道德心理,moral psychology
1)moral psychology道德心理
1.Faced with social reality,their moral psychology is twisted and unbalanced and their moral behaviors are unregulated.在社会现实面前存在着道德心理扭曲失衡,道德行为失范的现
2.Freud s Psycho-analysis theroy at aspects of moral psychology.在道德心理上,儒家与弗洛伊德精神分析理论之间在道德心理的内涵,道德的心理动力作用机制,道德心理对人格的影响等方面均表现了很大差异。
3.The basis of justice moral psychology is the attitude which people react when they themselves or others are treated unfairly.正义的道德心理学基础是由于人们对自身或他人遭受不公待遇下的反应性态度的产物,其本质根源在于道德心理产生的主客体之间的关系交互性、利益相关性、情感共通性。

1.Moral Personality:A New Theme of Moral Psychology道德人格:道德心理学研究的新主题
2.The Research of Student s Moral Mentality and Moral Effective;学生道德心理与德育实效性问题研究
3.Ethnic-psychology-its impact on the study of ethnics and its application;浅谈道德心理学对道德研究及运用的意义
4.On the contribution of Freud s theory of psychoanalysis to moral psychology;论弗洛伊德精神分析理论对道德心理学的贡献
5.Analysis of Contemporary University Students Moral Psychology and Study on Actual Effect of Moral Education;当代大学生道德心理分析与德育实效性研究
6.The Comparative Research on Moral Psychology Between Confucianism and S.Freud s Psycho-analysis Theory;儒家与弗洛伊德的道德心理之简略比较
7.New Vision for Juvenile Internet Moral Education: Internet Moral Mental Education;青少年网络德育新视角:网络道德心理教育
8.Unperturbed Cheating: the psychological Analyses of Examination Cheating of Undergraduates;“坦然”作弊:大学生作弊的道德心理研究
9.Shame Evil Honor Good--The View of Honor and Shame from the Perspective of Ethical Psychology;耻恶荣善——道德心理学视野中的荣辱观
10.Considerations on Moral Psychology in Contemporary Society of Pluralism,Diversity and Multi-changes;多元、多样、多变时代的道德心理学思考
11.The Thought of Psychological Health Implied in “Respecting Truth and Stressing Morality”in Dao De Jing of Laozi;《道德经》“尊道重德”蕴涵的心理健康思想
12.Psychology is not ethics: a defense of ethical theory;心理教育≠道德教育:一种德育学辩护
13.Elicitation of the Taoist Moral Wisdom to the Mental Health Education道家道德智慧对心理健康教育的启示
14.The Psycho-analysis of the Relations Between University Students’ Moral Cultivation and Moral Levels;道德层次与大学生道德养成关系的心理分析
15.The Psychological Factors and Countermeasures of the Police Moral Transgression;警察道德失范的心理因素及治理对策
16.On Liang Shu-ming s Method in Studying Ethics;基于心理事实 探究伦理道德——试论梁漱溟研究伦理道德的方法
17.From Moral Relativism to Core Values; Psychological Considerations about the Reorientation of School Moral Education;从道德相对主义到核心价值观——学校道德教育转向的心理学思考
18.Mental Health and Moral Health: A Discussion on the Value of the Target of Psycho-education;心理健康·道德健康:论心理教育目标的价值地位

moral psychology道德心理学
1.On the contribution of Freud s theory of psychoanalysis to moral psychology;论弗洛伊德精神分析理论对道德心理学的贡献
2.It is the contemporary mission for moral psychology to do some research on how to correctly treat and interpret these conflicts, whether or not find national moral value with consistent and unchangeable characteristics in this age,and how to rationally explore and recognize the scientific rules of constructing mainstream moral value.如何正确看待和解释这些冲突,能否在“三多”时代寻找到“多”中之“一”、“变”中之“不变”的民族道德价值,如何理性地探讨和认识主流道德价值建构的科学规律,是道德心理学研究的时代使命。
3)internet mord mentality网络道德心理
4)research on moral psychology道德心理研究
5)moral psychological bottom line道德心理底限
6)Moral psychology analysis道德心理学分析

《道德和立法原则导论》  19世纪英国哲学家、伦理学家J.边沁的伦理学代表作。该书于 1789年第一次发行。全书共分 17章。书中主要提出了两个"原理":①痛苦和快乐是人们的两个最高主宰,也是决定人们应该做和不应该做的道德标准。作者在书中提出凡能求得快乐的就是善,反之就是恶,求善避恶就是道德。这是所谓的"功利原理"。②评价人们行为的善恶,必须考察、计算苦乐的数量大小、时间长短、确切程度、远近后果和能否增长等因素。只有那些大量的、长时间的、确切的、较近的和能增长的快乐,才是最大的幸福。这就是所谓"最大幸福原理"。该书为资产阶级功利主义伦理思想奠定了理论基础,出版后影响很大,作者也因此而负盛名。