私德,private morality
1)private morality私德
1.A debate over Liang Qichao s view of the public morality from private morality;“私德外推即为公德”吗?——兼论梁启超的公德私德
2.Our scholars pay more attention to the issue of the public morality and private morality on the agenda of the Chinese moral construction.公德私德问题是当代中国道德建设中学者们颇为关注的问题,近年来我国学界对公德私德问题的研究主要是围绕公德私德内涵及二者关系、公德私德的历史及现实状况和成因以及公德私德建设的未来走向几个方面展开。
3.Lastly, patriotic behaviors should focus on the private morality.陈独秀认为,健全的爱国主义应该具有三个特点:其一是所爱对象为民主之国,值得去爱;其二是爱国方式符合理性,能顺应国家的形势要求;其三是爱国落实在私德之上,完善自我就是爱国。

1.A debate over Liang Qichao s view of the public morality from private morality;“私德外推即为公德”吗?——兼论梁启超的公德私德
2.Public and Private Morality in the Area of Present Civil Morality Construction;论公民道德建设视域中的公德与私德
3.Private and public virtues were at the lowest ebb.公德与私德均在衰落之中。
4.Private Moral Education: Inevitable Content in Modern Moral Education;私德教育:当代道德教育的必然内容
5.On Liu Shipei s reconstruction of modern social morality and personal moralality;刘师培近代“私德”“公德”思想述论
6.Constructing the Cyber Ethics Based on the Relationship between Public Morality and Personal Morality;论从公德和私德出发构建网络社会的道德秩序
7.Moral Tradition of "Valueing Private Morality More Than Social Morality " and its Modern Influence;“重私德轻公德”的道德传统及其现代影响
8.The Connotation of the Private Virtues in Traditional Morals and Its Modern Significance;论传统道德中的私德内涵及其现代意义
9.On Civil Ethic--With Comments on Liang Qichao s Notion of “Private Moral” and “Public Moral”;论公民伦理——兼谈梁启超的“公德”、“私德”问题
10.Liang Qichao s Understanding on the Chinese Traditional "Private Morals";梁启超对中国传统“私德”的批判与继承
11.Liquidation of the Private and the Founding of the Public--the Legalist Mentality towards the Public and the Private;废私立公——法家公私观的道德价值取向
12.Germany, Russia will strengthen anti-nuclear smuggling activities德、俄将加强反核走私行动
13.Using other people for one's own profit is immoral.利用别人来谋取私利是不道德的。
14.Harold asked his boss to stop meddlig in his personal life.海罗德要求老板别再干涉他的私生活。
15.Harold asked his boss stop meddling in his personal life.哈罗德要求老板别再干涉他的私生活。
16.Walter: Who is married to Harold, who ran off with his secretary.华:她嫁给了那个跟秘书私奔的哈罗德。
17.A Comparative Analysis of Constitutional Protection of Privacy Right between America and Germany;美国、德国隐私权宪法保护比较研究
18.On Mandeville s idea of "Private Vices-Public Benefits;对曼德维尔“私恶即公利”观的思考

personal morality私德
1.The personal relationship of Chinese traditional consanguine ethic, disparity of classes and relativism of expedience have been hitherto exerting restriction on modern transition of Chinese people s public life and personal morality.现代公德与私德的分化性、个体人格对公德的自觉承担、以及公德远超出遵纪守法的政治高度的公共关怀精神 ,是公德建设的三个方面。
2.He mercilessly castigated social morality and personal morality of the feudal ethics and exposed the profound historical reasons for it and distinguished their connotations theoretically.他无情鞭挞封建“公德”“私德”之弊端 ,深刻揭露其产生的历史根源 ,从学理上界定了近代“公德”“私德”内涵 ,强调在养成良好“私德”基础上 ,重构以近代“公德”为核心的伦理道德。
3.The universally existing phenomenon of family management on the top level of administration in private enterprises in our country can be traced to the cultural reality of sufficient personal morality and insufficient social morality among the citizens.我国民营企业的高层管理普遍存在着家族化的现象 ,这一现象可以追溯到国人私德有余、公德不足的文化形态。
3)personal character and public character公德与私德
4)social ethics and individual qualities公德和私德
1.Chinese traditional morals are characteristic of the emphasis on the unity of social ethics and individual qualities, the unity of governing with morals and governing with the law, the unity of collectivism and individualism.重视公德和私德的统一、重视德治和法治的统一、重视群体主义和个人事业的统一是中国传统道德的基本特点。
5)personal virtue个人私德
1.On the basis of discriminating and analyzing these conceptions differently,analyzing the similarities and differences between social morality and personal virtue,national morality and lofty character,we can understand and grasp the true connotation,peculiarity of social morality and the train of thought about it s development.学术界主要存有四种关于社会公德概念的代表性说法,在分别对这些概念进行辨析的基础上,通过分析社会公德与个人私德、国民公德和高尚品德等相关概念的区别与联系,有助于加深对社会公德的真正内涵、特性及相关建设思路的理解和把握。
6)private moral education私德教育
1.Therefore, it is high time to take effective measurers to carry out private moral education.人们往往认为私德的发生范围和影响力比公德较小,因此在当前我国道德建设和研究中严重忽视了私德教育。
