1.The Thoughts of the Confucian"Benevolence"and lts Enlightenment to the Moral Education in Today School--Discussion on a New Starting Point of school Moral Education;儒家“仁爱”思想及其对现代学校德育的启示——兼论学校德育的新起点
2.On the Paradox of the Emotional Logic in the Thought of Confucian Benevolence儒家仁爱思想中情感逻辑的悖论分析
3.Confucianist s moral education thought takes the benevolence as the central, and the benevolence thought is playing the vital role in the Confucianist moral education.儒家的德育是以"仁爱"为中心的德育,"仁爱"思想在儒家德育中发挥着重要的作用。

1.A contrast of love of Taoism、Confucianism and Monism道爱、仁爱、兼爱——道、儒、墨三家爱观之比较
2.A Contrast of Love of Confucianism,Taoism and Mohism仁爱、道爱、兼爱——儒、道、墨爱观比较
3.Introspection of Ren Word Origins,Carry Forward the Confucian Spirit of Benevolence省察“仁”字起源,弘扬儒家仁爱精神
4.compassion of the benevolent for the poor仁爱者对穷人的同情
5.Kindness is the golden chain by which society is bound together.仁爱是联结社会的金链。
6.Courtesy, like charity, shall begin at home .礼貌如仁爱,家中先开始。
7.She was a font of wisdom and good sense.她是智慧与仁爱的源泉
8.Tin Ka Ping Social Centre for the Elderly [Yan Oi Tong Ltd.]田家炳老人中心〔仁爱堂〕
9.Pang Hung Cheung Social Centre for the Elderly [Yan Oi Tong Ltd.]彭鸿樟老人中心〔仁爱堂〕
10.Tin Ka Ping Hostel for the Elderly [Yan Oi Tong Ltd.]田家炳老人宿舍〔仁爱堂〕
11.Chee Sing Kok Centre of the Humanity Love慈星阁仁爱服务中心
12.Comparison between Confucius View of "Kindheartedness" and Christian View of "Love People"孔子“仁爱”观与基督教“爱人”思想比较
13.On the Modern Significance of "Benevolence" and "Universal love";试论“仁爱”与“兼爱”思想及其现代意义
14."Kindness" and "Universal Love":Two Different Kinds of Tradition of Harmonic Culture“仁爱”与“兼爱”:两种不同的和谐文化传统
15.Kindhearted: Be equal and kindhearted. Equality is first shown in respect. No respect, no love.善良:平等仁爱。平等首先是尊重,没有尊重就不会有仁爱
16.Jen-Love and Caring--The Comparison between Confucian Jen-Love Education and Noddings Caring Education;仁爱与关怀——儒家的仁爱教育思想与诺丁斯的关怀教育思想之比较
17.Ko Chiu Road Centre of Christ Love for the Aged [Hong Kong Christian Mutual Improvement Society]高超道仁爱敬老中心〔香港基督教培道联爱会〕
18.I am sure that kindness is more likely to win their regard than pride.肯定仁爱可能会比傲慢更能赢得他们的爱戴。

1.The "kindheartedness" reflected in Du Fu s poems could be traced back to the Confucian tradition,but was somewhat developed.“仁爱”是杜诗的灵魂,也是杜甫为人的本色,杜甫首先是仁者,杜诗的仁爱主要是继承了儒家传统并有所发展;将仁爱精神放在现代人类社会的大背景下与博爱相比较,仁爱最符合中国国情,当前我们所提倡的“以人为本”首先需要仁爱;人类社会要实现和平共处、和谐发展同样也离不开仁爱
2.This article aims to study Confucius s educational thoughts of kindheartedness,the golden mean and the cautions in speech so as to reveal the basic content of his all-round educational viewpoints,for the reference of improving our quality education.文章拟从他关于仁爱、中庸和慎言等教育思想中,揭示其通才教育观的基本内容,为现行素质教育作参考。
1.In order to create and safeguard good and harmonious human relationships,Confucius advanced plentful thoughts on the harmony of human relation with charity as the core.为创造和维护良好和谐的人际关系,孔子以仁爱为核心,提出了十分丰富的人际和谐思想。
1.Confucian Doctrine of filial piety and fraternal duty, as a principle of family ethics, is one form of expression of Confucian humanity philosophy.孔子的“孝弟之道”作为一种家庭伦理原则是其仁爱哲学的重要表现形式之一 ;孔子着眼于从精神方面来构建孝悌之道的心理基础 ;它不是一种单向度的道德义务论 ;强调对长辈的孝顺 ,但不是盲从。
2.Although Confucian ethics focuses on personal morality, during the construction of Chinese social morality it has great value of times, which mainly lies in the following aspects: avocations of humanity, emphasis on harmonious personal relationships; creation of fine social atmosphere; stress on personal moral cultivation, admiration of ideal personality and pursuit of a perfect life value.其时代价值主要体现在:推崇仁爱,注重人际关系和谐,创造良好的社会氛围;注重个人道德修养,崇尚理想人格,追求一种完美的生命价值。
3.The good and the evil in the novel have all enjoyed or suffered from love differently,therefore,they all get the same or even more reward-the recovery of humanity.狄更斯在他著名的教育小说《远大前程》中通过对男主人公皮普的“远大前程”幻灭过程的描述 ,揭示了一个深刻的主题———仁爱的感化力量。
5)cherish life仁爱生命
6)loving people with a humane policy仁政爱民
1.When Ouyang Xiu was demoted at Yiling,he displayed a kind of life manner at ease whatever the circumstances is,and thoughts of loving people with a humane policy.欧阳修贬官夷陵期间,表现出随遇而安的人生态度和仁政爱民的思想,提出了师经重道的主张,并首倡舍传从经的研究新风气。
