道德重建,Moral reconstruction
1)Moral reconstruction道德重建
1.So,the institution ethics is beforehand basic engineer in turning the course of moral reconstruction and moral irregulation.由此决定了制度伦理在扭转“道德失范”、社会道德重建过程中是必须先行的基础性工程。
2.This paper proves the necessity of the media ethics in three aspects: the social ethics roles of the mass media,the requirements of the moral reconstruction in the social reforming time,and the transformation owing to the media ethics flaw.从大众传媒的社会伦理角色、社会转型时期道德重建的吁求以及传媒伦理缺失所引发的改造需要这三个方面都可证明传媒伦理的必要性。

1.Subvert and Construct Again--The City Talked about in Chandler s Novel Criticizes and Rebuilds with the Morals;钱德勒小说中的城市批评和道德重建
2.Ethical Disciplining by Others:The Social and Political Prerequisite to Rebuild my Morals;道德他律:我的道德重建的社会政治前提
3.Global Moral Crisis and the Reconstruction of Morality--An Analysis of Maclntyle s Moral Philosophy;全球性道德危机与道德重建——麦金泰尔道德哲学意蕴
4.Network ethics: an important content of establishing the morals of college students;网络道德:大学生道德建设的重要内容
5.Codifying Morals-An Important Way of Cultivating Morals at Present;道德法律化:当前道德建设的重要途径
6.RE-BUILDING IN THE MORAL VALUE IDEA--From Hume to Kant;道德价值理念的重建——从休谟到康德
7.Moral Building Should Focus on the Morality of Social Productivity;道德建设重在塑造社会生产力的德性
8.Social Ethics: the Core of the Construction of Social Mondi ty;社会公德:公民道德建设的重要“着力点”
9.The Problem of Moral Relativism and the Reconstruction of Common Moral;道德相对主义的困境及道德共识的重建
10.Construction of moral of science and technology from re-explaining moral relation;从道德关系重释角度研究科技道德建设
11.Moral forceful:the Important Pathway of Social Moral Establishment In Changed Period;道德法律化:转型时期社会道德建设的重要途径
12.Causes Of Chinese Moral Decline And Its Moral Reconstruction;论中国道德滑坡的原因和道德中国的重建
13.Paying Attention to Ethical Recognization and Making Efforts to Practice;重视道德认知 力行道德实践——从新时期领导者道德修养建设谈起
14.The important role of teacher s virtue construction in Chinese citizen moral construction;师德建设在公民道德建设中的重要作用
15.Moral Lacking and Ethical Rebuilding of False Medical Information;虚假医疗信息的道德缺失与伦理重建
16.Brief Analysis in the Harmonious Society the Citizen Moral Reconstruction Key Point;简析和谐社会中公民道德建设的重点
17.Rebuilding Family Ethical Morality in the System of Marketing Economy;市场经济体制下家庭伦理道德的重建
18.Morality is Needed in Order to Establish A Society in Harmony;“构建和谐社会”需重树“道德权威”

morality reconstruction道德重建
1.Singapore owes its great success as a developed country to its successful morality reconstruction.中国与新加坡具有相同的中华文化传统,在现代化的发展过程中又都出现了道德滑坡,因而学习新加坡道德重建运动的成功经验对于我们加强和改进道德建设显得尤为必要。
3)the personality and the morals reconstruction人格和道德重建
4)moral reconstructions道德理想重建
1.On the functions and expressions of literature in the moral reconstructions;文学艺术在道德理想重建中的作用及其表现方式
5)global moral reconstruction全球道德重建
1.The author holds that to meet the challenge of globalization,the human society has to explore the issue of global moral reconstruction.面对全球化挑战 ,人类社会需要共同探索全球道德重建问题。
6)rebuild moral concepts重建道德规范

《关于维护、保持及重建和平公约》《关于维护、保持及重建和平公约》Convention for the Maintenance,Preservation and Reestablishment of Peace  Guanyu Weihu Baochi 11 Chong)ianHePing Gongyue《关于维护、保持及重建和平公约》(Conventionfor theM山i儿tenance,Preservationand Reestablishment ofpeace)全称《美洲国家间维护和平会议所通过的关于维护、保持以及重建和平公约》。美国等2]个美洲国家于1936年12月23日在阿根廷首都布宜诺斯艾利斯签订,次年8月25日生效,无限期有效。公约有5条正文,主要内容是:一旦美洲大陆受到威胁,各国政府将通过共同协商以制定维持和平的方法;在美洲国家间发生战争或事实上处于战争状态的情况下,各国应立即相互协商,以便交换意见,寻求和平协作的方法;在美洲以外的国际战争可能威胁美洲各国和平时,亦应举行此种协商,以确定为确保美洲和平而采取联合行动的时间和方式。公约的签署是美国政府推行“睦邻政策”的结果,反映了美洲国家反对法西斯扩张、保卫其主权与独立及维护和平的愿望。 (王承)