隐含作者,implied author
1)implied author隐含作者
1.The concept of "implied author", which was put forward by Wayne Booth in The Rhetoric of Fiction (1961), has enjoyed great influence on narrative studies."隐含作者"是韦恩·布思在《小说修辞学》(1961)中提出来的一个重要理论概念。
2.It s no doubt that it is The Rhetoric of Fiction that establishes Booth s critical fame,in which he puts forth the term "implied author" that incurs much acclaim as well as a heated debate among western narratologists.就是在这部被誉为"小说美学的里程碑"中,布思首次提出了"隐含作者"这一概念,给文论界吹来一缕清风的同时,也引发了旷日持久的争论。
3.Booth, the constructing of the implied author relies much on readers’ interpretation of the novel, in which the narrators’ role can never be neglected.美国小说理论家布思认为,小说隐含作者的建构依靠的是读者对作品的理解,而其中小说叙述者的作用往往不容忽视。

1.Translator:The Soulmate of the Implied Author译者——与隐含作者心灵契合的隐含读者
2.The Narrator and the Implicit Author of Novel "The Watcher in the Rye";《麦田里的守望者》的叙事者和隐含作者
3.On the Double Fuctions of Implied Author in Fiction Narrative Works;论小说叙事作品中隐含作者的双重功能
4.On the Narrative Strategy and the Construction of the Implied Author in Lolita;论《洛丽塔》的叙事策略与隐含作者的建构
5.The Debate about "Implied Author" among Western Narratologists-Dedicated to Two Year s Anniversary of Wayne Booth s Death;西方叙事学界的“隐含作者”之争述评——兼纪念韦恩·布思去世两周年
6.Implied Author, Narrative Structure, and Subtext: Kate Chopin s "Désirée s Baby";隐含作者、叙事结构与潜藏文本——解读肖邦《黛西蕾的婴孩》的深层意义
7.Sophisticated readers understood the book's hidden meaning.老练的读者理解了这本书隐含的含义。
8.In fact, lexical reiteration, the exterior form of cohesion in discourse, includes some implication of its writer's (or speaker's) communicative intention, and has a variety of expressive functions.词汇在语篇中形式上的复现隐含着作者(或说话者)的交际意图,具有丰富的表达功能。
9.Song of Songs--The Implied Readers Unified by Love;《雅歌》——隐含读者由“爱”达成的统一
10.Emily:One Latent Revenger in Wutherning Heights试探《呼啸山庄》中隐含的复仇者艾米莉
11.The Conversational Implicature of Metapthor and Its Functions in the Development of Vocabulary隐喻的会话含义及隐喻对词汇发展的作用
12.a veiled dancer; a veiled hat; veiled threats; veiled insults ; the night-veiled landscape.蒙面的舞者;带面纱的帽子;隐藏的威胁;隐含的侮辱;夜幕下的景色。
13.The Relationship Between the TT and its ST:A Perspective of “Implied Reader”;“隐含读者”观照下目的语文本与源语文本的关系
14.Show or hide markup balloons for all authors显示或隐藏所有作者的标记批注框
15.in or into hiding or secret operation.在隐藏中或者处于秘密的运作之中。
16.The Translator's Invisibility and the Lingo-stylistic Determination of Fu Lei's Translation译者的隐身——论傅译作品的语体选择
17.On the Functions of the Metaphorical Implicatures in the Stipulations of the Explicit Meanings;论隐喻含意策略在外显意义规避中的作用
18.The Engineer may exercise the authority specified in or necessarily to be implied from the Contract.工程师可行使合同中规定的或者合同中必然隐含的权利

implicit author隐含作者
3)connotative author隐含的作者
1.This paper attempts to analyze that how the author use her open narration strategy to make up the novel with the readers by applying some postmodern narrative theory,from narrator as well as character,narrator communicating with readers and the connotative author.本文试图借助相关的后现代叙事理论,从叙述者与人物的重合,叙述者与读者的交流,隐含的作者三方面来分析作家如何以开放式的叙事策略与读者亲密接触,共同构建小说,达到强烈的艺术效果。
4)the implied reader隐含读者
1.Wolfgang Iser, a scholar of aesthetic response,presents a concept of "the implied reader"after studying the other models carefully.读者反应批评大师沃夫冈·伊泽尔在研究了这些理论的优、缺点之后 ,推出了“隐含读者”这个概念。
5)implied reader隐含读者
1.From the angles of implied authors and implied readers,narrators and narratees,the author of this paper tries to analyze the texts of the Gospels so that we may see the ideology it emphasized better: believing in that Jesus is Christ,and the good news of atonement which Jesus informed the world convince people to believe in God more firmly.本文尝试从隐含作者与隐含读者、叙述者与叙述接受者的角度,分析福音书的文本,以此强调其中的意识形态内涵:认信耶稣是基督,耶稣基督向世人传报救赎的好消息,使世人更加笃定对上帝的信仰。
2.On the base of this, we′ll discover what attitude of the implied readers is demanded by the text.本文通过运用叙事学的一些理论,从《雅歌》中的被叙述者入手去探究隐含作者的价值观,并在此基础上考察文本对隐含读者的态度的要求。
3.Booth holds that there is an implied reader between the actual reader and the text, and an implied author between the text and the actual author. Booth认为在实际读者和文本之间有隐含读者,在文本和实际作者之间有隐含作者
6)implicit writer隐含作家

隐含作者隐含作者(implied author)是美国文学理论家韦恩·布斯(wayne booth)在《小说修辞学》(1961)中提出的概念,用来指称一种人格或意识,这种人格或意识在叙事文本的最终形态中体现出来。或句话说,某一个叙事文本之所以是其呈现出来的形态,正由于隐含作者有意地或无意地将自己的意识形态、价值观、审美趣味等注入其中。也有人用隐指作者翻译这个概念。