1.As illustrated in both traditional classics and modern studies,self-modesty is mainly motivated by "obtaining harmony","keeping away disgrace" and "hiding a display".自谦可以理解为是通过低调的自我呈现,以柔克刚、以弱胜强的和谐控制过程。
2.This article probed into the implication,essence and operating model of self-modesty in Chinese society.通过对典籍的梳理初步探讨了华人社会中自谦的内涵、实质和运作模式。
3.The purpose of this study is to examine the connotation,classification and function of self-modesty comprehensively from cultural and historical perspective.研究一通过对古籍的检索,初步构建了古籍自谦语料库,在此基础上对自谦的内涵、分类、功能进行内容分析。

1.Preliminary Study on Self-modesty:One Significant Behavioral Style of Chinese自谦:中国人一种重要的行事风格初探
2.Be confident, but avoid the trap of arrogance. Be modest, but avoid the error of self-contempt.自尊要防止傲慢,傲慢不能进步;自谦要防止自卑,自卑不能成功。
3.'I should be clear, 'he said apologetically to Doctor Winter.“我必得弄明白,”他很自谦地对温特医生说。
4.She is very modest about the prizes she has won.她对自己得奖非常谦虚。
5.She' s very modest about her success.她对自己的成就很谦虚。
6.He is modest aBout his merit.他对自己的优点很谦虚。
7.be modest about one's achievements对自己的成就很谦逊.
8.To humble(oneself.谦逊降低(自己的)身份
9.you should be modest rather than pompous.你应谦虚而非自大。
10.Lacking pretension or affectation;modest.自然的;谦逊的缺乏虚饰或矫揉造作的;谦逊的
11.The old man accepted his kindness with humility that was like a quiet kind of pride.老人谦卑地接受他的好意,谦卑中带有某种隐而不露的自豪感。
12."Looking down on the heavens, and on the earth?"自己谦卑,观看天上地下的事。
13.NIV] who stoops down to look on the heavens and the earth?[和合]自己谦卑,观10看天上地下的事。
14.A positive life pivots on modesty; the bigger the ego, the greater the insecurity.积极人生,谦虚满分;自我愈大,不安愈多。
15.she is unassumingly skeptical of her own work.她对自己的工作抱着谦逊的怀疑。
16.A modest man will never boast of his merits.谦虚的人决不夸自己的功劳。
17.He was humble and meek, filled with self- disparagement and abasement.他谦卑、恭顺,满怀自我贬斥与压抑。
18.A modest man will not make a parade of his wealth.谦虚的人不会炫耀自己的财富。

1.KeiGo is composed of SongKeiGo,KenSongGo,TeiJiuGo and BiKaGo.:敬语由尊敬语、自谦语、郑重语和美化语四种形式组成;准确使用敬语的某种形式是与谈话内容相关的上下级关系、亲疏关系、场所等要素密不可分的;敬语的难点在于能否于瞬间正确把握人际关系等要素;可运用卡片制作各种场景进行有效教
3)self-denigration strategy自谦策略
1.The present study was undertaken to investigate the similarities and differences in the performance of the self-denigration strategy between Chinese and American people and explore the underlying cultural factors responsible for such similarities and differences.本研究旨在通过对中国学生和美国学生使用自谦策略的对比,分析导致中美学生使用自谦策略异同及其深层次文化因素。
4)She's self-effacing.她很自谦。
5)A self-modest statement自谦之词
6)self-effacing type自谦型
