1.The Stoicism is one of the main sources of the western modern individualism,the Christianity is the most abundant spiritual and intellectual resource of it,and the Reformation made the crucial leap.个人主义最早的思想渊源是斯多葛主义
2.The stoicism is a very important school of thought in ancient Greece and ancient Rome,it’s representative men include Zeno、Epictetus and Seneca etc.斯多葛主义提出的自然法思想、个人主义、世界主义和平等观念是西方政治文化的主要源泉之一,是我们不得不认真对待的重要思想遗产。

1.Initial Analysis on the Stoic Ideological Background of Arrian’s Anabasis Alexandri《亚历山大远征记》的斯多葛主义思想背景分析
2.Platonism, Stoicism and Paul's theory about salvation by faith, are the main thought source of Christian universalism.柏拉图主义、斯多葛主义和保罗的因信得救说 ,是基督教普遍主义的主要思想来源。
3.Every stoic is a stoic;but in christendom,where be the christian?每一个斯多葛派的人都是“斯多葛”主义者;但在基督教世界,哪有基督教徒?
4.Every Stoic was a Stoic; but in Christendom, where is the Christian?每一个斯多葛派的人都是“斯多葛”主义者;但在基督教世界,哪儿有基督教徒?
5.From Gramsci to Habermas--Rethinking western Marxist theory on capitalist nations从葛兰西到哈贝马斯——西方马克思主义资本主义国家理论的再思考
6.Rewriting,Consumption and Feminism--On Updike s Gertrude and Claudius;重写、消费与女性主义——解读厄普代克的小说《葛特露和克劳狄斯》
7.the philosophical system of the Stoics following the teachings of the ancient Greek philosopher Zeno.斯多葛学派的哲学体系追随古希腊哲学家芝诺的教义。
8.Jacqueline left Olivier, and he and Christophe became interested in the syndicalism movement.雅葛丽纳离开奥里维出走了,他与克斯朵夫开始对工团主义运动感兴趣 。
9.Jacqueline left Olivier, and he and Christophe became interested in the syndicalist movement.雅葛丽纳离开奥里维出走了,他与克利斯朵夫开始对工团主义运动感兴趣。
10.Mr Gries describes them as“ computer-literate cyber-nationalists”, well educated and exposed to world politics.葛瑞斯把他们描述成“电脑网络民族主义者”,受过良好教育,积极参与世界政事。
11.A Text of "The Second Sex" --the Inter-textual Reading of Gertrude And Claudius from the Perspective of Feminism一个关于“第二性”的文本——女权主义视野下《葛特露和克劳狄斯》的比较阅读
12.pertaining to Stoicism or its followers.关于斯多葛学派或其追随者的。
13.Comparison of the Ethical Thought between Scotists and Toist;斯多葛学派与道家伦理学思想的比较
14.Is Gramsci a "Western Marxist";葛兰西是“西方马克思主义者”吗?
15.On James Madison's Pluralist Political Theory论詹姆斯·麦迪逊多元主义政治思想
16.another trilogy would have centered in the battle of Gettysburg另一个三部曲本当为葛底斯堡战役为主题的。
17."He expressed the stoic observation that "everything changed on 9-11."他表示斯多葛观察认为,"一切都改变了对9-11。
18.Analysis on Stoic ethics as the pioneer of the modern westernenvironmental philosophy;现代西方环境哲学之源的斯多葛派伦理学简析

the Stoic School of philosophy斯多葛派
1.On Cultural Backgrounds and Origin of Thoughts for the Emergence of Stoicism;略论斯多亚主义产生的文化背景和思想渊源
2.Firstly, this dissertation discusses the background of the thought of Smith s theology, and analyzes the sources of this theory which are the Stoicism and the Calvinism that coexist in his ethical work.本文从斯密神学思想的时代背景入手,进而分析了斯密神学思想的理论渊源,即同时并存于斯密伦理学中的斯多亚主义与加尔文主义,并指出加尔文主义对斯密神学思想的影响更深刻、更根本。
1.Research on the Propositional Functor in Propositional Logic of Stoicism试析斯多葛学派命题逻辑研究中的命题函子理论

多滥葛1.亦称"多滥"。亦称"多览葛"。 2.唐时少数民族敕勒诸部中的一个部族。