普世价值,universal value
1)universal value普世价值
1.Post Colonialism and the Universal Value in the Discourse of Governance by Law后殖民主义与法治的“普世价值”话语
2.Under the impact of traditional metaphysical method of thought,"universal value" has been regarded as a kind of transcendental "value-in-itself" or "absolute eidos".受传统形而上学思维的影响,"普世价值"被看成是一种超验的、自在而在的"价值自性"或"绝对理念",其实普世价值根本上只是一种社会历史现象,是根源于人类现实生活所形成的一种普世性的价值共识。
3.Diversity and harmonious coexist were the characteristics of“Sea Silk Road”culture in Quanzhou,which set out im- portant universal value.泉州“海上丝路”文化异彩纷呈,其多元一体和谐共处的文化现象展示了重要的普世价值,时今天枸建和谐社会及推进和谐世界的建设都具有十分重要的启示。

1.Thinking About Value,Socialist Core Value and Universial Value对价值、社会主义核心价值和普世价值的思考
2.The Third Comment on Universal Values--A Discuss with Professor HOU Hui-qin“普世价值”三议——兼与侯惠勤教授商榷
3.Post Colonialism and the Universal Value in the Discourse of Governance by Law后殖民主义与法治的“普世价值”话语
4.The Reconsideration of"Universal Value"--A Discussion with Professor ZHOU Xin-cheng“普世价值”再议——兼与周新城教授商榷
5.Ideological trap of "universal value" and its animadversion“普世价值”的意识形态陷阱及其批判
6.The Theoretical Misunderstanding of the Universal Value and Its Correction by Marxist Humanism普世价值论的理论误区及其人学辨正
7.Why Should We Must Criticize and Reject "Universal Value"我们为什么必须批判抵制“普世价值观”
8.Globalization has made more distinct the problem of domestication of general value and generalization of domestic experiences.全球化使得普世价值的本土化和本土经验的普世化问题日益彰显。
9.Distinction of Three Concepts:Universal Value,Value Identification and Common Cognition of Value普世价值·价值认同·价值共识——当前我国价值论研究中三个重要概念辨析
10.Marxism and Universal Value--An Analysis about Whether Marxism is the "Universal Values" Discussed Now马克思主义与“普世价值”——论析马克思主义是不是时下所讨论的“普世价值
11.Universal Value and Important Revelation of“Sea Silk Road”Culture in Quanzhou;泉州“海上丝路”文化的普世价值及重要启示
12.Pursuing "Golden Mean:" the Spirit of Confucian Law and Its Universal Values;寻求“中道”——儒家之法的精神及其普世价值
13.The Context of Globalization of the "Universal Values" Critical Analysis全球化背景下的“普世价值观”批判性分析
14.Dispute Focus of Universal Values:to Concern or not to Concern with Politics普世价值之争的焦点:关涉政治与无涉政治
15.Foundation,Problems and Paths:Some Reflections on the Universal Value of "Harmonious World"依据、问题及路径:对“和谐世界”理念普世价值的几点思考
16.A Tentative View of the Universal Significance of Exportation of “America-characteristic” Democracy--A Co-discussion on the Fundamental Principles of Democratization of International Relations;“美式民主”输出的普世价值质疑——兼论国际关系民主化的基本原则
17.A Dispute about Universal Values between Utopia and Practopia--Review and Reflections of the Relative Literature普世价值:乌托邦与实托邦的对话——一种对相关文献的综述与思考
18.What is regrettable is that most of the discussion that appears in public media forums does not touch upon the universal values which constitute an ideal society.遗憾的是出现在媒体公共论坛上之大部份论述均未触及构成一个理想社会的普世价值

universal values普世价值
1.Some Considerations on "Universal Values"关于“普世价值”的几个理论问题
2.Every cultural community regarded its own values as the universal values.在人类历史的大部分时期,文化多样性一直被否认,各文化共同体都力图把自己的价值说成是普世价值
3.This paper attempts a proposition that the scientific rationality is one of universal values.本文试图为科学正名,说明科学合理性是人类的普世价值之一。
3)concept of universal value普世价值观
1.Discussing the existence of universal value,majority of people ignore starting point of the controversy which is the division between universal value and concept of universal value.绝大多数论者在关于普世价值存在性的讨论时,忽视了论争的逻辑起点,即普世价值普世价值观的界分,就是说他们往往把普世价值误解为普世价值观、普世价值追求或者普世伦理,而这源于把价值误解为价值观。
4)Criticism of the Universal Values普世价值批判
5)Universal Value is not Scarce普世价值不玄稀
6)Common Value and Chinese Characteristics普世价值和中国特色

价值工程(见价值分析)价值工程(见价值分析)value engineering; VE: see value analysis; VA  jiazhi以洲笋h6ng价值工程(valuee峪~ng;视)析。见价值分