1.On the New Explanation of“Zhizhi”in The Great Learning;《大学》“知止”思想新解
2)Is content the knowledge to stop知足知止
3)Notice of Termination终止通知
4)Yan Zhizhi晏知止
1.Nor has the condition about name-changing of Yan Zhizhi,the fifth son of Yan Shu.晏殊家世中诸子的生卒年和晏殊第五子晏知止的改名情况,有关典籍、史料及论著均未详明。
5)refusal payment notice止付通知

1.The drawee who receives notice to stop payment of the lost instrument shall suspend its payment.收到挂失止付通知的付款人,应当暂停支付。
2.Stop a cheque, ie order a bank not to cash it停止兑现支票(通知银行不予兑付)
3.The payee of the instrument shall stop payment upon receipt of the stop-payment notice from the people's court until the termination of the pressing notice procedure.支付人收到人民法院停止支付的通知,应当停止支付,至公示催告程序终结。
4.Either party may terminate the account at any time by notice to the other in writing. Upon termination, all amounts owing shall become immediately due and payable.双方均有权以书面通知方式终止使用该赊销账户。已经终止,应立即偿付所有欠款。
5.The Probation Advice form should include the statement that the employee has been informed that severance pay will not be granted in the event employment is terminated during the extended period.这试用通知表格将会包括该员工被告知,如果试用延长期间被终止雇用关系,公司不付资遣费。
6.reasonable notice of abandonment(保险) 适当的委付通知
7.notice of baandonment(海上保险) 委付通知书
8.documentary credit negotiation advice跟单信用证议付通知书
9.documentary credit payment advice跟单信用证支付通知书
10.Method of payment and form of payment advice.付款方法和付款通知的形式;
11.Notice of Termination of Tenancy by Landlord业主终止租约通知书
12.Notice of Termination of Principal Tenancy终止二房东租约通知书
13.The newspapers denounced the new taxes.报纸通知废止新的税务。
14.The government denounced the treaty.政府通知废止该项条约。
15.call for capital; call of capital:request for paying in of callable capital.缴股通知:要求(会员国)缴付通知即缴的股本。
16.mandate of protest票据拒付或拒绝承兑通知书
17.The judgment shall be publicly announced, and the payee shall be notified of the judgment.判决应当公告,并通知支付人。
18.If he doesn't pay his rent, he will receive notice to quit.如果他不付房租,他将被通知搬出去。

Is content the knowledge to stop知足知止
3)Notice of Termination终止通知
4)Yan Zhizhi晏知止
1.Nor has the condition about name-changing of Yan Zhizhi,the fifth son of Yan Shu.晏殊家世中诸子的生卒年和晏殊第五子晏知止的改名情况,有关典籍、史料及论著均未详明。
5)refusal payment notice止付通知
6)notice of dishonor止付通知书

知止1.谓志在达到至善的境地。语本《礼记.大学》:"大学之道……在止于至善。知止而后有定,定而后能静。"朱熹集注:"止者,所当止之地,即至善之所在也。知之,则志有定向。" 2.谓懂得适可而止;知足。