1.,the Kantian deontology,seem to be great and sublime,they are in fact short of universalizability in the empirical or practical sense,and,as a result,prone to go to the contrary in the real life.基于这两个概念的一些西方传统道德哲学(如康德的道义论)看起来至高至远,其实并不具有经验或实践层面的可普遍化性,因而在实际生活中难免走向反面。
2)cultural universality文化普遍性
1.There are two different perspectives on personality traits:one is the cultural universality represented by Five-Factor Model and the other is the cultural specificity demonstrated in indigenous psychology.人格结构的研究存在两种分歧:一种是以大五模型为代表的文化普遍性观点;另一种是以本土心理学为代表的文化特定性观点。

1.The Debates between Cultural Universality and Specificity in the Research of Personality Traits;文化普遍性与特定性在人格结构研究中的论争
2.On social and cultural universality in euphemism--A comparative study on English and Chinese euphemisms;委婉语的社会文化普遍性——英汉委婉语对比研究
3.Body Language Communication in the Cross-cultural Context from the Perspective of Cultural Universals and Relativity;从文化普遍性与相对性的角度研究跨文化体态语交际
4.Universality and Specificity of Culture--From Universal Culture;文化的普遍性和特殊性——从普世文化谈起
5.Sub-political Culture: Predominant Feature of Literary Groups in the 1930s;亚政治文化性:三十年代文学群体的普遍特征
6.Toward the Real World Culture: The Multi-Universality in the Era of Globalization;走向真正的世界文化——全球化时代的多元普遍性
7.Cultural evolution:universality in animal culture and uniqueness in human culture文化的起源——动物文化的普遍性与人类文化的独特性
8.A Common Value under the Background of Cultural Difference;文化差异背景下的普遍价值——一种人性论的视角
9.Some Doubts on the Universality of Grice's Cooperative Principle from a Cross-cultural Perspective从跨文化的角度质疑格莱斯合作原则的普遍性
10.False Identification, Cultural Hegemonism and the Lack of Universalism--the Dilemma of Cultural Particularism;错误认同、文化霸权和普遍性匮乏——文化特殊主义的僵局
11.the repetitiveness, the selfsameness, and the ubiquity of modern mass culture(bTheodor Adorno)现代大众文化的重复性、同一性和普遍存在(b西奥多 阿多诺)
12.the repetitiveness, the selfsameness, and the ubiquity of modern mass culture(Theodor Adorno)现代大众文化的重复性、同一性和普遍存在(西奥多 阿多诺)
13.The Universality and particularity of Techno-culture: The Philosophy Analysis of Deep Level Problem in Technology transfer;论“技术-文化”的普遍性与特殊性——关于技术转移深层问题的哲学分析
14.A Cultural and Phychological Analysis of the Universalization of Maths Competitions in China;我国数学竞赛普遍化的文化心理分析
15.Cutural implications of the general acknowledgement of a key stop amidst the Hakkas migration to be Shibi Village, Ninghua County, Fujian Province;客家普遍溯源于宁化石壁的文化意蕴
16.The attraction of the mobile phone as a purse is that so many people have them.前文提到,手机化为钱包对于用户的吸引力在于其普遍性。
17.He elucidated the universality of contradictions in his paper.他在论文中阐发了矛盾的普遍性。
18.A Discussion on the General Principles and Rules in Writing College Graduation Thesis;高校毕业论文普遍性原则及规律探讨

cultural universality文化普遍性
1.There are two different perspectives on personality traits:one is the cultural universality represented by Five-Factor Model and the other is the cultural specificity demonstrated in indigenous psychology.人格结构的研究存在两种分歧:一种是以大五模型为代表的文化普遍性观点;另一种是以本土心理学为代表的文化特定性观点。
3)general sclerosis普遍性硬化
4)UG access普遍语法可及性
1.The studies on the L2 syntactic impairment are the latest developments of the UG access research.中介语句法损伤研究是对普遍语法可及性的最新探讨,而今对中介语句法损伤研究的重心已由不自由词素屈折词缀的习得转移到自由词素冠词的习得。
5)universal communicability普遍可传达性
1.According to Kant s exposition of human “common sense (sensus communis)”,human beings share a “consensus” in judgment and cognition, judgment and cognition are of “universal communicability” and human common sense is of “universal validity”.根据康德人类“共通感”的原理 ,人类在判断、认识上具有“一致性” ,判断、认识具有“普遍可传达性” ,人类共通感具有“普遍有效性”。
6)Widely Availability普遍可获得性

矛盾的普遍性  指矛盾的共性、矛盾存在的绝对性。古代中国的老子和古希腊的赫拉克利特等人,都有过万物皆有矛盾的朴素辩证法思想。这种思想是对客观世界直观的结果,带有猜测的性质。近代德国哲学家G.W.F.黑格尔以思辨哲学的形式在客观唯心主义的基础上总结了当时的科学成果,系统地阐发了矛盾为一切事物本身所固有的学说,并将它贯彻于自己构造的逻辑体系之中。马克思主义哲学批判继承了已往哲学关于矛盾普遍性的思想,第一次科学地阐明了矛盾普遍性的原理。    人类社会的实践和全部科学发展的历史,证明各种运动形式都包含着矛盾,任何事物都是对立面的统一,矛盾是一切事物的共性。每一事物的发展过程存在着自始至终的矛盾运动,矛盾的存在是普遍的绝对的。观念和概念中的矛盾是对客观世界普遍存在着的矛盾的反映。人们认识事物就是认识事物的矛盾,科学的认识在于研究客观对象所固有的矛盾。否认矛盾,就谈不到有真正科学的认识。坚持矛盾普遍性原理,用对立统一观点观察一切问题,是一切科学认识的基本前提,是唯物辩证法宇宙观的根本要求之一。