1.The Contrast of Atomisms of Democritus in Greece and Classic Vaisheshika in India;古希腊德谟克利特与印度古典胜论的原子论比较
2.Show Democritus Whole Ethic Thought;德谟克利特伦理思想述评

1.Democritus argued that matter is formed from discrete particles.德谟克利特认为物质是由分立的粒子构成的。
2.Similarities and Differences in Xun Kuang and Democritus Views on Nature and Theories of Knowledge;荀况与德谟克利特的自然观和认识论异同辨析
3.The Contrast of Atomisms of Democritus in Greece and Classic Vaisheshika in India古希腊德谟克利特与印度古典胜论的原子论比较
4.From this it was clear that Democritus 2,400 years before, had given a fallacious inaccurate name to the atom.由此看来,显然,2400年以前德谟克利特给原子起的名字既不可靠,也不准确。
5.Greek philosopher who developed an atomist theory of the universe and espoused the doctrine that pleasure, along with self-control, is the goal of human life.德谟克利特希腊哲学家,他发展了宇宙原子论,并拥护以自制和安乐为人生目标的学说
6.Sentimentalism in David Hume s Theory of Morality Origin;略析休谟道德起源论的情感主义特征
7.A Dardic language of Jammu and Kashmir.克什米尔语查谟和克什米尔地区的达尔德语
8.Hydro-engineering works were a special concern of Hammurabi's and he caused a canal to be constructed linking Kish (near Babylon) with the Persian Gulf.汉谟拉比特别重视兴修水利工程。 他组织人民开凿了一条连接克什(近巴比伦)和波斯湾的运河。
9.Justice and Virtue: A Comparative Study of the Theories of Justice between Hayek and Hume;正义与德性—哈耶克与休谟的正义理论比较研究
10.Theory of deontology; arguments for and against our right to suicide; conflict between right and duty; Kant; Hume; debate on local cases.道义论、自杀之对与错、权利与义务的冲突、康德、休谟、本地个案之研究。
11.East Radcliffe ventilator伊斯特·拉德克利夫氏通气器
12.Speech is the image of life. --Democritus言谈是生活的映像。——德莫克利特
13.One of the townships of ancient Attica.德谟古阿提卡的一个镇
14.sturm liouville eigenvalue problem斯图谟 刘维尔特盏问题
15.RE-BUILDING IN THE MORAL VALUE IDEA--From Hume to Kant;道德价值理念的重建——从休谟到康德
16.Liverpool have made a new move for Feyenoord striker Dirk Kuyt.利物浦为费耶诺德射手德克-库伊特开出新的报价.
17.Martin Heidegger Searches Heraclitus “Truth of Being”-Interpretation s Limitation on Heidegger s “Pace of Return”;海德格尔探访赫拉克利特的“无蔽”——海德格尔“回归步伐”的解释限度
18.Inherent or Acquired Morality──On the View of David Hume s Justice;“自然之德”抑或“人为之德”——休谟正义论的德性解读

Differenz der demokritischen und epikureischen Natur philoso phie nebst einem Anhange《德谟克利特的自然哲学和伊壁鸠鲁的自然哲学的差别》
3)Redlich-Kister equation雷德利克-基斯特方程
1.This article expounds Collingridge s conception on technology controlling, and analyses the value and problems of this idea objectively, besides, it also suggests some consideration on the development of this conception.本文阐述了克林利德的技术控制思想,客观地分析了这种思想的价值和存在的问题,并对发展这种思想提出了一点思考。
