monarchy.源于神话传说,月意象又是小农生活的现实梦幻,以及对君主专制的反叛。
2.Ming Dynasty is the climax of China’s absolute monarchy.明代是中国君主专制政治发展的顶峰时期 ,明代君主专制政治的加强 ,除了一些传统的措施外 ,明代还大行密疏政治 ,由于皇帝在处理密疏时 ,既不需内阁的票拟 ,又不必司礼监太监的代为批红 ,批答后也不必经过六科的驳正发抄 ,完全是皇帝个人意志的体现 ,与正常的题奏本相比 ,明代的密疏是强化君主专制的特殊手段。
1.The monarchy and reform of modernization in Afghanistan;阿富汗君主制度与现代化改革
