生态本位,ecological standard
1)ecological standard生态本位
1.Carry out breakthrough of basic ideal to environmental criminal law on condition that it regress to its ecological standard.要实现环境刑法基本理念的突破,亟需回归环境刑法应然的生态本位

1.Searching for the Way Solving Ecological Crisis--Ecology Standard Law;寻求解决生态危机之道——生态本位法理念
2.From Capacity-oriented to Ecological Art Education;从“能力本位”走向生态式艺术教育
3.The Cultural Root of Chinese Traditional Officialdom Standard Thought中国传统官本位思想生发的文化生态根源
4.Main woody species niche of secondary forest vegetation communities in the limestone area of Xuzhou City徐州石灰岩次生林主要木本植物生态位
5.The Basic Features of Taoist Outlook of Life and Their Ecological Significance生命本位与自然关怀——道家生命观的基本特征及其生态学意义
6.The Study of the Effect of Social Capital on Enterprise s Network Niche;社会资本对技术创新网络企业生态位的影响
7.Basic Orientation and Superiority of Ecological Kindergarten Regional Activity;生态式幼儿园区域活动的基本定位及其超越性
8.Reconstructing Eco-ethics of Environmental Anthropocentrism Based on Categorical Standard;重建类本位的环境人类中心主义生态伦理学
9.On Scientific Basis of Ecological Ontology and Its Theoretical Framework;论以生态为本位的科学依据与理论框架
10.Biomass and Niche Characteristics of Understory Herb Layers in Three Types in the Eastern Mountain Area of Liaoning Province辽东山区3种林型林下草本层生物量及生态位特征
11.Ecoposition and Features of the Ecoposition of Regional Economic Organizations;生态位及区域经济组织生态位的特点
12.The essence of ecotourism should be defined in great harmony between people and the nature as a whole.应在人与自然整体和谐的关系中定位生态旅游的本质。
13.Nature Principle and Anthropocentrism: the Duality of Ecological Restoration and its Effect;自然本位与人类中心:生态恢复的二重性及其效应
14.The Essence of Niche Theory and Its Application of Retailing Company in China;生态位理论的本质及其在我国零售企业应用的战略意义
15.Niche characteristics of dominant herbage populations in Quercus aquifoliodes Shrub Community in Balangshan mountain in Wolong Nature Reserve卧龙巴朗山川滇高山栎主要草本植物种群生态位特征
16.Niche characteristic of herbages in artificial sand-fixing communities in Horqin sandy land科尔沁沙地人工固沙群落草本植物种群生态位特征
17.The Study of Connotation,Prominent Problem and Countermeasure to Enterprise Niche Optimization企业生态位优化的基本内涵、突出问题与对策思路研究
18.Ecological Suitability Evaluation of Town-territory Cultivated Land Based on Eco-niche Model基于生态位模型乡域尺度耕地生态适宜性评价——以辽宁省本溪市南芬区为例

ecology standard生态本位
1.The paper proposes the ecology standard law philosophy from the aspect of ecology-ethic,based on the analysis of the traditional law leading to ecological crisis,in order to direct the value orientation of legislation.文章从分析导致生态危机的传统法学的缺陷入手,提出从生态伦理的角度来建构生态本位的法律理念,以此来指导环境立法的价值取向,并尝试提出相关立法建议。
3)the "society-ecology" standard"社会-生态"本位
4)eco-developing legal idea生态发展本位
5)functioning unit of ecosystem生态系统功能基本单位
