1.This paper argues that the civil servants disobedience of unlawf.本文作者认为公务员对违法命令的不服从既具有理论上的合理性又具有实践中的可行性 ,立法上应当明确。

1.Refusal or failure to obey.不服从,不顺从,违抗
2.He did not obey.他不服从(命令)。
3.To refuse or fail to follow an order or a rule.不服从,违抗拒绝或不服从命令或规定
4.Stop paying his wages until he submits.不服从调动不发工资。
5.He won't stand fur any disobedience.他不许任何人不服从
6.I shall overlook your disobedience this time.这次,我不计较你不服从
7.not subject to individual determination.不服从于个人的决定。
8.That is tantamount to insubordination.那等于是不服从命令。
9.This behavior defies explanation.这种行为不服从解释。
10.disobedient to or defiant of law.不服从或蔑视法律的。
11.You will be severely punished if you do not obey.你不服从, 就会受到严惩.
12.You will be severely punish if you do not obey你不服从, 就会受到严惩
13.You will is severely punish if you do not obey.你不服从, 就会受到严惩。
14.The refusal to conform to the authority or doctrine of an established church; nonconformity.拒绝服从拒绝服从当权者,或对国教教义的不服从
15.You won' t be told ( ie won' t obey orders or listen to advice ), will you ?你不听话(不服从命令或不听从劝告), 是不是?
16.He was not free from dismissal if he refused to obey.如果他不服从,他就不得不被免职。
17.It is merely an instinct which cannot be destroyed.这不过是一种无法不服从的本能。
18.unwilling to submit to authority.不愿意向权威服从的。

4)He did not obey .他不服从。
5)the obligation of disobedience不服从义务
6)the system of objection不服从制度
1.This provision actually establishes the public servants right to object,which consequently leads to the establishment of the system of divergent views in execution and the system of objection.《公务员法》第54条规定公务员在执行上级的决定或者命令时,可以提出意见或者不服从,确立了公务员的抵制权,并从而建立了执行异议制度和不服从制度。

不服1.不从事,不经营。 2.不佩带。 3.不臣服;不顺服。 4.不甘心;不承认。 5.不信服;不相信。 6.不习惯。